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  1. Hi ! --> @MythicalHeFF did a totally aquatic circumnavigation of Eve, if I remember correctly. (see just 1 or 2 pages before the link below) Edit : My memory isn't good, he passed over strips of land, so it wasn't all water. (page 7) If you look at the details of my circumnavigation of Eve, you'll see that it's possible to pass under the South Pole while floating on the Explodium Sea without using a glitch. I'm not sure if this will help you, but there was no problem with the propellers, even underground. /--/--/--/--/--/ Haven't posted anything here for a while, but I haven't given up on my ‘one launch, all biomes, all circumnavigations’ saga: the craft is up and running and I'm taking my time, with breaks that can last for months. I'm currently at the end of Laythe's circumnavigation, having completed Kerbin, Minmus, Mun, Duna and Ike, and got 71 biomes so far, or about 48% of the total. /--/--/--/--/--/ In the meantime I've also circumnavigated Kerbin in 5h34 IGT (new world record ^^ sorry MythicalHeff) and lots of other things: KSP is the best game.
  2. A magical game, an epic adventure, an unforgettable journey! Thank you for all your stories, images and shared emotions! KSP has also filled my life with new substance and deep nostalgia. All these last lines have made me realise that this is a feeling shared by many players. Thank you so much!
  3. If you hold down the brake shortcut ("B" by default I think) it cuts the rotor immediately. You can also use a kal1000 to reduce the angle of the blades : if it's well adjusted, braking is even more important than cutting the rotor with "B". I always use royalty-free music from the Youtube library. This one is called "Six seasons" by the artist "Unicorn Heads".
  4. Horizontally placed elevons are at the limit of the rules for this challenge as are all surfaces that generate substantial lift --> it gives an upward thrust in case of a jump, which is forbidden (if there is an atmosphere of course) --> But I don't think it's specifically forbidden to have these parts, never asked @18Watt about this. (maybe there are already crafts with lift-generating parts in the leaderboards) I tried several configurations with hinges to go on water, but never had a very satisfying craft --> 70+m/s is already more than enough to circumnavigate Kerbin in a short time ! I think it's allowed for science but im not sure about power sources. Everything is allowed for SCIENCE !!
  5. Hello adventurers! Despite a "Grand Master" badge and already at least 400h of play on this challenge, I still love driving rovers in KSP, and also spending hours testing stuff And I discovered Parallax... since then I don't want to launch KSP without it. I'll let you discover the goal of my next 400h mission in this challenge (in video). Mission that I already started 5 days ago, but (this time) I had to be sure of my move at least for the 1st critical step Wish me good luck.
  6. not in 2023 yep but less than a year ago. This thread was on page 5 last May --> @18Watt should be proud to have expanded the list of fans looking for one of the most complete challenge in all KSP !
  7. So the first single rover elcano grand tour is not a first ?? But you're right, minimising this world first will push me to really achieve my next goal.
  8. (you forgot the 1st Elcano Grand Tour with a single rover and the multiple records of JJK, 18watt, Damerell and me) --> I'm close to finishing a craft to push it to the next level... in the next few days it will be ready!
  9. Looking forward to a new "kraken effect", a new kraken easter-egg and being able to put a "krakencraft-village" on the moon. Kraken masters loves krakens !
  10. Hmmmm, forgot to post here the video of my second circumnavigation of Duna a month ago. After a impressive 8h15 IGT around the Mun, here is Duna in less than 9h IGT! To clarify, I am sure I'll do another Mun circumnavigation one day, but never again at this speed on Duna... In my head I had calculated that it was possible to do it in less than 9 hours, so I tried it, but it's one of the least interesting so far: at this speed, it's impossible to do routing, impossible to look at the landscape, you have to be constantly aware of your speed in relation to the jump you're going to make on the next dune. it's really boring and exhausting: I don't recommend it to anyone.
  11. Hi, In the meadows my cruising speed is above 90m/s without taking any risks. If it's really flat, It cap at 160m/s near the KSC and 135m/s at the poles. (Here we are talking about speeds reached with the propellers). For the jumps, the most important thing is the relative vertical speed, but it's hard to give precise values here, it's mostly up to experience. The wheels or the rover are destroyed when the relative vertical speed of the impact exceeds 18-20m/s in general. For my PB at 162+ on tylo, I'm at more than 50m/s of vertical velocity but the slope is very steep, so compared to the ground my relative vertical velocity is not necessarily destructive --> you can see a force of "only" 6.2G maximum on the F3 box after the attempt. These wheels can withstand impacts up to 7G in most cases.
  12. more than 3000meters downhill : it helps a lot I haven't recorded a video on tylo yet, but it's similar to the 85m/s run on eeloo : --> It is not necessarily difficult to reach high speeds: but the rover must remain in one piece...
  13. Hello and Merry Christmas to all the brave circumnavigators! A short video that summarises my last kerbin ground circumnavigation (with a new rover optimised like never before) --> my old graphics card doesn't support the maximum parallax quality and to make matters worse youtube degrades the overall quality... sad And for those who remember, I said I would come back on Tylo to break 150m/s (without propulsion other than wheels and without damage): done, 162.5+, new PB (175 displayed on the F3 info) on the 2nd attempt See you soon, happy end of year celebrations !
  14. My apologies for these errors... You have to tell me when I am wrong! There was a conversion error in my spreadsheet: division by 84600 instead of 86400... I am so stupid, sorry. So here is the updated version for Kerbin : *Estimated times from your screenshots --> if you can get a more accurate value I will update. A recap for the Mun? Yaya : (Sorted here by time and not by date) @18Watt : I know that these "speedruns" are against the spirit of the main challenge, so, if you want I can create a new topic instead of posting here? I don't want it to bother you, and I don't want it to repel newcomers. Just tell me.
  15. We had to find a way! We couldn't stay there forever without being able to drive at night! (Stock) So, once again, here is an "unexpected" rover: Aka "Eyestalk" I love my rovers for this challenge : they are so ugly It had to be tested in the most beautiful way, on my favourite CB : Mun ! oh Yeah ! Circumnavigation : PS : I love the Mun !
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