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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. Hmm does Tom Lehrer count as a band? Lol I either want to be a spacecraft engineer or a NASA mission controller.
  2. Wow we're only on page 11 and we've already run out of things to say. @Lewie can you start us off please?
  3. I'm sorry for keeping you guys in the cold lately, but I've had a few problems with my computer. Thankfully, it's all fixed now. I'm almost done with the X-5, as soon as I get it fixed I'll update ya'll. (I'm Texan okay? Why you bully me?) Anyways, i thought to make it up to you guys, I'd include some pictures: https://imgur.com/gallery/aEZx35t
  4. Cmon post away Help me becoMe the ruler of the Forums! Bwahahahahahahahaha Wait did I just say that out loud?! Oops...
  5. I would like it as a separate variant, probably named something else. It doesn't even look close to the old one. I mean, it's awesome, I guess, but really its just more work for the Restock guys.
  6. I'll get straight to the point. I haven't seen anything that can make a Kerbal talk. Sure, there's Chatterer and all, but you can't exactly control what the kerbals speak. So here's my request: a in-game Plugin that makes Kerbals talk (In Kerbalese, of course). Preferably connected to animations. How I think it might work: Also, I found this:
  7. Well I'm back i guess. Thanks @HansonKerman and @coop2168 for keeping pages.
  8. Anyway, once I get the X-5 working, there will be a Spaceplane update. Finally!
  9. I like classical and Tom Lehrer and Ragtime. I also like Jazz and Blues, but not smooth Jazz, more like exciting Jazz that makes you want to jump out of your chair and wiggle around. Also I like Boogie Woogie. Anyways Page 7 !
  10. AAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tried to boot up KSP 1.9 today, but it always gets stuck. AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, Page 6 !
  11. I tried to (again) boot up 1.9, but it always gets stuck on 001 Kerbal Actuators. I tried removing it, but it still gets stuck. Also, when I force quit it, it just freezes and I have to restart to get it to go away. Aaaarrrrggghhhhh! For now I'm just sticking with my 1.7 install.
  12. I didn't include Kopernicus in my 1.9 install, it's not updated yet. KSC Extended has been confirmed to work in 1.9. I think it's really just a RAM issue, because my RAM might be full. I like the sound of that!
  13. No, I'm just going to build a new one once I feel like it. Anyways, I've been having some trouble porting KASA over to 1.9. Might try again later.
  14. This might be a disappointment, but for now I'm just going to terminate Mungate station. It has caused me too much problems, so I'll just reconstruct it in the future.
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