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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. If that's your conspiracy theory, then the answer is no. AHHH KSP TAKES SO LONG TO LOAD THE CIA IS TAKING OVER MY COMPUTER AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
  2. Pioneer 2 about to dock with the PDT Pioneer 3 lifting off Pioneer 4 lifting off Pioneer 2 completing a plane change burn Pioneer 3 as viewed by Pioneer 4 Pioneer 3 and Pioneer 4 about to dock Pioneer 4 nearing parachute deployment near the Great Crater
  3. Good morning, everyone! We're having some rainstorms in Texas, so the internets a bit bad. Now, what was I going to say... I forgot
  4. Seems like everyone forgot this exists. Anyway, here's another barrage of screenshots:
  5. Adventurer 5 lifting off Adventurer 6 lifting off Adventurer 6 about to land Adventurer 7 taking off Bob Kerman performing a spacewalk on Adventurer 7 Adventurer 6 landed Pioneer 1 lifting off Pioneer 1 lifting off Pioneer 1 lifting off Raemone Kerman performing a spacewalk
  6. yep. Too bad I can't go to Space Center Houston rn though... we shouldn't have bought this year's membership.
  7. So... there's good news and bad news. The good news is that I finally got through my burnout, and I have motivation to do KASA again! The bad news is, I'm a bit busy, and stuff will be a bit slower from now on. Also, more bad news, though not really bad. I sorta lied about the going to duna part... the thing is, I have somethings I need to do in KASA before the duna window. For example, building Voyager Station, setting up a Mun base, a Minmus outpost, upgrading the comms network, probes, etc... Sry Edit: So, great, KASA is turning into a bit of a drag now. I'll explain. You see, I'm currently playing a save called Kerbin Exploration Corps, so I'm a bit preoccupied. Then there's also the monotony of copy-pasting the screenshots one by one to here, as imgur messes up the order. But, the most important thing is, launching SLVs are getting really really boring. I tried using mechjeb to launch something... and good news and bad news. Good news, it turns out that SLVs can SSTO. Bad news, it can't do it without exploding, which means I have to do everything manually. So for now, I'll try to see if I can launch a SLV with Mechjeb. Meanwhile, I'll be posting pics of KEC on my closet thing. Again, I'm sorry, no stuff for a while
  8. Ah, I see. I'm not there yet though... However, quarantine actually gave me more motivation. Good Luck on College!
  9. another boop. Also, will you ever get the motivation to work on Project Intrepid? I'm currently at part 30 and I'm really enjoying it Edit: OMG I got the Mun sandcastle!!!
  10. It would be nice to have HUGE lifter engines. For example, a single-nozzle 3.75 engine, a 5 meter engine, and a 7 meter engine, plus some shiny fuel tanks to go with it.
  11. Adventurer 1.2 lifting off Adventurer 1.2 lifting off Jebediah Kerman performing the first spacewalk Adventurer 1.2 landed at the coast Adventurer 2 lifting off Adventurer 2 lifting off Valentina Kerman performing a spacewalk Adventurer 2 about to splash down
  12. Yep, same experience on my old Macbook. Once I upgraded to my current one with 16gigs of RAM, though, it works much better. Heavily modded, I get ~40 fps. Not too bad, though loading takes almost half an hour.
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