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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. Viking IV, CTV 17, and Munflight 1: Fresh Munar Dust I Smell! After Viking III, Viking IV the Munar Transfer stage, was launched on a SLV Heavy from the Launchpad. Viking Station arrived at the Mun with no complications. Next, CTV-17 was launched from the launchpad. CTV-17 successfully arrived at the Mun and docked with Viking Station. Next, Munflight 1 launched on a SLV Heavy from pad LC 39B. However, I forgot to take any pictures, except for a few: Never the less, Munflight 1 was a success.
  2. Munflight 1 on the Mun Munflight 1 taking off from the Mun
  3. use imgur, right click, copy the image address, paste it in the forums and it'll automatically embed.
  4. Got some new pictures uploaded! Also posted on KASA: Do you guys have mission reports?
  5. Duna Explorer arriving at Duna Duna Explorer at Duna Duna Explorer probe descending towards the ground Duna Explorer probe parachute deployment Duna Explorer probe descending towards the ground Duna Explorer landed
  6. Viking III, MOSES, and Duna Explorer: Onwards! After Viking II, Viking III, the fuel tank module, was launched on a SLV Heavy from pad LC 39B. Viking III performed a perfect launch, docking, and rendezvous with Viking II and Viking I. Since this version of the orbital tug had a probe core, it was left in orbit for future use. Meanwhile at the tracking station, a young intern noticed that two important launch windows were near: Moho and Duna, the latter being about 2 days after the former. The VAB clambered together a probe for Moho, and named it MOSES (MOho Science Exploration Surveyor). It was placed on a SLV Heavy, and rolled out to pad LC 39A instead of 39B, because I was bored of launching from the same pad LC 39B hadn't completed reconditioning yet. No other pictures were available, as imgur had a problem with uploading, and I trashed them because I thought it was done. I swear I'll get one next time. MOSES's camera had a faulty lens. Next, the Duna Explorer was rolled out to LC 39B on a SLV Heavy. This time, no pictures were taken of the transfer burn because of that same imgur glitch, or was it my fault that it failed to upload? because of a faulty programming workaround. Despite that, Duna Explorer safely arrived at Duna, and released its probe. However, halfway through the descent, Duna Explorer ran out of electric charge, luckily the landing legs were already extended and the parachutes armed. Despite the poor design, Duna Explorer's probe safely touched down on Duna for the first time.
  7. same, but it's 8:00 now in Texas. Also aren't some people here on different time zones?
  8. Thanks! I almost went to Jool before, actually, just ran out of fuel on the Deorbit. Also, what have you guys been doing for 10 HOURS?
  9. True, SLS sucks more. Imagine what would happen if NASA actually pursued the NERVA, or like that in Eyes Turned Skywards.
  10. I might try that actually. Once I get to laythe in KASA. Not like I've ever touched Jool, but I just landed on Duna today, and sent a probe to Moho!
  11. Viking II Lifting off Viking II Lifting off Viking II Lifting off
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