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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. Keep an eye out for LMP in dev right now by dagger and lothsahn. Its just getting started in meantime use DMP.
  2. So i was reading on github that LMP will be using Lidgren library. I wasnt sure what this was or what it did So I googled it and it looks like it produces some very nice results in Unity
  3. sounds good following closely. I was on a outside server last night but nobody else was on. Ill try again tonite
  4. sorry it is line 56 not 53 This will allow KSP 1.2.1 to run DMP. I will not be posting any unsupported compiled versions or doing anything in regards to the DMP Git repository. You do this at your own risk. EDIT: I have been getting alot of PM's from people asking me to upload the compiled version to them. I have decided against this. If I were to do this then I would be getting PM's about various DMP errors and what not. Frankly, I dont want the head ache. There are plenty of tutorials on how to compile/build on the KSP forums. I think at this point the best solution is just wait for LunaMultiplayer. This is the route I decided to go
  5. Hell no dark. No need to apologize. You done good son. We should be thanking you and Rocky. Thanks guys
  6. I can volunteer to test! What are you guys doing exactly? I got 2 windows pc's i can put 2 use. EDIT: I just read some of the thread...hell yeah Im in. It just so happens i figured out how to compile DMP last night and then changed line 53 from 0 to a 1 and recompiled. Worked perfect in KSP 1.2.1. I was pretty proud of myself for that But im no coder and I would be more then happy to help anyway i can. I know my way around a computer pretty well...just let me know. you can find me in teamspeak3 at OMP.ddns.net (orbiter multiplayer) most nights voice or text either one anytime from 6pm till midnight CST. EDIT:2 has this been tested for lan play yet?
  7. Its really not worth getting banned for though ya know? Just let it go bro! Its all good. We know.
  8. We feel for you man... I dont blame you for being upset. But only thing I can offer you is to just continue to be patient and wait for the fix! Its not what you want to hear and I know its frustrating as hell....but it is what it is. Sorry man wish I could give you some good news or something.
  9. Cool I got a used car I'd like to sell ya! lol Its in great shape....I promise!
  10. They look at it as "What do I got to loose?" Ive been patient, Ive asked all the right questions, and still nothing. You cant blame them. Im not saying its right...but it is what it is. Squad REALLY needs to address this publicly again......like....yesterday!
  11. Or dont release games that havent been thoroughly tested. Theres an idea!
  12. Yey! Cant wait to see what they dont tell us
  13. Forgive me If this has been mentioned but are there any plans to put Kerbnet into the RasterProp MFD?
  14. My own personal experience was as a forum moderator back in 2011. Anybody remember the shout box on the forums back then? My experience back then was a good one. Till one day I changed careers in my personal life and no longer had the time to moderate at which time I pm'd Harvester to let him know my situation he was very understanding and told me If I ever wanted my position back to just let him know. The communication between the moderators was great and it was a good environment. I learned alot and meet alot of good people. Capt'n Skunky was a really cool guy gave me alot of advice. I think he was actually the first community manager(whatever happened to him?) Anyways I've been watching the progress of KSP through the years. It's been one hell of a fun ride I got ta tell ya. When Harvester left I was like "What?" and it did concern me and after that all this "stuff" started happening with either a very general reply or no replys at all from squad! What happened to the good ole days when squad would just come out with it and be honest with their fans? Why allow for all this speculation and NEGATIVE hype man? And I got to hand it to you moderators because iv'e been there....How do you moderate with one hand tied behind your back? I get it... I really do. It must be frustrating as hell. In regards to Roverdude...You guys need to back off Rover man! He has stated on his Twitch stream numberous times "He loves what he does period!" And it shows every time he streams. What alot of people dont think about is when he is streaming he is doing it on his own personal time making and modding things HE likes that HE wants in the game. And he'll come straight out and tell you he dont take requests he makes what makes him happy and gives him joy...and then turns around and gives us a great free mod. Now does that sound like some money hungry so-called squad puppet? That is just the most uncoolest thing I have ever heard on these forums since 2011. After all he has contributed for free to the community and to the game itself and all the joy and free knowledge (do you guys realize how much this knowledge would cost at a school or college) he has given to people he invites into his home on Twitch. There are kids that use these forums and at the risk of getting banned im ending my rant here! What in the heck has happened to this community? Squad... now would be a good time!
  15. im not! Wheres that multiplayer? The devs (not forum moderators) wont comment on that though. Still waiting!
  16. YEY! This means we are getting multiplayer right? RIGHT?
  17. good as far as adding a tail cone....the rest of time was spent reading and taking notes of 120+ thread pages on orbiter forums. saving pics and whatnot for later refrence
  18. well i got kinda sidetracked. I was testing my modeling skills by attempting to recreate the MK2 version
  19. cool ill check it out when i get off work here in about 3 hours? would you like me to report my findings or are you already aware of them?
  20. thanks for the reply. Looking forward to a test version. Please take your time and thank you for your contribution o7
  21. I can only help but think its all only for the revenue generated and new console users. Im just not feeling the excitement of a KSP on a console. A Console costs what 400 500$? When a PC at walmart for the same or less money that will run KSP throw in a video card plug it into your flat screen TV for a extra 100$. I just dont get it. Why? I not trying to be a troll. I honestly am trying to understand the thinking/reasoning behind KSP on consoles. I was reading the planned features for KSP and where it was talking about porting to cell phones was marked as shelved or red meaning it wasnt planned. To me it would make more sense that if you really wanted to go to a different platform it would be the cell phone. Everybody has one of those these days. I have a console but there is no way, when I have a pc, that I would purchase KSP for a console. I dont know...I just dont understand. 40$ for PS4 version or 40$ for PC version thats mod-able and allows for so much more content. To me it is a no-brainer
  22. i wanted to test this out. Does anybody know if this works in 1.1.3? Is there a certain part that it uses?
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