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Everything posted by Romfarer

  1. I am planning to do some re-structuring of the interface. Specifically the Subsystems window. It will be possible to open these in their own windows. I also plan to make all the windows move out of the structure they are laid out in now, but also have an option to make them snap back again. If i can fix the snap on the small parts i will. But at the same time i don't want to make them too big. Many of the systems will move to a scheme where the more lazors you run the systems with, the more effect you will get. This is fully implemented in the new tractor beam systems. Right now the system will assigns all magenta lazors on your vessels to this system, not just a random counterpart group. If you want to lift heavy stuff, you will need A LOT of these lazors. The tractor beam system will apply force at whatever the magenta lazors is pointing at. You will have to use the up, down, left, right to aim the lazors. It will also be usefull to press the C button (chase mode) on the upper part of the main window and follow up by pressing the L button (lock mode). That will aim all the lazors at whatever you are targeting. If you have a small vessel, and point the magenta lazors at the ground, it will "push kerbin away" Let me know if you find any other issues. Thanks everyone for the feedback.
  2. The new lazor system beta 5 is out now! It has Tractor Beams Since my plugin now exceeds the maximum file size allowed on this forum, the plugin is now being served from mediafire.
  3. It seems to be working fine within the atmosphere. I can use Part.propagateControlUpdate to control another vessel here. But in orbit i can only modify the throttle. I am puzzled :/

  4. Can you explain why the new command pods for rockets: Mk1 and Mk1-2 does not take input from Part.propagateControlUpdate? Speccifficly i can send a FlightCtrlState to this method that modifies the throttle but not yaw, pitch and roll. This has completely broken the remote control features of my LazorSystem plugin.

    I know at least the Mk2 Cockpit for planes take input from this method correctly. There is still a chance this is caused by a bug in my program but since throttle is working, i doubt it. I would really appreciate a reply on this one.

    Thanks in advance.


  5. As the title says i need a method to change the throttle and make it stay there, all with code. Flyby wires and feeding control states sets the throttle right back at the origin once it is done modifying it.
  6. rkman i have thoroughly investigated the issue and i believe i have found the cause. This is a really good find btw. It is not caused by a bug in Lazor System. But Lazor System is triggering it. Let me explain: The way Lazor System triggers this bug is because Lazor System modifies the loading and unloading distance for all vessels in the game. Normally this distance is something like 2250 but Lazor system sets this to 95000. The direct cause of the bug seems to be a ksp bug related to rapid loading and unloading of vessels. With the range extending features of Lazor System. Your vessel A2 is loaded and unloaded every time it passes over the Lazor System vessel on the launch pad. And when you crank the warp up to 1000x it loads and unloads the A2 vessel faster than the game can handle, which causes a nullpointer exception which in turn makes it impossible to end flight. To illustrate this i have created a test case which will trigger this bug in KSP with no mods installed. Steps to re-produce: Load up the attached persisten.sfs. Set the time warp to 1000x. After a few passes this will trigger the exception. I will forward this bug report to the devs. I also noticed that your Lazor System vessel from the persistence.sfs file you attached is not set up correctly. You probably made it like that to illustrate the bug, but if you have problems using the system i\'ll be happy to explain it. I can also fix your persistence.sfs if need be. Again, thanks a lot for your bug report, i\'m sure the devs will find it interesting.
  7. I am unable to reproduce this bug. I\'ve ran it up to 10.000x with everything turned on and i can end flight just fine. Do you have a lot of crafts flying within 100km of your vessel or many plugins installed? Please send me your persistent.sfs file. Is anyone else having this issue?
  8. Thanks for the thorough report. I havent had the opportunity to re-produce this yet but i have a good idea of what is going on. So the question that is bound to come up is: What exactly changes in the code execution for parts under time warp? Anyone?
  9. The PartModule system is working very well so far. It is brilliant, i can add modules to any part in the game and change their behaviour somewhat. Its easy to do this in the .cfg file but also possible to add, use and remove modules with code only. In my plugin im adding a module to all the kerbals on eva making them remember what vessel they belong to.
  10. I heard Taverius mentioned this issue but he wasn\'t able to re-produce it. I also had an end flight without any end flight popup screen coming up, but it was easily sorted by pressing escape. Perhaps the issue you are experiencing is completely different. In any case i need to know more. If you can re-produce the bug and give me some instructions on how to re-produce it, it would be most helpfull.
  11. Thanks HarvesteR I set the floating origin threshold 5km above my distant part pack threshold and it looks like the problem is fixed.
  12. The temperature displayed in the Preferences tab comes from a global parameter which determines temperature based on celestial body and altitude. Specifficly: FlightGlobals.getExternalTemperature((float)vessel.orbit.altitude, vessel.mainBody)
  13. I believe i have fixed the oldest bug in Lazor System . However, the bug fx1 reported still persists. So i went ahead and investigated some more. I am 99% sure this is caused by a weakness in the Launch Stability Enhancers themselves. Easy to blame it on someone else....., let me explain. I noticed that the stability enhancers are moved to the lazor vessel exactly at 6000m distance. This is beyond the normal unload distance for ksp which is 2250m. But lazor system expands this distance up to 95000m to handle the onboard camera and remote control better. So i think what is happening is this: The Launch Stability Enhancers obviously has some code that makes it ...err..follow the vessel on the launchpad. And this behaviour is controlled within 6000m. Beyond this distance it might be looping back and placing the decouplers on the vessel again. I have notified NovaSilisko about this.
  14. The answer is YES. I made a teleportation system for my Lazor System.
  15. Thanks for pointing this out, i was able to re-produce this bug. I have also partly figured out what is causing this. Unfortunately it seems to be connected with one of the oldest bugs in Lazor System. It\'s about time to crack that bugger 8)
  16. If possible, please provide more information. A copy of your .craft would also be helpful.
  17. I just uploaded a new update for Lazor System. The main feature in this update is the Teleportation system, it is described in the manual on the frontpage here. This update also contains bugfixes to Kerbals on EVA who belongs to the Lazor System. Enjoy!
  18. I\'m having a little trouble understanding the scenarios you listed up.... Please do. The lidar system will be able to track objects in space that are close to the vessel, like asteroids etc. But if you want to track vessels that are far away it would be better to track them with the communication system. I have not really decided exactly how this should work yet. As for docking it would also be better to use the communication system, generally if you can connect to something you want to interact with, it will give the best results. However if you sometime in the future would like to 'dock' with an asteriod you would have to use the lidar system or similar to do the same thing. This mechanic is part of my core idea for the system, where one part of the system does something really well, you can always re-configure another part of the system to do the same thing.
  19. I\'m always so busy implementing stuff and fixing stuff for the current version to look ahead at what\'s coming up. If you could provide some speciffic links to forum posts that describe the new ui stuff that\'s coming, it would be most helpful. But from what you are describing it seems reasonably possible to do. People have also requested some of this before (floating windows) but the transparent ui elements you mention sounds intriguing. If you could provide an example of say, the LIDAR system, perhaps a scenario of where to click and what happends then etc. Please describe how you would like this UI to look like.
  20. I\'m not 100% sure about the exact distance, but i know somewhere above 10km the surface collider dissapears. It is probably different for vessels. There are most likely other ways to do it though so don\'t loose hope yet. For the moment its most important to figure out what the system should look like, then i\'ll figure out the technical stuff 8)
  21. Is the fluttering occuring with or without the altitude system on? I\'m currently working on ironing out some more serious issues related to moving in and out of eva and having multiple evas active. The kerbals have memory like a goldfish and cant remember what vessel they belong to so i have to make a ..err, brain enhancment module to plug into them when they are on a lazor craft =P But ill get to the flight system soon i hope. listing up the issues, it is helpful. I\'m unfamiliar with the paravilno lidar and google didn\'t help much either but i think i understand what you mean. I have been thinking about adding a system like this. It could be a system that paints a grid on the surface to better indicate its elevations etc. Imagine a wireframe that is painted directly on the surface. I believe it is possible to do, however it may have some limitations. Right now the game removes and adds the surface colliders on the fly, based on your altidude so for example above a certain height, like 10km+ the lazors will not actually hit the surface and then i can\'t actually calculate the positions for the grid anymore.
  22. I\'m glad to hear that. And even if you don\'t know how to describe the proposals 'correctly' i really would like to hear it anyway.
  23. I just uploaded the 0.16 compatibility update. You will have to re-install everything in the new package to make it work. The Stabba has been modified for wing crawling and lazor guided flight should work normally even if you are in EVA on the wing.
  24. The latest version of Lazor System is NOT working with KSP 0.16. I have made a fix for this which i am currently testing, and i will release it on Sunday, hopefully. Needless to say, Lazor System is a complicated mod and yet my fix makes the system run, the changes introduced in 0.16 makes it necessary to tweak and test a whole lot of scenarios.
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