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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. Ok I think I got the Parameters where they need to be now
  2. you are right the xr is only supposed to weigh Empty Mass 12,000 kg which equals 13.2 tons. Ill see what I can do. I dont know if its the fuel maybe giving it extra weight. Ill look into it EDIT yep its the fuel. working on it now. EDIT 2 I got empty weight down now working on fuel weight and engine thrust using this for reference on page 76 http://www.alteaaerospace.com/downloads/releases/XR-Flight-Operations-Manual.pdf
  3. 380 downloads and thats awsome thank you guys. But there is one issue Id like to address. I need your guys input. After all those downloads nobody told me there was a black square in the center of the HUD. This issue is due to other mods. To fix this issue get the latest RasterPropMonitor download located here https://www.dropbox.com/s/wqhmekylfc310am/RasterPropMonitor-dev.0.23.0.zip?dl=0 The forum thread addressing this issue is here.http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117471-1-0-4-RasterPropMonitor-still-putting-the-A-in-IVA-(v0-22-2-25-August-2015)/page55 You may or may not need the latest ModuleManager located here https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/ I will update the main post to address these issues
  4. Well I dont know. I will need your guys input on these kinds of things. Just remember though scrams are not implemented yet
  5. yes i will be working on the others when this one is done and Yes I used to be a mod a long time ago - - - Updated - - - I will fix it. Its stuff like this that it is a WIP
  6. A Work in progress has been uploaded to kerbal stuff link is in First post of this thread
  7. I am trying to get CKAN setup so you guys can get the needed mods also but it in itself requires some learning. Ill try to get it uploaded tonight after work. If any of you know how to setup CKAN that would help alot
  8. I am working on the deltaglider now so you guys know lol
  9. I really feel a need to apologize to you guys. I feel like im stringing you guys along. Thats not my intentions at all and I thank you guys for your patience. I want to get a test release out for you guys prolly more then you. Real life sometimes gets in the way I haven't forgotten and this will not become an abandoned project like so many others ive come across on this forum. So with that said guys I will make it happen I just dont want to put a actual date on the release because if I dont make the release date then that just pisses people off. But I will get it out to you guys real soon
  10. ok i was in a hurry this morning before work. private should be public now sorry about that
  11. Some progress from last night. Got to goto work
  12. Yeah work has me working long hours. Got called out this past weekend. Only thing i need to do is finish the payload bay. Then ill release a test version for you guys. Ill be working on it tonight.
  13. How would you invision a avionics bay in ksp? What functions would it serve?
  14. Here is a plan "B" lets use the whole cargo bay and give it a airlock at the same time - - - Updated - - - Im trying to give the deltaglider as much function as possible but at same time not getting to far away from the original idea. But I have always wondered why they gave the deltaglider a airlock door in the back of the cockpit but it never lead to anything like a cargo bay or something
  15. So I am at home now. looking at this picture you can see the large container (you have to look close) It takes up every bit of the cargo bay (height and width) that I have been working on. Is this large container overkill? Or do we want to keep the Big cargo bay for versatility because it can carry all the containers?
  16. Ok so we want the ability to use both types of containers correct? I am kinda wondering because this cargo bay is pretty big. Im wondering if I should use a smaller deltaglider 3 type bay for the smaller containers. I am asking for your guys opinions on It. After tomarrow I have a 3 day weekend and I hope to release
  17. ok so if i understand it correctly all I need to do is make the Cargo Bay itself. KIS and KAS have thier own storage containers already. They just need a cargo bay to go in. I dont think I have to do anything to the bay to make it compatible with KAS and KIS just as long as the modules will fit inside correct? Thats my understanding of it anyways. One of them have a big cylindrical storage and the other has the smaller square ones if I aint mistaken
  18. I just checked out KAS and KIS. I agree this needs to be implemented asap. Very cool
  19. Thanks for the info. Ill look into it after work when i get home
  20. another quick update The cargo bay is a separate mesh which I believe doing it this way wont interfere with re-skinning. My first attempt at a sheet metal lined cargo bay. Time for bed
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