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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. is anyone interested in a JNSQ space race? I know @The Dressian Exploder ran one a while ago. If you're interested go ahead and pm me.
  2. No, see, I started over again. And then the tech tree just maxed itself out after Noob 9. Wait, you can cheat the tech tree to max!? Maybe that's the key I pressed or smth? Idk.
  3. Uh dude? I just landed on the mun. There's a problem though. I think I pressed some wrong key or something?!, because all of the technology has been researched? Might be a bug or something, and there's no way to reset it. I'm going to try some save file editing. { edit } Well, I tried editing, and it didn't work. Since I think it's unfair with the whole tech tree, I'm dropping out. I'll post Noob 9's flight later, but that's it.
  4. I mean, it took me literally 5 minutes to make the N.E.W.B Industries flag, but sure. Of course, I can't right now, as I'm on my phone.
  5. Noob 8: Is That Mint I Taste? Following Noob 7, N.E.W.B industries used the new science to churn out shiny new parts. And they created the Noob 8, bound for Minmus: Noob 8 successfully got science from Minmus, and even flew by the Mun on the way. However, it failed to take pictures of minmus, mainly because it was hard to spot, even at a periapsis of 1,683,472 or something. It safely returned, and gathered some science: With all that science, the R & D guys churned out some new parts: Mun landing, here we come! Technical Info I didn't bother to take pictures of the part count, because it's just the Noob 7 with the FLT-200 switched to a FLT-400, so they have identical part counts. The mission lasted ~ 4 days. Imgur Album: Noob 8 Album Beware, the album is out of order! Lol I just finished posting after you did
  6. 4 days I said. I don't really care about points really, I just want to do it.
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