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Posts posted by JcoolTheShipbuilder

  1. 9 hours ago, Nazalassa said:

    Finally it's finished: now I can get views of any planet!


    I think there should be plenty of ruins scattered around the river system at the center of the screen, let's say there has been a civilization that built cities and launch complexes and stuff...


    Here's a view of the southern hemisphere.

    Yes, I know, the colors are a bit off, I used the image for the ground color (the yellow-ish thing is water). I could have used the biome map ,but then the rest of the planet would look weird.

    (quick addendum: the river system is in the northern hemisphere)

    I added a system map and stuff.. want the blender file for the comparison?

  2. well, today, I finished modelling a size comparison in my planet pack!
    I did all of the planets and moons except for Basa and Altic as they are too small to be seen anyways.. and I dont know how to do true deformity in blender without crashing the program somehow.
    so.. here we go!
    Here are all of the planets and moons in the system including the gas giants!
    The three gas giants of Estrela Dobre from left to right are Culair, Collait, and Oyst.
    Collait and Culair are 4000km and 3500km in radius respectivley, and are in a binary, which is a good oppourtunity for very powerful gravity assists. Oyst is 7000km in radius

    And zoomed in on the rocky bois
    From left to right are Neptheis, Xaxt, Coralos, Avon, Paxt, Correlae, Anos, Ieros, Termania, Petrichor, Ichor, Temporalis, and Hados.
    Petrichor is the largest moon at 650km in radius, Ichor is the smallest planet at 780km. Despite Temporalis seeming smaller, it is actually about 10km bigger in radius than Ieros
    Basa and Altic are about 1/3 the size of Neptheis and Xaxt.


    Here is the Estrela Dobre system map!

    Oyst orbits just inside of the habitable zone, orbited by Avon and Paxt
    Next is Collait and Culair, each having two and one moons respectivley (Xaxt and Correlae orbit Collait, Neptheis orbits Culair), and then there are Petrichor and Termania, both of which are circumbinary, orbiting both collait and Culair
    Temporalis is orbited by Coralos and is placed aboce Collait and Culair as it is a trojan body, orbiting in the trailing lagrange point L5, 60 degrees behind Collait and Culair in its orbit.
    Then Hados is a bit further out (lava is from recent impacts), orbited by Basa, Altic, and Ieros (Basa and Altic would literally be sub-pixel size at this scale). and finally, there is Ichor, orbited by Anos in the far reaches of the system.

    I have not gotten the delta V stats for each planet yet


    4 hours ago, Nazalassa said:

    Finally it's finished: now I can get views of any planet!


    I think there should be plenty of ruins scattered around the river system at the center of the screen, let's say there has been a civilization that built cities and launch complexes and stuff...



    Yes, I know, the colors are a bit off, I used the image for the ground color (the yellow-ish thing is water). I could have used the biome map ,but then the rest of the planet would look weird.


    you could have used the Temporalis_Color.png, which is the scaledspace color that has the oceans n stuff. Be sure to set the alpha to max for the whole image as kittopia sets land alpha to 0

    Also Culair's color file is named "GasGiantTwoB", which was from before I came up with their names

    Also, I did make a blender scale model with every planet and moon in the system (Except for Xaxt, Neptheis, Basa, and Altic as those are tiny and irregular and idk how to do irregular deformity in blender)

  4. 1 hour ago, Nazalassa said:

    Culair's surface looks like Laythe or something, I was expecting a plain surface!

    The biome is "Sagan Sea" and I can nearly see the surface from orbit! Perhaps a plain surface would be better :D

    Turns out every gas giant has the surface (and biomes!) of Laythe.

    Yea.. I havent done the biomes yet as I dont know what the biomes should be called, or what the terrain should look like lol

    what do you mean by a plain surface? like.. just ocean only with terrain just below?

  5. Just now, Nazalassa said:

    I'm trying the surface of the gas giants to see if it's possible to land on them (I think it is, but it's just to be sure).

    Which one are you trying to land on?
    Also Oyst just doesnt have a surface as it is not dense enough imo

    Tho I MIGHT add a surface that is offset pretty far down and is a global ocean just so it isnt like.. weird bottomless pit but it is still pretty bottomless oceans

  6. 27 minutes ago, Nazalassa said:

    Maybe I can try to find (or model but I'm not very good at it) anomalies? If I do a model it'll be a blender file though.

    Maybe some ruins or something

    sure! you can help with the modeling of the anomalies!
    So like.. on Avon, its essentially a huge cave system that is like.. a few levels, a km or so across, its basically a potato shaped boulder that is like swiss cheese.
    On Paxt.. hm wait should I do dms instead?

    2 minutes ago, Nazalassa said:

    Just tested for the launch sites: I have Woomerang, the Dessert complex and the KSC.

    Woomerang and the KSC are OK.

    The Dessert complex however, has three issues:

    1. It's not in the desert.
    2. It has this big hole, just below the runway.
    3. It's surrounded by a circle, 1 km in radius or so, of perfectly level groung, that seems very weird.

    Other than that it's fine. I couldn't find the Island Airfield.

    odd... were you able to find the other launch locations? there are several more.. like pirate cove and other stuff

    also the circle that is 1km in radius is a pqsmod that is linked to the desert complex that levels the ground.. idk about the hole tho. There are three deserts on Temporalis, near the ice cap, but its more of savannah like locations, just warmer and drier, not full on desert

  7. 56 minutes ago, Nazalassa said:

    I guess KerbNet puts '?'s where there are anomalies so... Now the players just have to scan for anomalies on a gas giant.

    yep! that is what a PQScity does, its the location of the '?'s. I think finding unique anomalies using kerbnet on Temporalis and Coralos would make people want to search for them elsewhere. But also the surface showing through clouds on Collait and Culair would make people want to scan it i think

  8. On 2/5/2021 at 11:38 AM, DunaManiac said:

    Looks like this has a lot of potential so far, I particularly like Avon and Xaxt, but I have a few suggestions:

    In case you're on Windows or Linux, I recommend using Gaseous-Giganticus for making gas giant textures. If you're not, one thing that would go a long way would be to get rid of the specularity (the white spot facing the sun) on the gas giant. The specularity makes it look more like a glass marble than an actual gas giant, which I had several problems with when doing my own planet pack.

    Secondly, Correlate looks strange to me. I don't know if it has oceans, but if it does it's oceans look more like flat rock than an ocean. If you have an ocean, you should have the ocean as a separate map, with transparency for land. You should put that map in ScaledVersion, and the regular map for the land in the VertexColorMap section of PQS. Doing so causes specularity to only be on the ocean and ignore the land, making the oceans look more like oceans rather than flat rock. The color palette of Correlate also doesn't agree with me. As a general rule, vibrant colors always look bad on planets, so I think you should cut saturation in half and readjust the color palette to make it look a little better.

    Third, Paxt looks to me what's called a "noiseball." A noiseball is a planet where it's only terrain is rolling hills. I have made a few of those, if you want to see them look at the older versions of the planets in my Japris Stellar Neighborhood. Now they all look much better, of course. Adding craters to Paxt's heightmap would go a long, long way in making the moon nicer.  OystD also suffers from this problem.

    Finally, it looks like your gas giants need a normal map. Simply make a normal map using any normal map plugin out of a grayscaled version of your texture, and save that as your normal map in your config.

    Also, is adding alien structures floating in the atmosphere possible? It is possible to add easter eggs, but I don't know if it's possible to add one floating in the atmosphere. Even if you did add one, it would be exceedingly hard to pinpoint one of these, assuming your alien structure is 1 km in size, and your planet is 8,000 km in radius, then the surface area of your planet would be 8.04*10^8 km, or your alien structure would take up 1/804000000  of your planet's surface area. I'm going to assume here because I don't know the maximum distance an easter egg is visible, but let's put that at 100 km.  The volume of a sphere with a radius of 100 km is 4.9*10^6 km, or 4190000 km. This sphere is roughly 0.5% of the planet's surface area. So that means that at any given time, you will be able to just barely see one of these 0.5% of the time, if , there are 10, that adds up to a poultry 5% of the time picking at random you will end up in at least one of these spheres. It is possible to randomly find these but the fact that most people just drop probes in the gas giant and do nothing else it's unlikely anyone will find it without seriously searching. What compounds the problem is that there is no easy way to go searching, especially since there is no surface to refuel at and no oxygenated atmosphere.

    I have investigated stuff,  and realized that no, adding alien structures floating without a pqs node is impossible as PQScity nodes are part of the PQS nodes and the game dislikes using pqs on a jool template. But I did decide to plan on adding crashed stations on Collait and Culair (their surfaces are visible through their clouds), marked by question marks in kerbnet

  9. 58 minutes ago, Nazalassa said:

    I made a plane and it flies prety well. 900 m/s reached.



    OK um, you should do something with the Island/Dessert (whichever of the two you kept) Airfield...


    Ok the screenshots didnt load for me until i reloaded the page and... wai its actually still there... weird!
    I didnt keep either airfield... and I think thats the desert airfield that comes with the making history DLC, which I dont have

  10. On 12/16/2022 at 2:33 AM, The Dark Player said:

    Dear fellow players,  build a rocket with non-gimballing srbs, the reliant engine or the dart engine to Duna (No need to go back)


    1. No mods
    2. DLC allowed
    3. No RCS
    4. No Reaction Wheel (Except Command pods)
    5. Rockets Only (No spaceplanes)

    how are we supposed to turn when in space? diffrential thrust?

  11. 18 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

    I haven't played JNSQ but thinking about it. I wonder what a JNSQ gee definition is... isn't the surface gravity on JNSQ Kerbin more than 9.8 m/s^2 ? Are the planet's densities the same as stock? Doesn't landing on JNSQ Kerbin feel like landing on stock Eve? shouldn't Duna feel like Tylo?

    one gee is always 9.8m/s^2 no matter what mod you have installed. System replacers with either kerbin or Earth as the starting point typically are at 1g at the launch site, but some other places to start like Temporalis, it is 1.75g, the value of g remains the same, but for various objects in game and in mods, the force of gravity changes.

  12. Added a bunch of biome maps, got some neat pictures, and released Estrela Dobre v1.0

    Coralos with its new emissiveFX

    Hados and Ieros with rings


    Collait with its moons and its surface just barely visible through clouds


    Used Collait's texture, flipped it, changed some colors and used it on Culair, which is regarded as Collait's twin (they are binary partners too)

    Its surface is BARELY visible through the green cloud band (this pic was taken before I added the surface and subsequentley made the game freak out while rendering its surface due to using a jool template with PQS, switching to laythe template fixed literally all the pqs issues


  13. Hm.. I found an odd bug..
    With the melomania  mod, and the camera tools mod, when in orbit and doing a flyby, the sounds seem to come from the craft itself so  gets louder and quieter depending on how far the camera is from the craft

    In this situation, The craft was in low orbit around a Kerbin-like planet, and I set the camera to.. i think the fixed/flyby camera set to 300m/s starting from 1km from the craft so it passed right next to the craft while there was a soundtrack playing

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