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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. How bout Vulkan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vulkan_(API)
  2. Im pretty sure this is squads answer to the "Any news on consoles?" question. Instead of getting the answers we get this! They have threatened to do it before in the past. So lets punish everybody instead of doing the right thing. I thought squad wanted input from the community especially on the parts revamp revamp revamp? Guess not!
  3. Well in the beginning of KSP there was a little more than volunteer nerd-wrangling going on. There was hosting issues,testing and all the stuff that goes with getting the ball rolling on a game that was becoming popular and trying to keep up with user demand and the stuff that you know goes on behind the scenes. Lets just say ALOT of pm's outside of forums. But yeah thats fine was just curious.
  4. wow! i was not talking about a status just a name tag. i feel like a veteran that just went to the VA and was told "You are no longer relevant"
  5. You guys should make another group like Moderator retired type name tag. For those who have served and are still active
  6. @Snark so is aLeXmOrA still with squad in any capacity?
  7. who is the head admin these days? i know it used to be aLeXmOrA
  8. Yep thats right! Mr Felipe "HarvesteR" Falanghe with his own dev shop and game! Check it out here: https://www.balsamodelsim.com/
  9. im at work and there is one person that is pushing my buttons...all i can think of is WALK!
  10. They need to get away from unity and make their own game engine. Game engines such as unity are slow to take advantage of latest hardware technology and usually results in limitations that otherwise would not have been limiting. Every dev i have talked to that has experience with KSP and its coding have complained about Unitys limitations as well as the KSP code itself. It is a nightmare of workarounds and hacks. If this hypothetical KSP 2.0 were to happen i would like to see a multiplayer game mode with a voxel terrain (mining) on the PQS of all planets as well as some good quality modding tools and API to fit the custom game engine. It would be a major undertaking only squad/T2 knows the answer to. Who knows they may be making one behind the scenes now. (hey i can dream can't I?)
  11. enhanced IVA possibly redo ksp in UE4 engine with survival,crafting,multiplayer. (if i can make a survival game with no coding skills using multiplayer templates with voxel terrain and getting ideas from youtube then i know a group of coders could easily do it. Procedural Quad tree spheres and procedural terrains ARE do-able in UE4)
  12. read the wiki people read the wiki! It is your friend. Its free and doesn't cost you nothing but a little time. Test things out. Try different things. See what works and what does not work. Trial and error,experiment with it, and in doing so you will learn alot! https://github.com/LunaMultiplayer/LunaMultiplayer/wiki .-.. -- .--. / .. ... / .. -. / -... . - .- .-.-.- / - .... .. ... / -- . .- -. ... / .. - / .. ... / -. --- - / ..-. .. -. .. ... .... . -.. / -.-- . -
  13. I for one would love to see this implemented. IMO a meaningful update i think everybody would enjoy. I dont think it would be to hard to implement actually. Another unity layer possibly? If you look at this harvester (ksp creator) was explaining how they made internal IVA. So really this could be done it would just be a matter of colliders i think and maybe applying some kind of "Zero gravity" physics to the kerbal mesh with a camera as a child of mesh perhaps? 1st and 3rd person views could be done via unity layers could it not? Just a matter of turning them on and off with either bool or if else if correct? (im not a coder btw just brainstorming here) The kerbals could turn and float around while interacting with items (props would need colliders) inside. Or right click and "seatbelt" them into a seat or bed? Just thinking out loud here
  14. My comment was not directed to any one individual. It was a response to the overall thread. Nothing personal to anyone
  15. If you find a bug and want it fixed report it on the bug tracker. poodleing about it wont get it fixed!
  16. Squad/T2 I wish they would make this a goal for KSP v1.5. Something meaningful and usable that everybody would like (it starts at internal space. Watch the whole video from the start. It is pretty interesting how they made KSP)
  17. This man has done alot for KSP and the community. Bob Palmer Intercontinental/regional/municipal whatever you prefer (roverdude) Airport Code: BPI
  18. I played KSP Multiplayer and loved it!
  19. yeah that post was from march. I have since recompiled/rebuilt the dll myself since then
  20. yeah im afraid so. But ill tell ya for the price you paying for a console nowadays plus accessories and games you could buy or build a pretty decent pc or laptop. My son is a sergeant in the army he lives on base and takes his desktop with him. Now you dont have to build it all at one time. A motherboard here, a case w/ power supply there a month or 2 later get some ram. Then just put it all together EDIT: looks like PS4 came down in price somewhat. Xbox still pricey. So for the price of a "XBOX" you could build one
  21. keep an eye out for this one in development https://galaxy4d.com/showthread.php?tid=7 roadmap todo list here https://trello.com/b/2BPytpD9/galaxy4d-roadmap
  22. IT WORKED!!!! That was the most perfect power off shuttle landing ever. Distance altitude and airspeed. I put red "X" right on top of the mountains in front of KSC. PERFECT!!!!
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