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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. Omega Heavy 1 launching, carrying a dummy payload (Duna transfer stage mockup) Omega Heavy 1 launching, carrying a dummy payload (Duna transfer stage mockup) Dummy payload in LKO
  2. Welp... guess what? While launching my Duna mothership today, I got the kraken! I went a few billion mile per hour... so yeah. Luckily I had a quicksave.
  3. But... that'll be putting us behind. For the greater good, right? What did you guys do today?
  4. same... now we just need someone who needs a rescue. I'll start working on the badge.
  5. It's fine, I have enough free time. Aren't you in school too? Nice of you to consider that, though. True... but we should have made sure that the person has at least tried to rescue their kerbals at least once. We can't be like Mechjeb, eh? Some people (i'm not necessarily saying I'm free of it either...) use Mechjeb as a crutch. We can't let people use Kerbal Rescue Force as a crutch either... do you get what I mean?
  6. If you want... I could make the badge. No guarantees, though. For rescuing kerbals though, I mostly agree with @adsii1970. It's just more fulfilling to rescue kerbals yourself. But I'll see what I can do.
  7. Do you guys strand your kerbals? I always try to save them. So far, I haven't killed a single kerbal in my current save. I think it's actually more satisfying after you rescue your kerbals. Anyways, what are you guys doing right now? I'm brainstorming ideas for my first manned mission to Duna!
  8. Minmus Outpost Lander and Transfer stage about to dock with Minmus Outpost Minmus Outpost Munbase Alpha's deployed science experiments Munbase Alpha during Munar sunrise
  9. Because... you're actually the CEO of Kane's Fried Chicken! Not KFC, the Cane's one.
  10. Done with roles! Most other forum people are there by their forum names. I also have other friends there, though.
  11. Great! Speaking of your gateway station, is it done yet? I just finished putting my Minmus outpost in Minmus orbit.
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