Hi all, first post here.
I installed KSB version 1.7.3 and all was well. Got updated to 1.8.0 and it was ok. Got updated to 1.8.1 and all was well again. The only mods were EVE, Scatterer, and Mechjeb2. No crashes, bugs, or glitches occurred.
Yesterday I took a tourist to the Mun and back, did some test flying, and picked up another mission. I was in the VAB choosing which ship to take when I had to quit the game. When I came back I found that the last mission was incomplete! Checking showed we were sitting on the Mun and all progress after that was gone. So I completed it again. When returning the clouds around Kerbin had turned black and some of the land textures were blank. Wonderfull. More searching found the menu where one chooses which Kerbals go on a mission is locked. The last mission I picked up but not done was listed as active but that tourist is not on the crew roster. So I declined that one hoping it would reset the roster, but it did not.
So, I saved the save folder and deleted KSP on Steam and then from the Steam folder. Reinstalled, put the save folder back in, and reinstalled Mechjeb2 and Scatterer. No EVE as the clouds were still corrupted and it was deleted again by CKAN. The game runs fine but there is no longer any notice when I quit that the game will be saved, and the crew roster is still locked.
Is there any way to save this situation?
EDIT: There seems to be a problem with this crew. He was picked up when rescued from the Mun. Hmm, there seems to be a problem uploading the screenie from Steam. It shows that crew as the only one and filling up the "available"slots.
EDIT2: It seems it was that one Kerbal I rescued from the Mun. After dismissing him the crew roster has returned to normal and everything else seems to be working ok again. Still no warning about saving the game when exiting tho.