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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. Plenty of OreTM coming soon to a Moon near you! It is strange. It's supposed to be a challenge. For the OreTM that is coming soon. Both Theta and Orton will have tons of resources. Also, @Commodore_32, could I use some of your screenshots? I will give credit.
  2. I don't get why everyone opposes the gay stuff. I personally think it is a great twist. Also, I believe @Mikenike's comment was a joke.
  3. I'm feeling a bit sad.... today I launched the Lindor VB, with Kerbals, to the Mun. All was going well: Until this happened... I have no idea what happened, as the heatshield has full ablator and the orientation was locked retrograde. It has some of my favorite kerbals on it, including Halfield and Murder Murden Kerman. Now I have to write the whole thing for my mission report: (Shameless self plug)
  4. I still have 10000 disoriented kerbals.... maybe we could form a kerbal planet clump or something?
  5. I usually just use google. Just do "KSP (Insert thing here)" and a forum link will come up. It usually works much better than the forum search.
  6. I mean, rating topics are a good way to see if other people like something.
  7. What a nice treat for halloween! You sure threw in some plot twists!
  8. Hmm.... I'll look into making a config for it once the core system is done.
  9. Does anyone happen to have any beauty shots of Valor and its moons? I would like some to put in an album, and possibly for a new banner. I will give full credit.
  10. Since this got necroed, might as well pitch in. I believe @Beale's Tantares has a N1 rocket.
  11. My absolute favorite movie of all time is The Martian.
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