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Everything posted by Krazy1

  1. Loaded release 214. Confirmed "disable distant colliders" option is enabled. Nataman Kerman walked on Eve, sank slowly, exploded like before. KSP log [LOG 23:08:27.836] kerbalEVAfemale (Nataman Kerman) Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0 Haven't had this issue with other JNSQ planets so far: Moho, Gilly, Kerbin, Mun, Minmus, Duna, Ike, Vall. Thanks for looking.
  2. Tips for @Qwotty about building ships that change from vertical to horizontal thrust (like VTOL rovers). Others may benefit...
  3. ideas: launch, go to Mun and back to Kerbin... without entering an orbit. You must stay in Escaping, suborbital, etc. but no "orbiting" state allowed ever. I posted a Making History mission that enforces this by exploding your ship if it's Orbiting. Called Orbit Kraken (or something like that). Build a ship using EVA construction on the launch pad that can go to orbit and back. All parts must be packed in storage containers before assembling on the pad. I also made a challenge post for this... Fabless Space Program. Definitely use KSP 1.12 for this. Do a seismic experiment for a planet with atmosphere. I did it on Duna and Kerbin... Laythe and Eve should be hard. JNSQ (larger and more planets) Icons in my signature have more
  4. Nice pics. Just remember to turn the lights on so we can see the ship. Yesterday I did a fast flyby and seismic impact on Ike (JNSQ). I had a relay satellite with the booster still attached, which was quite useful for the impact. Achieved a "personal best" of 57 GJ. You can see the energy in KSP.log or Alt-F12 console in game: Seismic Event Detected on Ike - Impact of 57779313693.4181J. Total Mass 5.491298. Initial Velocity 4587.369. Pics: I made a video of the Ike flyby but I suppose it's nothing you haven't seen before. Now I have a contract to impact Duna and that will be much harder due to the atmosphere.
  5. I'm having problems with kerbals sinking into terrain and exploding. Cross-post from JNSQ:
  6. Today everyone survived. That is all.
  7. When walking on Eve, Kerbals sink with each step. After about 5-7 steps they sink to their waist, explode and die. Only solution is: step, step, step, jump, fall over, get up, repeat. So obviously I can't go far. I'm using the latest Kopernicus V1.12.1-212. I haven't seen this on other CBs. Anybody else?
  8. A few days ago I built an improved LKO Bus with only drop tanks for JNSQ. A 1.5 stage to orbit if you will. I loaded it up with all the idle kerbonauts for accurate weight load... not officially a joyride. Fuel margin was basically zero. Thankfully, I stuffed a 100 LFO tank in the cargo bay or it wouldn't have been able to deorbit. It worked pretty well though. After flight, I bound a key to disable the Vectors thrust vectoring... SAS went unstable when the air thinned out. Also stretched the drop tanks a bit.
  9. Last few days... I was time-warping and something crashed. Thought it was a bug but found it was a probe in high polar Ike orbit with a slowly decaying orbit, due to Duna's gravity (using Principia). Reloaded and pulled it down to a lower equatorial orbit to stabilize. I built a pretty cool rover for a contract to send it to Mun. Quite compact for 17 crew capacity. I had to renegotiate the contract though... I forgot it needed 6000 LF and had nowhere near that much, so we (myself and I?) agreed to do it for 1/2 price. I was able to keep the top 2 drop tanks attached, so I could refuel and hop around or go to orbit 1-way. The landing took 3 tries... the TWR was 1.0 in LMO, so I had to drop the bottom tank early in the landing and burn about 5 minutes.
  10. I added a feature request for skybox dimming to be integrated with Scatterer shadows. It does not seem easy but it would be excellent. https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/DistantObject/issues/50
  11. I added a bug report for wheel collider error. The TR-2L wheels (maybe others) are behaving badly... spinning and sliding around with the brakes on. https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/issues/1019 Also, seeing null refs; added to existing report: https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/issues/1009 I'm having a problem occasionally when a ship's lights will not turn on and hard crashes are likely after that. Anybody else?
  12. Looks like you have Scatterer installed but no clouds. You have the Scatterer default config installed? Or it might be a setting in the Scatterer menu (at space center view). You could change the skybox. I'm using Texture Replacer with DF skybox: Large Magellanic Cloud. There are many others to try. Suggest Distant Object Enhancement, Planet Shine, Reentry particle effects renewed too. Thirty Five! Like his eyes: Few days back, the LKO bus was recovered: LJP410C3 refueled on Minmus and redocked with the Eve lander in orbit, then dropped to Kerbin to slingshot to Eve. It will continue to Moho for a tourist contract. Also sent small sat to Eve that will orbit Gilly for a contract. Meanwhile on Moho, another LJP410 lander hopped over to scope out a part to be recovered. This won't be easy. It's on a 27 deg sloped wall of a huge crater. It's a 2.3 ton turbofan! What. I can just hear the sadistic dev laughing bwahahaha
  13. Also Gilly in JNSQ cannot be scanned with at least one of the most advanced scanners (forgot which)
  14. I got a contract to plant a flag on Eve. It doesn't say I need to return the kerbonauts. I'll return them someday, maybe. Landing is hard enough. Eve lander on the pad, launching when LJP410 is about 750 km west. I usually launch ahead of the target, with a slightly higher AP and PE matching the target so they will meet in 1-3 orbits. At Minmus they will undock, leave the Eve lander in orbit, LJP410 will land, refuel, launch, redock with the Eve lander, wait a day or two for a good angle to drop from Minmus and slingshot off Kerbin to Eve.
  15. Well, then I don't want you to miss my report on the duplicated names above. Added to issue 29.
  16. @Lisias thanks for the update. I'm also not seeing the DOE menu icon (flight or space center). Highly modded JNSQ install... player log KSP log Also wondering if you were able to fix the duplicated labels for the Kerbal-made satellites? (I can't see labels for any satellites now, only CBs. I guess that's a setting in the menu that doesn't exist for me now). I see PR #29 but you couldn't reproduce it. I reverted to v2.1.1.16 and confirmed the menu icon is functioning in Space Center (not in flight but that's the option I selected in the menu). Also I just discovered the labels are only duplicated for Kerbal-made satellites that are beyond rendering range... if I can see its flare then the label works correctly. DOE settings
  17. Not for me. hmm. wonder why I finished getting almost all of the Moho science and now need to retrieve a part from retrograde orbit. If the part is large, I'll probably need to leave it in low Moho orbit (prograde), land, refuel, launch, get the part again. Then go back to Gilly, refuel, get a second part in orbit there. Finally bring the parts and a load of science back to Kerbin.
  18. Has anyone actually found Voronoi Craters on Moho? I don't think there are any. I'm using Scansat and managed to find several tiny Exotic craters but no Voronoi.
  19. Crewed lander exploring Moho (JNSQ) after refueling on Minmus and Gilly.
  20. When you get a chance, I'm hoping to see Avalanche Plumes on CKAN. It's up on Spacedock.
  21. Already requested it to be added Don't see it yet...
  22. Preview looks great. I see v4.0.1 in CKAN. Is it ready? The CKAN links are broken: https://github.com/AdiriKSP/RSMP One above is empty: https://github.com/KochieBR/Avalanche-Plumes
  23. Comets are a nice addition to the game. If you can rendezvous with one inside Kerbin's orbit, the tail effects are worth the effort (at least once). I wish they worked with JNSQ. Yeah... I once ran out of fuel, sent a rescue ship... without parachutes. Today I landed on Mun in the dark - not worth a picture. I overshot the landing a few km because I came from Minmus and still had 3/4 fuel left. So I'll have to hop back to pick up the deployed science equipment before departing for Dres. I had plenty of storage to launch with 2 sets of equipment... but no.
  24. ICYMI there's another config for Scatterer 0.08+ https://github.com/coldrifting/JNSQ_ScattererPatch Of course I hope you continue working on your own it but it may help to reference it. That one also does not have arouras or lightning so I really hope someone can figure that out. BTW for the stock JNSQ config I changed the aroura height to 70 km... it was 20 km before and I could fly above them which wasn't realistic. Arouras video1 video 2 It's in the github bug reports. Also my last post: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/184880-1121-jnsq-0100-23-sept-2021/?do=findComment&comment=4390556
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