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  1. Yeah, I eventually figured that out on my own after a couple painful hours of troubleshooting, lol (install takes forever to boot up with all the mods I have). I'm not really sure what in the .cfg is conflicting/causing it to happen, very weird. I do have 200+ mods installed, though. So I can't really expect smooth sailing. EDIT: Here's the modlist, if you're interested. Maybe it's an easy spot if you're aware of any compatibility issues off the bat. https://pastebin.com/nAXm9LH4
  2. Yeah, those were my initial thoughts. It's just a bit of a shame because a lot of the stockalike mods I use tend to break or have janky behavior with RF, so the stock LF/Monoprop etc is usually more stable. Thanks though!
  3. I'm having a problem when the Companion module is enabled. It somehow breaks proc fuel tanks completely, and they hold no fuel or resources other than the ones added by the mod.
  4. Is there any way to make this work with SMURFF properly, or have its values override this one's? I use a rescaled system and the mass fractions of the fuel tanks get awful with this installed.
  5. Uh, so is it normal that the plumes don't change according to size? I have Waterfall installed and I can always edit them, but it's a pain to have to do it each single time I launch a vehicle with these engines.
  6. It only seems to happen on fairings of a certain size. I've been testing this every once in a while when I try and get it to work, and I guess at a certain size threshold the joints just break. The weight/structural integrity doesn't seem to matter.
  7. I can confirm that it is not KJR. I tried removing it today (after the issue started happening in some crafts even while disabling auto-strut) and it still happens.
  8. Hey, I figured this might be the best place to post this. I've had an issue which has been driving me insane recently. I'm running a decently chunky modded install. Literally every booster that has any significant thrust (especially procedural ones) like the Clydesdale for example, slowly overheat the ENTIRE craft well into the point of overheat failure for most parts (over 1000K!!!), if they run for long enough. It's so bizarre, as if their heating simply just gets directly transferred into the entire craft at once, over time. But at a ridiculous rate, making launches with any large SRBs, even stock ones, impossible. It happens both when they're radially attached, or anywhere at all on the craft. They could be on a 50m long ship and still overheat the entire craft at once until it blows up. I've sifted through the game and mod files some to try and find any clues, if any mod could change heating in a way to cause this, to no avail. At first I thought it was just Procedural Parts with their SRBs in particular, but then I tried out others and the same issue happened. Any ideas or help would be super appreciated! Edit: Now that I think of it, I should've probably posted on the Modded Installs Technical Support section.
  9. Why do procedural SRBs just overheat and explode after a certain size? I have a 2.5m diameter booster that simply just transfers all its heat into the radial decoupler it's attached to, and eventually cooks it. Even if it didn't though, eventually it'd reach failure temps on its own anyway. I even tried changing the configs to reduce their proc generated heat and there was 0 difference. Edit with just a booster as example. Not long after this it blew up due to overheating.
  10. Amazing mod! I checked out the planets for a while and they're all super high quality, zero complaints from me. However, I noticed that Kcalbeloh is apparently compatible.. but I wasn't able to get it working, even after following the instructions. The game just hangs on an infinite spinning loading screeen on the bottom right, before getting to the main menu. Without this, it loads just fine. And without Kcalbeloh, it also works fine.. so.. yeah. Unless I'm missing something here. I'm also using the patch for the volumetric clouds on that, if that matters. And using Rescale 5.4x (though rescale works fine with this).
  11. Probably the version you just mentioned. I remember updating it yesterday or something, and I also remember not having this problem previously, so.. would make the most sense.
  12. I'm having the same exact problem. But with any fairing at all, one side simply just immediately "fails" on launch and eventually falls off, usually destroying the rocket somewhere during the ascent. Increasing the rigidity of the fairings makes no difference. Auto strut makes no difference, hell ,even manually strutting the fairings makes no difference. This started happening out of nowhere during my career save. Update: disabling auto strut on the fairing base seems to have fixed it, as per what themaster401 said. Thanks!
  13. Yeah, I can see "experiments" there, but not the actual report of the science experiment itself. Describing the situation and such with flair (i.e about space having no atmosphere from the barometer for example). Or am I being dumb and missing some button somewhere in there?
  14. Is there even a way to look at "science reports" anymore with this mod enabled? I miss reading them and couldn't figure out a way, other than before they're transmitted and through the logs (though it gets cluttered there REAL fast, so it becomes impossible as well).
  15. Hey, I have this weird problem when the mod is enabled (alongside Rescale 3.5x) where selecting buildings in the space center is extremely offset from where the cursor actually is located. Not really sure how to get around it, I tried seeing if the resolution/windowed mode would help, but to no avail. Any ideas? Maybe it's some known issue? Or is it just a mod conflict? https://imgur.com/PcDbjLW (image of the problem)
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