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Everything posted by KawaiiLucy

  1. Have you looked at the volume restrictions of your cargo container? If a part is too big, it can't be stowed in that container, a bigger one would be your solution here.
  2. I had Kopernicus installed, but then again, when using the (almost) same modcombo in 1.10.1 there were no issues.
  3. While the download is going on, what's the best mods to be able to go to these stars? The Alcubierre Drive from USI seems to be the go-to but is there any other?
  4. Tested it in 1.11, there seems to be some bugs happening. (tested with ReStock and DMagicScienceAnimate) First, the thermometer isn't detected at all as an available science experiment, but is getting collected when pressing the corresponding button. The mystery goo doesn't run its animation and can't be restored by a scientist after hitting "collect all", despite him being 5 star. Steps to reproduce: hit run mystery goo -> collect all -> no restore option available.
  5. Is there a way to stop researchbodies interfereing with other saves you have? i.e if I start a career with only the mun shown, but then load up a sandbox game and cheat my orbit to jool, and then go back to my career save, every planet is now discovered.
  6. Well that sucks, but thank you for your time anyway, really looking forward to the next update!
  7. Yes. https://imgur.com/tmJ8nxI With this in my gamedata Folder: https://imgur.com/1HSLDtq
  8. I am using the 1.11 beta of R-T-B's Bleeding Edge Kopernicus, the official release is still in 1.9.1. So this is an issue related to Kopernicus only?
  9. I am getting this error: https://imgur.com/wLe6Qcyhttps://imgur.com/wLe6Qcyhttps://imgur.com/wLe6Qcyhttps://imgur.com/wLe6Qcyhttps://imgur.com/wLe6Qcy
  10. I have the output log here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VE2-Cdm2aBUDsV4NNwbPMQ0vlGjXdxMM/view?usp=sharing For clarification, the only mods I had installed were Kopernicus BE, OPM and Firespitter. The combo worked in 1.10.1, but somehow conflicts in 1.11. I'll gladly offer more help. Edit: I haven't checked the debug menu, trying right now
  11. All the buttons on the main loading screen (with kerbin and the three Kerbals in the background) don't work, if I click on them nothing happens. However If I load saves with Kopernicus only or USI only it works.
  12. I've encountered a conflict while trying to load USI [1.8] with Kopernicus in KSP 1.11: The FireSpitter Core seems to make the main menu buttons unresponsive. I've signaled it to the Kopernicus Devs already, but is there a fix in the next update?
  13. I spent some time troubleshooting this, and identified the "Firespitter" mod (core version bundled with Umbra Space Industries) as the culprit to cause this bug. RoverDude announced an update to USI on Sunday, maybe that'll fix it; as I am no coder I can't look into what exactly is the origin. I've tested it with following mods only: -Squad and SquadExpansion -Kopernicus 1.11 and Modularflightmanager -OPM + OPMVO (although not working without eve) + OPMTilt -FireSpitter ("faulty") output_log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VE2-Cdm2aBUDsV4NNwbPMQ0vlGjXdxMM/view?usp=sharing
  14. https://www.kerbaltek.com/ribbons
  15. Kopernicus 1.11 or ModularflightIntegrator make the Main Menu buttons unresponsive, or maybe there is a mod conlifct in my too large modlist. Tested with and without kopernicus in gamedata folder, buttons are functioning with the latter. Edit: I forgot to mention that it messes with Flags too, only a white square is in the place of flags, in Vab and on parts. output_log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_xGV75w1t-ZDaDr3K86Q72nMq44XP4GS/view?usp=sharing
  16. Hell yeah! Pls make us able to rotate the small eva lamp in the vertical too...
  17. Not using any mods will yield the best performance in KSP afaik. You can tune your settings tho to set them to minimal, therefore reduicng the amount of power needed.
  18. Not playing a mod because of it's name ... no words but: don't judge a book by its cover, but by its content?
  19. For low orbits it probably doesn't change much in dv used, however it is usually recommended to do Hohmann-transfers. Basically circularize at 70-75km in LKO and then raise apoapsis to 320km and finish circularizing . That would theoretically be the most efficient way to reach your orbit. Of course it depends whether you use a satellite without a comnet (yet) and only relay on sparse groundstations, I'd recommend burning enough so that your apoapsis is over the next groundstation and you won't be out of control of your probe.
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