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  1. hi. just noticed, that you guys don't have a version for KSP 1.10.1 on ckan. Is that correct? Or does a newer/older version work? Because i can't live without that mod...
  2. Do you guys still give support for bugs in ksp 1.10.1?
  3. I have a problem: The karibou rover wheels seem to not have any suspension that actually suspend (when you know what i mean) in result the rover does very wired things and jumps around. What should i do?
  4. wow the problem was that the thing wasen't facing up. THANKS I WHOULD NEVER FOUND THAT OUT!!! oh the towbar will dissconnect (but still align sort of) when you quicksave/reload the game
  5. Hi i love this this mod and i am playing on 1.8.1. But there is a bad bug that makes the towbar unuesable. when i connect the two vehicle they both collide into the ground (threw the runway) and explode! Can you please fix this?
  6. Thanks so much for the mod! You are a life saver! btw. is it possible tu use engines as a large-one direction rcs? because i am planning to make a SPACE thug...
  7. I mean i have like a cockpit from a mod that doesent have the shiny window. And i have many parts that don't have that reflective glass. What i want to do is adding these parts to the mod somehow so that these windows shine too. Here is a picture:
  8. https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/wiki/Installing-CKAN-on-Windows Use ckan. It is much easyer. when you need help with ckan just say it in this conversation
  9. I THINK you are out of memmory Try uninstall some mods and look if it gets better...
  10. Can you maybe post also the log?: and you can post a screensot by putting it into dropbox and change the 0 at the end of the link to 1
  11. KSP: 1.3.1 Problem: Massive lag spikes at varios places Mods installed: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vuzgq6kbri0duwt/AAAfZwSOka2M86JrZw328-G0a?dl=0 (btw. are .ckan mod lists allowed?) Reproduction steps: Just play the game. At game menu/open the deltaV map/sometimes scrolling in build menu/placing blocks/ etc. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vuzgq6kbri0duwt/AAAfZwSOka2M86JrZw328-G0a?dl=0 Hardware: Graphics Card: Radeon software version - 19.9.3 Radeon Software Edition - Adrenaline 2019 Graphics chipset - AMD Radeon (TM) R9 200 Series Memory size - 2048 MB Memory type - GDDR5 Core clock - 975 MHz Note: there is like 4GB out of 12GB virtual vram used and the full 2GB dedicated vram is used. Other: Windows version - Windows 10 (64 bit) System memory - 24 GB CPU type - Intel (R) Core (TM) i5-4690 CPU @ 3.50GHz Thanks for the help! I hope that is not too much work but i am trying to fix this for like 5 months now and i dont know what to do anymore. PS: When you want you can locate other errors/corrupted things like the module switch bug (MKS)(near end). Cause i am trying to fix that bug for months now.
  12. To my problem i found out that the problem is somewhere in the module switching script. These problems occur at these Parts: Alge agrigulture container/Material processing units/Sometimes drills(drills are VERY SUPER DUPER laggy while deploying, retracting, loading simulation). Is there a way i can check the module switching script? And when yes how? (dropbox with a few information in post abouve) Thanks for the help.
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