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Everything posted by derega16

  1. If it cause by GSE maybe this is a reson why the didn't build any permanent launch pad yet. Boca one (RIP) is obviously temporaly test stand, Cape one is just a frame for flame diverter which nearly have nothing to change. As there was 3 incidents related to GSE right now, one on hopper and 2 for SN4, means it is a parts that might need even more redesign until operational version. To build any elaborated permanent structure just to find out it have to be rework entirely is not a wise desision. I guess any work on permanent launch stand will not start until hight altitude hop was done for few times but still before first supper heavy. As they still need a permanent starship pad for static fire anyways means a permanent starship GSP is always needed even when they won't launch anything from it.
  2. Why Centaur T and G tanks boil off ridiculously quick? I time warped just for one hour on orbit and all LH2 was gone . I check ther boil off rate it said somethinglike 150%, is this normal? None of other BDB cryo tank boil off this fast. I'm not sure that boil off is handled by BDB itself or JNSQ but I'm sure it is not cryotank's system.
  3. Uhmm I download the dev version.. some how the launch base spawn the rocket midair at 6k-9k m/s velocity...Do I miss any dependencies?
  4. Add: Can I request for delta K to Delta VI interstage too? I want to try proposed Delta VI small.
  5. Anyone have an idea how Saturn V-4X(U) should work? http://www.astronautix.com/s/saturnv-4xu.html It's one of the most kerbal ting I ever read, strap four 2-stage Saturn V together but I have no idea how it should strap together or where the payload should go as it have 4 upper stages and there is no drawing of this thing
  6. Can anyone expalin why my chrome atlas appear black in flight even in daylight on kerbin? And about shiny things do yo have a plan to do the same for fat atlas and centaur G parts?
  7. About high orbit what if something like GEO transfer suborbital launch directly from the equator? It is most (kinda) reasonable reason to do something like this
  8. I have really wild idea to push envelope of rocket's payload performance. Double simultaneously launch two rockets, first one put payload as much as it can liftoff even without sufficient dV to archive orbit, Second one don't have any payload but stretched upper stage tank or another upper stage. First one will deploy payload in suborbital, second one will catch-up with the payload and docking before reaching apogee and perform apogee burn for the payload. I know it is ridiculously risky and easier to just use a bigger rocket but is it possible to perform such maneuver in real life and KSP?
  9. That's should be a plan for Russian lander...when they finally put Angara and federation Orel into full operation
  10. Do you have any plan for rover parts?, I found that part mod for unmanned rover is lacking, like bigger/smaller or more advance rover core, maybe a nice addition to NF exploration.
  11. BDB style engine plate and interstage might be even better, it unrestric engine/tank diameter and look much better than MH one
  12. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L1lfbaRxJbYSNb6cLefTXDVJN-3x2Jsc/view?usp=sharing I clean installed BDB it still happened Abelstar, Titan IIIB, Delta II, Atlas V500, Titan III(or IV I forget)'s dual payload shows normally but rest of them doesn't
  13. I check all the dependency, Ther're stil missing. Maybe KSP version (I use 1.81) or mod conflict? I check the BDB SAF folder I notice something, it only show fairing with .dds file but didn't show one that doesn't have
  14. Is the version of B9 in BDB folder different from normal version? I just install NFLV2 too and it also came with B9
  15. I downloaded the lastest dev. version. Why titan IIIE and IV SAF fairings are missing? It was there in previous version I used. Also new Atlas V400 one doesn't show either
  16. Somebody should develop a man-powerd turbopump
  17. I mean just purely in term of performance and construction viability and cost compared to the original and SLS and ignoring the reason to build completely becase that have much more things to consider like "keep shuttle contractor" bulls**tsary and it is too late to consider such thing now, maybe possible to consider it in 2010 but not nowadays. As both J-2X and F-1b have been develop (well, F-1b is kinda) means 2 important components to revive SV are aviable
  18. It is quite well known that it is impossible to relaunch the production of Saturn V due to lacks of supply chain and lost of some know-how. But what if keep just the concept but replace everythings with modern or atleast newer tech. No big instrument ring, replaced it with much smaller modern computer, removed every components thet are no longer needed, fuselage made with modern structure and fabrication techniqes. Both should allowed much lighter structure than in the 50's 5 F-1b mainengines for S-I, same number of J-2X for S-II (alternatively 7 to 9 BE-3U) and S-IV (alt. 2 BE-3U) as J-2, maybe 3 of RS-25,68 or AJ-22 for S-II as these are J-2 descendants (They are too powerful for S-IV, however) streched tanks allowed because of more powerful engines. Well, it is basically develop nearly a entirely new rocket but what its performance and launch cost (not developnent cost) will be like compared to the original Saturn V and maybe SLS which suppose it be SV's replacement in terms of usage.
  19. The chart looks like it need to change a lot. I just lofted 10 t Munarlander descent stage to TMI with Titan IVB+Centaur T in JNSQ with 400m/s to spare on centaur after TMI (only to fond it can't dock with ascent stage because descent's anthena intersect with one of ascent's engine). So LKO is likely much more than that May be another chart for GTO or TMI? since the former is commonly use in real rocket spec and the later is more useful for KSP
  20. Can anyone explain why in payload chart list LKO payload of saturn V (about 9t) lower than I (10t)? It make no sense
  21. I have another idea for that port and linear one, since it isn't compatible with other ports and should be dock in just a few angles anyway. It might better to have some sort of guiding petals around the edges to make it easier to dock in exact angle something like in bdb's MOL docking port
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