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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. You download them as zip files? And what I said above. Also, I'm gonna sing the whole song now. And what is it that put America in the forefront of The nuclear nations? And what is it that will make it Possible to spend twenty billion dollars of your money To put some clown on the moon? Well, it was good old American know how, that's what, as provided by good Old Americans like Dr. Wernher von Braun! Gather 'round while I sing you of Wernher von Braun A man whose allegiance Is ruled by expedience Call him a {Redacted}, he won't even frown "Ha, {Redacted}, Schmazi" says Wernher von Braun Don't say that he's hypocritical Say rather that he's apolitical "Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down? That's not my department" say Wernher von Braun Some have harsh words for this man of renown But some think our attitude Should be one of gratitude Like the widows and cripples in old London town Who owe their large pension to Wernher von Braun You too may be a big hero Once you've learned to count backwards to zero "In German, and English, I know how to count down And I'm learning Chinese!" says Wernher von Braun Thanks to Tom Lehrer to improving the world
  2. If you guys are wondering what I'm up to (no you're not), I posted all the (Useful) KASA crafts on KerbalX: https://kerbalx.com/IAMNICOM
  3. Uh oh. That's why I have a Macbook (lol I know but they are better quality). It's mid 2014.
  4. I don't like giant stations, more the realistic part. But yeah, I just like rockets and space in general. Ok, I just finished loading up KSP
  5. Oh ok. But I just like sandbox. Just doing the missions give me a feeling of accomplishment.
  6. Thanks. Also what are you doing tonight in KSP? I'm not sure what I'm going to do, actually.
  7. Wow ok. Right now I'm working on uploading my KASA crafts to Kerbalx. https://kerbalx.com/IAMNICOM
  8. Me too. Have you seen Matt's video? Though I'm not too big of a fan of the Rosetta parts and the Ariane 5 Kickback.
  9. Well, theres going to be so many changes I dunno if they are all good though. Look at this video by LTT:
  10. Mods eh? When I first tried to download mods, it was sorta confusing, but I got it within 2 weeks or so. Basically, first go to the mod's forum page. If there's a Spacedock or Github option, don't download from Curseforge. Then you'll download a zip file. Extract it, and there should be a folder that says the Mod's name. Now, go into the KSP folder and look for Gamedata. In the Gamedata folder, there should be a folder named Squad. Now open the mod folder. There should be a folder named Gamedata inside the mod folder. Now go inside and put all the contents of the (Mod's) Gamedata folder into your KSP install's Gamedata folder. However, there are also exceptions. There are mods called dependencies that other mods rely on. You only need one dependency per install. However, most mods package the dependencies, so if you already have the dependencies, don't copy them over. Sometimes, there is also a folder named Extras. as its name says, those are extras, and unless you want them, don't copy them over. Usually the mod author will state where the extras go. Ok, is that clear?
  11. No, you didn't mention it. But I did check so I know.
  12. If you just want the basic package, KS3P or TUFX are very friendly. However, Scatterer's the only water enhancement thing.
  13. I use SVE, but I'm playing on 1.7. If you're planning to play >1.8, I recommend Spectra. I also use Scatterer, even though it literally kills my Macbook Pro. My favorite is KS3P, but for >1.9, use TUFX. If you use TUFX or KS3P, get @Zorg's configs. They are awesome. Oh yeah, I forgot. I also use SVT, but there's no equivalent to it for > 1.8
  14. It really is. I don't know what I would do know without restock. ven's stock revamp is okay, but not my fav.
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