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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. Well, they could be vaccum engines... also, they wouldn't have to be low thrust. See the sea dragon.
  2. Yeah! Like more 3.75 meter engines, 5 meter engines, and 7 meter engines! And maybe some tanks to go with it?
  3. Yes... but I wasn't page hunting. If I post something, and just happen across a new page, I edit it. Do an engine pack! We need huge engines!
  4. A kerbal observing Valor from Theta (Valor Planet Pack)
  5. And... another 20 minutes have passed. Anyway, I'm going to ask the age old question again: What are you guys doing right now? I just got release 0.2 of Valor out!
  6. Release 0.2 is out! Changelog: v0.2 - Added Theta - Tilted Valor's rings by 10 degrees - Changed the internal folder structure slightly v0.1 - Initial release, added Valor. I also got some pictures of Theta, which I have put in the OP: Download: Spacedock As always, any comments, screenshots, contributions, and criticism is always accepted and appreciated! If you think something should be different, please tell me!
  7. Nope. It works fine on my custom planet pack, and I can disable it at will.
  8. So, after working on Theta a bit today, I cheated a probe to Valor and Theta to see how it would look in-game: Needless to say, I'm pretty satisfied with the results! I've also edited the OP and the spacedock page.
  9. GIMP for the textures. If you want to make a planet, @The White Guardian has a great tutorial: I'm currently waiting for a 1.9.1 KittopiaTech release, so I can do it much easier. Currently, the textures aren't as good as they could be, dds doesn't work too well on my mac so I have to use png.
  10. I tried to view Theta in-game... and: ?????????????????????????? Edit: I changed the heightmap to a png now, from dds before: Now, just need to work on the texture a bit... and get rid of polar pinching, of course.
  11. I think this would help, they make pretty nice service vehicles.
  12. So... didn't I say I was going to do Milo... well, I got a bit distracted: Meet Theta's (WIP) texture! Now that I've thought about it, I'm scrapping all of the moons except Bonx and Theta. I personally feel that there shouldn't be any "boring" moons. I'll also add Binx, but instead of being a moonlet of Bonx, it'll be in a high eccentric orbit.
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