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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. Could you list this mod on CKAN? I remember I enabled the CKAN option on SpaceDock, but apparently it's not showing up. Thanks! Sure! Here's the textures (I couldn't upload the normal): (I accidentally deleted the config last night in rage, so... yeah )
  2. No Problem! Now... I just need to get Bonx working. Whenever I try to cheat something to Bonx, it gets all krakeny... bad news.
  3. Oh... well, did you just put the folder that says Valor_0.2 in your GameData? If you did, that's the wrong folder. Open the Valor_0.2 folder, then inside there should be a GameData folder, and a Readme.txt and a License.txt files. Now, open the GameData folder. Inside, there should be a folder named Valor. Put that folder in your GameData. However, if you've already installed it correctly, then maybe try redownloading it. I should have listed it on CKAN, I enabled that function on SpaceDock. @HebaruSan I heard you're a CKAN folk. Can you help?
  4. Thanks! I should have EVE and Scatterer support by 0.4, 0.5 maybe? Which translates to October, maybe November.
  5. Cool! No. Just no. Anyways, what have you guys been doing? I got new screenies!
  6. Expeditioner 1 docked to MOL Expeditioner 1 undocking from MOL Expeditioner 2 about to dock with Voyager Station (Renamed from MOL)
  7. It ugly... but ok. I'll try to get some screenshots tonight, I haven't took any yet and I'm not on my testing install right now.
  8. nope. Don't really know, but sounds like it has something to do with Ore? It sounds like I need to get them for Bonx and Kipper
  9. Thanks! Now that I thought more, maybe instead the rogue planet came close enough to shift it's orbit? That seems more likely... ideas.
  10. Maybe a rogue planet crashed into it, shifting it's orbit. Then it got captured by Valor. So.... I have to make a giant crater for it.
  11. No... it was problematic at first, but I then remembered, after exporting a Kittopia config, that I had gotten the ScaledVersion material thing wrong. I did it halfway, and then I went to sleep, so yeah. Also, I have to ask that question: what are you doing right now? I'm currently putting my new station into orbit.
  12. I've found that exporting a correct KittopiaTech config can be useful, 1.8.1 KittopiaTech works fine on 1.9.1.
  13. So, after @DunaManiac suggested that I should add more moons to the Valor system, I had a brainstorming session. After wracking my brain a bit, I came up with these moons: Kipper Huge, reddish moon, with 5 gees of gravity. However, it's extremely dense (probably denser than Bonx!) ore concentration makes up for it, and also explains why the gravity is so strong. Orton A ocean moon that was frozen over. Scientists speculate that it once orbited between Kerbin and Eve, and was a tropical paradise. Binx Binx's orbit has been changed to a near-polar orbit, further implying that it was a captured asteroid. Milo Milo is back! Milo will orbit extremely close to Valor, so say goodbye to low Valor orbits! It'll (Hopefully) also have a great view, and be tidally locked like Bonx Any thoughts?
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