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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. I still have 2 weeks. After all, I do play KSP for fun
  2. Viking II: Still Looking Forward... After Viking I, KASA got ready to launch the Viking II module. The Viking II module would be fitted with a standard orbital tug, because it would need to rendezvous and dock with Viking I. After a few days of nothing, Viking II was put on a SLV Heavy and rolled out to LC 39B. Viking II performed another picture-perfect launch and rendezvous with Viking I. However, during docking, somehow dockrotate didn't work the docking port rotation servos glitched out. Next 2 launches will be the Viking III fuel tank module, and the Viking IV DMTS (Disposable Mun/Minmus Transfer Stage).
  3. Ok then, you know what, after this I'm planning to host a 3rd one. Perhaps you could join that?
  4. Bob the Builder Can we do it? Bob the Builder Yes, we can! Also, I wanted to like your posts, but I'm out of likes today
  5. Of course! Just pm me with your flag and info. It's a nice treat to see you here! yeah, 1.9.1 or 1.8.1 is fine. I'm playing on 1.9.1, so is everyone else here I think.
  6. Planet pack that changes the stock system to 2.7x scale, with some additions and modifications for the better. In 1.9.1, use it with Kopernicus continued, and it works fine.
  7. I used to have them, because they were super cool, but then I found out I never used them, so I swapped them for some more of Nertea's stuff. Not saying Well's stuff isn't cool, they're awesome.
  8. hopefully... but my signature can't fit any more... ↑ What he said ↑
  9. Maybe I should change it to go to Duna first? Thoughts, anyone? I can do that
  10. Granted, but you die because you didn't have a spacesuit. I wish for starship to explode.
  11. Sure, DLCs are allowed. Also just to point out: try to stay away from electric plasma nuclear propulsion thingamajigs. I'll allow RTGs, just for the sake of it. Why would the Large Holding Tanks not be allowed ??? I'm fine with scanners too, not like they're going to do much in sandbox anyway.
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