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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. Safe? Yes. Easy to use? Sorta, the interface is a bit clunky. But worth it? In my opinion, not really, for only 20-40 mods. Sometimes CKAN pulls the mod from the wrong place, pulls an outdated version, etc.
  2. There's an old, slightly outdated mod called Cormorant Aeronology. It used to be the main shuttle mod, but now SOCK is.
  3. I am wink all kerb. Cause misguided. @Dman979
  4. Hullo there! Currently working on next chapter of my mission report. @Lewie
  5. "It is not Wednesday, my dudes" @adsii1970
  6. Woah! These new revamps are awesome! You should really change that banner. I could make one if you'd like.
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