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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. Noobs 6 & 7: Munflight! After hearing Klamperture Science's announcement, N.E.W.B industries rushed to be the first to flyby the Mun. So, they built the Noob 6. After successfully getting into orbit, Noob 6 performed a Mun flyby and gathered a sweet, sweet dose of science: With all the new science, the R & D guys made some new stuff: Next, with the new science earned, the engineers at the VAB churned out the Noob 7: Noob 7 perfectly performed what it was intended to do: orbit the Mun, and gather more science. And a healthy dost of more science it did! With all that science, R & D made some new stuff once again: Technical Info: Both Noobs 6 & 7 took about ~4 days, give or take. Parts are in the screenshots. Imgur Albums: Noob 6 Album Noob 7 Album Beware, the albums are out of order!
  2. yeah, and join our discord servers! Ok, I should stop before a moderator gets annoyed.
  3. 6 hours now. Good morning from Texas, and are all the posts going to be like this from now on?
  4. noob 3 & 4 are just noob 2. I didn't make any changes. It's first to duna, with less points, who wins.
  5. I've eaten a few bugs, but not willingly. Not that flies taste good or anything, but I'd be willing to try some insect foods.
  6. 1. How long have you moderators been around? and 2. Can you pin the Megathread thread
  7. It's usually 2000-20, but i've gotten used to 20-20
  8. I did some stuff in my space race with @HansonKerman. How did he get so much science though? Maybe it's because its my first time playing science?
  9. Noobs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5: First Kerbal in Orbit! N.E.W.B industries decided that it would launch some kerbals to space. After all, great publicity. So, by basically strapping a seat to a large firework, they created the Noob 1: Noob 1 gathered some sweet, sweet science, enough to give the researchers at the R & D department a healthy boost. Next, with some of the new contraptions created with that hard earned science, N.E.W.B industries created the Noob 2. Noob 2 made lots of use of the decoupler, which was basically Jeb but it didn't swear and boast about himself. Noob 2 gathered some more sweet, sweet, science. After that, engineers flew the Noob 3 and the Noob 4. Strangely, they were both undocumented (I swear I took screenshots! But I couldn't find them in the screenshot folder. what, I know.) After the Noob 2, 3, and 4, the R & D guys churned out some brand new shiny parts, and was put to use in the Noob 5. The Noob 5 successfully made it to orbit, and Bob Kerman performed a spacewalk. It also gathered some more delicious science! The engineers at R & D didn't churn out any more parts, but stated that they were "working on something big." Technical Info: All the flights here had less than 2 hour flights. The part counts are in the screenshots. Also, the full imgur albums are here: Noob 1 Album Noob 2 Album Noob 3 Album Beware, the albums are all out of order!
  10. chrome, but then, it cuts out a bit of my sig too. I'm on a macbook, so a bit smaller screen. Also @Lewie my mod list is on KASA. Macbook Pro 2014, dual-core i7 and 3ghz processor.
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