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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. You can get it via this link https://kerbalstuff.com/
  2. Yeah I'll just wait until the new version of ksp is out and I'll put up a new version of the deltaglider with the new landing gear
  3. no not at this time. I needed that while working on the deltaglider which is about 90% complete. I can now use the deltaglider as a framework for the XR2. So testing really isnt necessary. Alot of "how do I do this" was answered while doing the deltaglider. Alot of things may or may not change with 1.1 version of KSP regarding modding. Alot of modders have their projects on hold right now while waiting for the new version as do I.
  4. right now waiting on 1.1 to come out and in meantime working on the XR2
  5. is there a way (im sure there is) to make this server available/reachable outside lan? My friend in Wisconsin does not have the luxury of coming down to texas for a lan party. Hamachi is not working and they are charging to use it now. I got notepad ++ ready to go just need a file name and line number to edit NVM I made it happen by forwarding the ports
  6. yeah i totally understand the stall. Im in the same boat with my landing gear on my deltaglider. And still no word on a new PartTools. But if you would could you keep this in the back of your mind for later? I think this would be a great addition to KOS in IVA's and a little boost for the immersion factor
  7. Can you guys help me with this or run it and tell me if it works or not so I dont think I am crazy? Can you guys help me get this to work? I cant get a response from the creator or in IRC chat. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/98801-wip-kospropmonitor-iva-kos-monitor-for-rpm/
  8. Is this mod still working? Is there a correct way to install it? If it is not working what is the reason
  9. ive been trying to get a answer out of kasper in the dev tuesday. he said he would check with mu on the new partTools but so far nothing
  10. I personally am waiting for 1.1 and new partTools. The landing gear are getting reworked for 1.1. Unless you want to do it twice just saying
  11. Same here....can't go any further on the delta glider landing gear and other stuff
  12. the length is approx 15.4m X 4.0m width
  13. coolhand has not answered any of my attempts to reach him
  14. Good question ill get ya some specs when I get home
  15. name that Ship! ill give ya a hint...it starts with a "G" and ends with a "2"
  16. *Shaking head* And why did we change forums again?
  17. Use throttle controlled avionics mod for balancing during hover
  18. it is updated to 1.0.5 on kerbal stuff but not on CKAN been trying to get help for 2 weeks now. I am not really to concerned with those collider issues right now
  19. Try it with the recommended mods only to reduce lag. The errors are mostly "convex hull init failed" i am already aware of those (i dont think it means anything really) and am waiting on the unity 5 and ksp update before i tackle those
  20. the problem with using those skins with the XR2 is it wont work like it does for XR-1. We wont be able to reskin it unless i do it in unity because the model i have is not the original one but a copy and the texture mappings will all be different. The only way to do it would be to get a unencrypted copy from the author of the original mesh and lets just say he is not real happy with the orbiter community. So Im pretty sure we can rule that out!
  21. well to tell you the truth ive been wondering if the scramjet plumes even need to be there at all really. The Orbiter version of the deltaglider has no plumes but a light smoke coming from them. Here they are in orbiter
  22. How did you change the textures? Could you please share how you did it for other users including myself? and what is RO? Oh and BTW i am working on the landing gear hopefully sometime this week. ANd what effects are you talking about on the scramjets? And how were they messed up?
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