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Everything posted by Stamp20

  1. I replaced the music with Stellaris music using Soundtrack Editor.
  2. You can edit the input and output items and rates by editing the profile. In GameData\KerbalismConfig\Profiles you can edit the Default.cfg profile or create a new one, then edit the values for how much it produces and consumes. For example, water electrolysis looks like this: Process { name = water electrolysis title = #KERBALISM_Process_WaterElectrolysis modifier = _WaterElectrolysis input = ElectricCharge@1.4026694940 input = Water@0.0008043014 output = Hydrogen@1.0011122892 output = Oxygen@0.5065967413 dump_valve = Hydrogen,Oxygen } I haven't tested it, but you should be able to double the input and output values to make it work twice as fast.
  3. The cfg for Eve's rings are still in the files but saved as a txt file instead of a cfg. Go to GameData\AlternisKerbolRekerjiggered\ModCompatibility\EVE_Clouds and save KopernicusPatch.txt as KopernicusPatch.cfg and the rings will show up in-game.
  4. I'm not sure about crush depths since I don't play with pressure limits on, but for maps of ocean depth you can use the SCANsat mod to create an altitude map including ocean depth using a satellite.
  5. The GPU is probably the limiting factor, it's not well suited for gaming. The CPU and RAM should be fine, but if you want to run KSP (or any game), you need a good GPU.
  6. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/206198-112x-tutorial-fixes/
  7. Check your GameData folder for SquadExpansion. If it isn't there, verify integrity of game files.
  8. The rules only say there has to be a Kerbal present, not that it has to be the same one every time.
  9. Try verifying game files if you're on Steam. That should replace any missing parts. If that doesn't work, uninstall the game and delete everything from the Kerbal Space Program folder in your Steam library (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program unless your library is on a different drive), then reinstall.
  10. I don't see any problems. On all 3 launches you were going around 81m/s at 300m, so there is no difference. Your TWR is the same in all of the launches, it's visible in the Kerbal Engineer window right of the altimeter. The only thing that could be making it different is lag during the first launch making it slower.
  11. The config files for kerbals lists the crash tolerance as 50, which I'm guessing means 50 m/s.
  12. I've had this same issue and it's really been bothering me. The worst part is that the glitch is really inconsistent, it's a mod issue as it doesn't happen in my 100% stock install but in most of my old screenshots the glitch doesn't happen. Stock vs modded install: Mod list: Some older screenshots showing how inconsistent it is:
  13. You should try Beyond Home, plenty of variety and full Kerbalism support.
  14. KIS is completely separate from stock EVA construction, and its mass limit is 1 ton per kerbal. You can install Kerbal Inventory for All which makes every part valid for EVA construction, then use the debug menu to disable the mass limit under the Kerbals category.
  15. Make sure all the wheels are turning the same way, you can reverse the motors on them. Seems like you already did this based on the edit. Additionally, ensure the probe core on the craft is placed in a way that the control point is forward, as in the navball should be half blue and half orange.
  16. Ground clamps don't exist in stock 1.8.1. Kerbal Attachment System has a ground anchor similar to the one in 1.12, but in my experience it can clip into the terrain and explode sometimes.
  17. That depends on how the base is made. If the bottom of the base is wide it will be much more stable than if it is tall and narrow.
  18. You can put grip pads on the bottom if you have Breaking Ground, they have very high traction so it should slide around less.
  19. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2662942286 This guide shows you where to find the engine.
  20. You can use Breaking Ground robotics to add a robotic arm to the base that can dock to the plane, or install Kerbal Attachment System and use the RTS-01 resource transfer pipe to move fuel to the plane without docking.
  21. @king of nowhere Congratulations on your third Kerbalism grand tour! I've been following the mission report for a while, and it was an incredible journey. You should try Alternis Kerbol mainly for Tylo, its gravity is increased to 4g and it has a very short but thick atmosphere.
  22. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2662942286 KSP 1.12.2 revamped the Swivel engine and hid the old one. By going into the advanced sort menus, you can find the old engine. The link goes to a guide with pictures that shows where to find it.
  23. Research Kits are a resource, like fuel. There should be an option to change the storage for those parts, then you can change it to hold research kits.
  24. Parts like the Coach modules and the 1.25m to 1.875m adapter can store Research Kits inside.
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