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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. Like, the best, most reasonal, rational response. I'll edit the OP.
  2. Peking, for an old pronunciation of Beijing. Also, some tips: 1. Don't throw away the skin. Eat it. Eat ALL of it, or else you'll be missing out 2. Get the right sauce. Or else...
  3. This game goes like this: first, you find some tiny disruptance/problem/whatever, and turn it into a conspiracy theory. Then, you have to answer the person above's thing with a perfectly logical explanation. For example: Person A: A cockroach skittered over my desk, and since a cockroach is flat, the Earth must be too! Person B: No way, because the Earth's gravity is enough to pull itself into it's sphere. Unless Cockroaches have the ability to Manipulate spacetime, this is impossible. ... I'll start it off: Today, my rice was a bit undercooked. Well, that must mean that the CIA sabotaged my rice cooker through the Government's 5G Skynet and is trying to kill me!
  4. Take all the time you want. We're probably not starting till next week. When you're done send me a PM with all the stuff.
  5. Ok, you've persuaded me. Game time it is, though we would have to take a screen shot at launch and landing, but then, 2 extra screenshots works fine for me. I'm sure we will
  6. JNSQ works fine on 1.9.1 with Kopernicus Continued, but you can be in 1.8.1 if you want. Also, 1 hour a day on the space race... hmmm, pretty good idea, because I'm thinking of whoever posts first is first. But how exactly would yo u keep track of that? We might have to go off an honor system. Also, there's the fact that most of the time, just building the rocket alone takes 1 hour, not to mention launching it on my Macbook. If I want decent FPS, I have to play on top of the freezer!
  7. yeah, but I sorta feel bad for the dog. Then again, I eat beef and pork, so yeah. Anyways, one savory meat that is legal in the U.S is duck. It tastes so good, but only if cooked correctly. You should go to chinatown and buy some peking duck.
  8. It taste like a mixture of beef, lamb, and venison. And it smells really savory.
  9. Viking I lifting off Viking I lifting off Viking I flying over the KSC Viking I completing gravity turn
  10. Explorer 1 on the pad Explorer 1 clearing the tower Explorer 1 clearing the tower Explorer 1 over the KSC Explorer 1 second stage raising Apoapsis Explorer 1 second stage circularizing
  11. Noob 9 Album I'm too lazy to post it, so here's the album. Beware, all the pictures are out of order.
  12. Winner: @jimmymcgoochie !!!!! After dropping out of my Space Race with @HansonKerman because of technical issues, I decided to start a new, JNSQ space race. I took inspiration from @The Dressian Exploder's JNSQ space race, which is itself based off of @Ultimate Steve's RSS space race. This is going to be a 4-part series, the first part being the beginning (Satellites and a Kerbal into orbit), the second part being landing a Kerbal on the Mun and Minmus, the third part being establishing a presence at the Mun and/or Minmus, and the fourth part the land on Duna. Everything, including all the milestones and prerequisites, will be based off of game time. Now, let's move on. Note: If you're wondering where all the action is, and you've already scrolled through 5 pages, the first space race post is here: Rules: 1. No cheating (Hyperedit, Alt-F12 cheat menu, just plain old lying, etc.) 2. Everything is based off of in-game time 3. You are limited to ONLY 1 milestone and 1 prerequisite per flight. Even if you accomplish more, IT WON'T COUNT. 4. Use quicksaves/reverts only because of game-related problems. If the game glitches out, go ahead and revert, but if you forgot a part or something, too bad so sad. Setup: Set the game to normal difficulty, except add these: Set the crew respawn option to off You can enable advance tweakables (autostruts) if you want Mods: You can basically use any mods you want, except any OP mods, for example Alcubberie Warp Drive, Metallic Hydrogen, Dark Matter stuff, Antimatter stuff, and the likes. Basically, no Interstellar Extended. Of course, you need JNSQ. We're going for a 60s-90s feel, so feel free to use BDB and Tantares. Recommended Mod List: JNSQ (duh) Nertea's Stuff (Near Future, SSPXR, CryoEngines, Kerbal Atomics, Mark IV Spaceplane, etc.) KS3P or TUFX with Zorg's configs Better Time Warp Final Frontier KSC Extended Restock and Restock+ Habtech 2 Modular Launch Pads Universal Storage 2 Contestants: 1. Kerman States @Misguided_Kerbal (Me!) The Kerman States is a rising superpower, a democracy consisting of 5 powerful city-states connected together. After the Great War, Von Kerman scientist Wernher Von Kerman, brought to the Kerman States by Operation Staple, discovered a new dimension known as "Space". The Kerman States Parliament has approved a healthy stockpile of funds to explore this new dimension, and perhaps even land on the Mun. 2. Neo-Dressian Spacefaring Foundation @The Dressian Exploder After the failure of the MQVI, The DNRA lost all funding and was abandoned. 50 years later, one Nertia Kerman (In no way related to the great modder *AHEM*) found the ruins of the DNSC, and realised that it was time for Dressia to reach for the stars once more. 3. Tree Industries (Formerly K.H.R.I.S.S.E.R) @GuessingEveryDay Dedicated to the memory of Khris Kerman, we will continue on, this time with the trees to the stars. 4. AAARG (Advanced Audacious Aerospace Research Group) @jimmymcgoochie Succeed or fail, our intrepid Kerbals always scream our name! Prerequisites: (Does not have to be followed in order, but the order listed below is recommended) Bolded ones are Milestones, which will be explained later. You must complete EVERY prerequisite in each part before advancing to the next part. Before landing a Kerbal on Duna, you must have completed EVERY SINGLE PREREQUISITE except for that. Part 1: Up, Up, and Away! 1. First Launch 2. First Satellite 3. Polar Satellite 4. First Kerbed launch 5. First Kerbal to reach orbit 6. Docking 7. Kerballed Docking Part 2: Flags and Footsteps 1. Launched a working communications relay (at least 3 commsats) 2. Munar Probe 3. Minmus Probe 4: Space Station 5. Kerbal to reach Munar orbit 6. Kerbal to land on the Mun 7. Kerbal to Minmus orbit 8. Kerbal to land on Minmus Part 3: Establishing a Presence 1. Second Space Station (Must be bigger than the first one) 2. Mun Space Station 3. Mun Base 4. Minmus Space Station 5. Minmus Base 6. Duna and/or Ike probe 7. Eve Probe 8. Jool Probe Part 4: Rusty Dust 1. Unmanned lander on Ike 2. Unmanned lander on Duna 3. Duna Sample Return 4. Kerballed landing on Duna Milestones: Now, what are milestones, you ask? They are the bolded ones on the top. Basically, first to do that Milestone gets those points. Points are only there because, for example, 2 contestants land on the Mun at around the same time, then whoever has more points wins. Also, they are a nice little touch. Part 1: Up, Up, and Away! (5 pts) First Launch: @GuessingEveryDay (10 pts) First Satellite: @jimmymcgoochie (15 pts) First Polar Satellite: @jimmymcgoochie (15 pts) First Kerbed launch: @Kraken that doesn't exist (15 pts) First Kerbal to reach orbit: @jimmymcgoochie (15 pts) First Kerballed Docking: @jimmymcgoochie Part 2: Flags and Footsteps (20 pts) First Kerbal to reach Munar orbit: @jimmymcgoochie (25 pts) First Kerbal to land on the Mun: @jimmymcgoochie (20 pts) First Kerbal to Minmus orbit: @jimmymcgoochie (25 pts) First Kerbal to land on Minmus: @jimmymcgoochie Part 3: Establishing a Presence (20 pts) First Mun Space Station: @jimmymcgoochie (30 pts) First Mun Base: @jimmymcgoochie (20 pts) First Minmus Space Station: @jimmymcgoochie (30 pts) First Minmus Base: @jimmymcgoochie Part 4: Rusty Dust (20 pts) First Unmanned lander on Ike: @jimmymcgoochie (25 pts) First Unmanned lander on Duna: @jimmymcgoochie (35 pts) First Duna Sample Return: @jimmymcgoochie (40 pts) First Kerballed landing on Duna: @jimmymcgoochie Leaderboard: @Misguided_Kerbal (Kerman States) 0 points, 0 milestones, 6 requisites completed @The Dressian Exploder (Neo-Dressian Spacefaring Foundation) 0 points, 0 milestones, 0 prerequisites completed @GuessingEveryDay (Tree Industries) 5 points, 1 milestones, 3 prerequisites completed @jimmymcgoochie (AAARG) 335 points, 16 milestones, 27 prerequisites completed Example Post: (Example post in spoiler)
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