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Random Annoying Guy

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Everything posted by Random Annoying Guy

  1. Maybe it was too close too the edge? I had a issue of hg-5 getting ripped off behind a stock heatshield, it was clipped into it.
  2. Just make the fairings able to clip through parts and a key to end an unfinished fairing.
  3. I can't configure parachutes, so the return pods always smash into surface. I can't build small gliders, so they always smash into surface too.
  4. @Beale Ok I see, the pull is broken, this is just the fixed files to put in the mod folder. http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=85692530473693399042
  5. @Beale I managed to get Github to work, please merge my pull request i fixed some bugs for you.
  6. I don't even know the logic behind demanding a license for a mod Stock whatnot Tweaks to stock parts It just adds additional bother to people Tantares Whatnot Fixes and tweaks to Tantares Mainstrream parts are now in all colors Nobody reads it anyway https://spacedock.info/profile/RAG License MIT (I don't know why would I need this)
  7. @Beale Bug compilation (easiest to hardest I think) - With the addition of thin Soyuz docking ports Mir docking ports are redundant - Star tracker/Earth sensor part should be in the "Command and Control" category - "themename = tantares_grenn" prevents soyuz parts from being affected by Tantares Green theme - Soyuz variant colors in the variant select box do not match - Poisk hull shows #LOC_ instead of text - Soyuz pod, Soyuz engines, Poisk adapters, Soyuz adapters, Soyuz decoupler, Soyuz heat shield, Soyuz orbital modules and Soyz parachute lack proper descriptions - Variants of parts with updated endcaps dont work - Soyuz LES lacks a bottom - Thin APAS has the piston things clipping into the base
  8. @Beale You have this in soyuz configs themeName = tantares_grenn And for some reason the basic soyuz rcs has variants even though they do nothing
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