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Apollo 13

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    Against all odds

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  1. Okay, I isolated only rational resources and the kerbalism mods, there must be some conflicting issue with kerbalism, the atmosperic harvesters for kerbalism don't seem to be compatible LqdO2, LqdCO2 and Lqdnitrogen in the CRP atmosphere config files in RR. For instance, the Atm_Terra file has LqdOxygen and the kerbalism harvesters requires just Oxygen.
  2. I have an issue were all the atmospheric resources like oxygen, CO2, ammonia and nitrogen are liquid and can't extract them with any air scoops or filters
  3. Newer question, will there be compatibility for far future technologies?
  4. I found out the issue was a succession mod of the wildblue buffalo mod named buffalo two. it was causing a duped files with simplex resources I don't how but when I removed that mod it fixed itself. sorry for the trouble.
  5. I don't really know how to upload .txt files on here. Do you have a discord?
  6. But what about the other mods that use the Community Resource Pack?
  7. I installed simplex recourses but now I'm getting a B9partswitch error which is saying "no tank type named 'LH20Cryo' exists" along with LH2 saying the same thing
  8. Im getting some buggy parts, The tiny ISRU and the chemical plant don't have converters options as well as limited air storage parts should it be compatible with storage containers? I can send gamedata if necessary.
  9. I keep getting a problem in which kopernicus doesn't load in the planets. I checked the logs and is "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" seems to be popping up every time a planets tries to load. Update: did some more digging and found this error [LOG 19:16:45]: [Kopernicus]: Configuration.Loader: Failed to load Body: KcalbelohSystem/Ahtpan: Missing non-optional field: ParallaxOptimized.Subdivide.subdivisionRadius
  10. It would be cool if you added the wormhole from the singularity. It looks cool but I don't know coding so I don't know if that would be to difficult.
  11. This is such a cool mod! Although I do get a weird audio bug, when I zoom close to a craft the mechanical noise from wheels and the scanner arms only come from the left headphone but when I zoom out it moves to the right. Is it just me?
  12. This is one of the coolest planet packs I have ever seen. Even if its an alpha its stunning, keep it up.
  13. I did try to edit the config file to add the wind turbines in the planet side mod But it only ruined it all together since it seems the power generation with the turbines are very different to the reactors in Near Future mods. I could send the config file but I should probably ask the author first.
  14. Is there a way to add other electric charge producers if they don't show up in the UI
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