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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. I wonder what would happen if they strapped three saturn v cores together like the delta heavy...
  2. TBH this is sorta like NASA building the SLS... But yeah! ↑↑ what he said
  3. According to some quick maths, we need ~685 posts per day... (Yeah I could have used a calculator but I'm have too much spare time) @Fraston @Dirkidirk @Lewie @HansonKerman @Weimaraner @Kerballing (Got Dunked On) @StrandedonEarth @Lanley Kerman We must get new people to join the fight! Onwards!
  4. *pew pew* anyways, here's a link to Eyes Turned Skyward. It's alternate history, where the space shuttle was never developed. It's a pretty good read. https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/eyes-turned-skywards.208954/reader/#post-4957738
  5. I still sorta wish Project Constellation was never cancelled. Or maybe what if history was like Eyes Turned Skyward?
  6. Well guess what? I was building my Mungate space Station, and the two modules were just about to dock when I accidentally pressed f9 while trying to trigger action group 9. That triggered, and it loaded my last quicksave, which was right before Eeloo-1 was about to make its course correction. AAARRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!! For the sake of my sanity, I'm just going to cheat it up to orbit.
  7. Just one thing that I noticed, Near Future Aeronautics also has a SCIMITAR engine. Won't that cause some mod conflicts?
  8. Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down? That's not my department says Wernher Von Braun. Wernher Von Braun, Tom Lehrer
  9. Misguided Kerbal


    Goat Gilly Goat = Gilly
  10. Granted, but he got turned into a cow. (No offense, @Matt Lowne ) I wish for more wishes.
  11. Teenage Mutant Nina Turtles: In New York, mysterious radioactive ooze has mutated four sewer turtles into gossiping, mall stalking, ugly Ninas. The intrepid heroes -- Nina, Nina, Nina and Nina -- are trained in the Ñññññññññññññññññññññññññññina arts by their rat sensei, Ñina. When a villainous rogue nina, who is a former pupil of Ñina, arrives and spreads massive robotic Karens throughout the city, it's up to the annoying Ninas to stop her.
  12. You guys have heard of "The cow goes over the moon" rhyme, right? Well the cow must be heat resistant or something to survive lunar reentry. Just a thought.
  13. Oops I accidentally posted this.... here's the link to the official thread: Jool's finally getting that new texture that was shown to us on April Fools!
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