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Everything posted by Stamp20

  1. Part 13: Laythe and Another Space Home Today's update starts with a brief test of a helicopter to be used on Eve. Enough with the future, why not focus on something happening now? Laythe Expedition 1 has arrived. Because of tight DeltaV margins, the decision was made to aerobrake at Laythe to save fuel. In preparation for interplanetary missions, the first of several Deep Space Relays (DSRs) were launched. The design is a modified SCANsat which removes the scanning equipment in favor of more antennas. With new base building parts and the installation of Extraplanetary Launchpads, the decision was made to build a space base. The destination? The Mun. Future plans exist for using MSB The Engineer (because trust me, I'm an engineer!) as a new primary launchsite for craft because of its lower gravity making it much easier to launch craft, and the limitless ore from the Mun meaning it doesn't cost the space center a single Kerbuck to launch crafts.
  2. Thanks for the answers. I'll try the brute-force method with the base folded up using BG, then unfold and dock the base on the surface.
  3. Any idea on how I can launch this base to The Mun?
  4. If you have Breaking Ground, you can put the docking port on a piston, and use the rotate and offset tools to put it intentionally too low. Then, you can use the piston to fine-tune the height.
  5. I've already had several successful Bop missions. It's really easy in the planet pack I'm using. TUBM wants their Tylo mission to succeed.
  6. I think Forgotten Space Program started it.
  7. Thanks! I'll keep doing more. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 12: The SCANsat Army and Another Expedition The previous Minmus mission unlocked a lot of tech, including all of the SCANsat parts. The SCANsat agency saw an opportunity to scan some moons. All Mortimer saw was money. While the above SCANsat launches were happening, the ASC's eyes were turned towards Laythe. Specifically, landing there and returning. The actual mission itself was cleared for launch. Jebediah and new scientist Jeswell are on the mission. Launching contract sats, a great way to pass time. Next time, LEx1 will land, and another ContractSat will launch. Some transfer windows to Tylo and Eve were coming up in a few Rotes, so ASC management was looking at potential interplanetary explorers in the future.
  8. Part 11: Minmus Expedition 1 No, I haven't abandoned this mission report just yet. This mission will be very similar to Mun Expedition 1, but better. Similar to it, the lander was launched separately. Once the lander was in orbit, the crew launched. Valentina and Haruki, as well as two tourists, were in the rocket. The combined craft drifted off to- RING RING RING! Back to MiEx1 Welcome to Minmus! Population: You and one probe. The lander had a ton of fuel left, so they decided to biome hop before returning to the tourists.
  9. Banned for trying to ban multiple people.
  10. 5213: The Doodling Astronaut steals back his Pringles and leaves.
  11. Perfectly generic object pyramid is assembled into a hammer, and is then used to destroy Dres.
  12. Part 10: Station Shenanigans First, what's a station without a crew? To solve this? the STV(Station Transport Vehicle) was created. Valentina and Herzon Kerman were selected to crew the station. Next up is- *RING RING RING* MEx1's alarm is going off! That rude interruption did get one good thing - better command pods. The STV instantly became obsolete and was replaced by the STVB(B representing the second generation). The station wasn't complete in one launch, though. An airlock and docking node were launched shortly after, in the spirit of doing things really quickly at the ASC. Another Kerbal has been stranded in space! Duna Ore, the primary contractor for Risk, wanted the station's crew rotated, even though they had spent barely any time there. A craft filled with several parts for the station, including new docking ports to replace the Jr. size ports, was launched. Admin Kerman went on EVA from the airlock to install the new parts. Next up, Minmus Expedition 1 will be launched to get a lot of science from the tiny red rock orbiting near Jool.
  13. All docking mode really does is allow you to use WASDQE for translation instead or rotation. If you're good with the normal translation keys, it's unnecessary. The square with the orange crosshair is the pitch/yaw/roll bars in the staging screen, but for translation instead.
  14. Station shenanigans, featuring some tourists.
  15. 5208: You find a floor that has nothing but fresh chocolate bars.
  16. The KAL-1000 controller can be used to create sequences with robotic parts, assuming you have Breaking Ground. It probably works differently if you're using IR. Step-by-step guide: 1. Place a controller and some robotic parts on your craft. 2. Go to the Actions menu and select the controller on the left side. 3. Click the robotic part on your craft and select Target Angle on the left. 4. Repeat Step 3 until all robotic parts you want are in the KAL's control. 5. Open the KAL's UI and set up how you want the hinges to move. 6. (optional) Assign "Play Sequence" for the KAl to an action group. If done right, when the controller is played, the sequence will play out.
  17. Press ` to go back to your craft. Edit: Tab to switch between objects.
  18. Part 9: Space Home This update will be longer than normal, as I've been falling behind. You wish has been granted. Pol Explorer 1 is launching right now. While MEx1 and PE1 are waiting for nodes, the contract satellite industry is booming. All the space program can do now is wait. To distract everyone from the extreme boredom, Bop Expedition 1 was launched. The plan is that Bop landings become a normal way to train crew members. Bill and Natabin Kerman are on this mission. All in all, the mission was a success, and killed enough time for CS4 to reach Laythe. Another contract slip-up, this time a contract for science data from the surface was accepted. Unlike last time, this time Gene thought they already had a surface probe. As a result, they improvised. There was now enough science to unlock the Mobile Processing lab, among a lot of other parts. With this, a space station started construction. Next time, MEx1 and PE1 will execute their maneuvers, and the first crew will be launched to Risk.
  19. Lazard tripped while walking to the fridge. Gusbree Kerman - challenging Jeb to a race.
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