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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. Just a comparison: New UI Old UI Sorry my image editing skills are trash.
  2. A few things I noticed: 1. Time Warp is now called "Time Zoom". Not sure I like that. 2. Parts are now rearranged by size 3. The UI now has a "flat" & "digital' look, and is rearranged a lot. Again, not sure I like that. 4. A new mode called "Adventure Mode" Overall, not sure I'm exactly sold on KSP2 yet.
  3. I feel like you're disappointed that I did the Karson Space Telescope instead, but don't worry. A probe launched on a spaceplane is coming soon, as soon as I work out the kinks in it. No Problem! I wanted to make it a compromise, and to be honest, I do like all the names.
  4. -60 You sigh, as there was nothing exciting on floor -57. You find a sandwich, and you eat it.
  5. He's one of my favorite space presenters. Plus, he also plays KSP. Maybe he has a forum account?
  6. This happened on my 1.7.3 save, FYI, which is a pretty recent version. Kraken attacks still happen. Just browse around the forums and you'll see, or clip a bunch of parts. But yeah, unless you do a ton of part clipping, you can mostly ignore it.
  7. HAHAHAHA *laughs maniacally* (quote from my mission report thread): With fairing separation, the probe started to shudder. Later analysis revealed that the 6 baguette fuel tanks clipped into the probe caused a kraken attack there was a fuel leak in one of the internal fuel tanks, promptly causing it to explode. However, the engineers blamed all the problems on the silver foil covering the probe, not the usual gold foil.
  8. -58: A TV blares, showing a rocket and a tall thin pink creature with a tiny head talking, saying that "SpaceX launch has been cancelled" or something.
  9. Just saying, the Mun, Minmus, and Jool's moons aren't planets.
  10. Today I finished building my space station, Pioneer Station. Shameless self plug (for more info and a bit of backstory):
  11. Pioneer Station: The pinnacle of engineering up to this point, anyway, and not like Bill did anything Not long after the launch of the Karson Space Telescope, plans were put in place to launch Pioneer Station, serial number KASA-SS-2, or more specifically the modules of Pioneer Station. Unlike the Space Station before it, it would be assembled in 3 segments, not in one launch. The first module, KASA-SS-2-1, or DRACO (Designed for Radiation Above the atmosphere Containing Organic lifeforms), which would be the first and core segment, containing the solar panels necessary for power generation. Soon, it was loaded onto an SLV Heavy and rolled out to the pad. The DRACO module was successfully launched, though with minor issues. First and foremost somehow, a decoupler had been forgotten the payload stage decoupler failed to release, so the 8 seperatrons designed to fire away the second stage instead fired at the bottom of the tug for the DRACO module, destroying the tug's engines but also decoupling the module in the process. Then the second problem occurred. While testing out the tug's RCS needed for docking, it was decided to also test out the solar panels. They were successfully extended, but they soon found out that they also couldn't be retracted. However, everything was (mostly) nominal, so the second module, HARL, or (High Altitude Research Laboratory), serial number KASA-SS-2-2, was loaded onto a SLV Heavy and rolled out to the pad. With the successful launch of HARL, it quickly proceeded to dock with DRACO, and was successful. As such, KASA-SS-2-3, or MPCC (Multipurpose Pressurized Crew Compartment), whose exterior was identical to HARL, was loaded onto a SLV Heavy and rolled out to the pad for a (the first!) night launch. MPCC launched successfully and proceeded to dock to the block of DRACO and HARL. However, even with successful hard dock, it was discovered that MPCC had docked to the wrong docking port, so it proceeded to undock and redock to the other docking port (not shown here). As the tug that carried MPCC undocked from the newly built Pioneer Station, it took a picture:
  12. Nope, its me, who stumbled into here on accident. @purpleivan to the rescue, with pretty pictures!
  13. Hello there! That's quite the list of accomplishments, I shall say. Anyway, I do have a suggestion. You might want to start using mods. At first, I decided that I would play stock only, but then it got, well, boring, to say the least. Maybe try Restock and Restock+. Anyway, enjoy your stay on the forums. We're a pretty nice little community.
  14. Hello, and welcome! I'm a fairly new player myself too.
  15. Future Launch Manifest (In order from most recent to most in the future, though order not guaranteed.): SLV-3/Pioneer Station Module 1 (To be named) SLV-4/Pioneer Station Module 2 (To be named) SLV-5/Pioneer Station module 3 (To be named) X-3: Mk2 Hypersonic Fuselage SSTO CTV-13: Docking with Pioneer Station CTV-14: Docking with Pioneer Station Moho-1/Launcher to be selected: Moho probe Duna-1 + IkeSat/Launcher to be selected:: Duna probe and IkeSat Duna Direct + Prosperity/Launcher to be selected: Duna relay and Prosperity lander Eve-1 + GRP/Launcher to be selected: Eve probe and Gilly Research Platform EHARL + Venus/Launcher to be selected: Eve relay and Venus lander Jool-1/Launcher to be selected: Jool probe Laythe Explorer + Vulcan/Launcher to be selected: Laythe research probe and Vulcan lander No, I think M1 was the first abort.
  16. I just wish that KSP2 won't make the mission clock always be yellow, like it is right now.
  17. It's okay. There's a thing called real life, which I think you are aware of. Take your time. A update is better than no update, am I right?
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