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Everything posted by rustymcclintock

  1. you need to edit the...one moment...Z axis? I\'m not pisitive but basically the UP axis in the CFG file. I haven\'t got into that much yet but basically I think you can take the heigh of your craft and divide by /2 then the number you get should be positive for the topnode, and - negative for the bottomnode Example: Your fueltank is 3 meters long /2 = 1.5 meters so... node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 node_attach = 5.01, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 I think it works like this but I am unsure as I haven\'t delved into learning CFGs yet. But I can provide you this link: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/~kerbalsp/wiki/index.php?title=CFG_File_Documentation
  2. EDIT: Got her working! As far as I can tell at least, gotta add a command pod to my test version. The problem was that your '.dea' file was without a name. so it didn\'t match the 'highfueltank.dea' you set in the cfg file. But it looks like that wasn\'t the only issue. The textures seem to not be working...I\'m really not sure what the problem is there as I\'m still new to blender but at least I could load it up. I couldn\'t get mine to work for the life of me. Oh I understand! The .meshs are made BY KSP during the loading process. They take the DEA file and export 4 or so meshes to the folder to cut down on load times and allow modders to release parts without releasing their actual work so to speak. I looked at your file and everything looks correct, I\'m throwing it ksp and checking it now.
  3. Do you mean the colliding mesh? because the dea file is a mesh...its the part model.
  4. The mod you are attempting to use is Kocmoc (pronounced cosmos). And it comes with plugins. Make sure the plugins are installed correctly.
  5. Seconded...that thing is just sweet. make sure it launches rotated 90 degrees x axis so it dont hit the tower lol.
  6. yes, you use blender, or 3d deskmax heres a tutorial that will help better. Assuming you can read it. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/~kerbalsp/wiki/index.php?title=Making_an_asset_from_start_to_finish
  7. I\'m really not sure man, I remember having trouble with them too. I\'m thinking there not designed to be connected to in the VAB on by docking (.17 if were lucky) en vitro.
  8. Ok, so I decided I wanted to make my own capsule in blender. I got her all looking purty, mapped the uv and exported it. Made a collision mesh and mapped it and renamed it to 'collider_node' set both with a material and exported. Then i spent about 30 mins cursing while trying to get ksp to load to no avail. Any ideas what I did wrong?
  9. if I remember right docking nodes only connect to other docking nodes, try that? Nice that you uploaded a pic of the problem btw.
  10. I\'m current\'y learning blender, are you referring to subdivide surface? or just reguler subdivide tool?
  11. For a first its not bad at all. I don\'t like the audio quality but its more of a proof of concept anyway. Please make a better, more awesome version with different tones for things like; Your ship has been set on an intercept trajectory (or will fall into kerbin\'s atmos) plays a quick 3-5 tone alerting beat. no big deal. Your ship has entered the 40 km range on impact trajectory. more warning. Your ship has lost an engine or has been damaged. plays an appropriate Alert Life support has been damaged. ECT I would love to see this fleshed out.
  12. This...is the greatest ship made for ksp. Edit: I just flew her into orbit, and it was completly easy. worked like a charm. Seriously man this is a fucking awesome addon. Thank you.
  13. would it ever even be useful? i mean you have to be billions of lightyears away from anything before such a m,icro gravity well could effect anything...even thin it\'d be something like a bolt...at like 40 kms..
  14. hey CBP, slightly off topic but not long enough for a pm. Do you, or someone you know, have a set of payload fairings? like the parts?
  15. maybe ask a more experience modder if they would lend a hand? if all they need do is help you slap a badass texture on there it might not be unreasonable?
  16. lmao I busted a gut at that cow, what a sec...maybe a cow shaped lunar explorer! jesus man lets get this going!
  17. I had just made a 'sunshine' ship reference in another topic and I thought it looked familiar!
  18. I\'m attacking no-one, don\'t be so dramatic, I simply don\'t let others bully me on the internet. but this all started over 'off-topicness' in relation to OS\'s which (in my oppinion) has to do with DRM and piracy. but he deleted it and posted a moderator comment explaining it. then after I posted my reply he posted this; Isn\'t this off topic? And after he just threatened to close the topic for being off-topic. I know that\'s really being a dick weasel as he was replying to me but still...shouldn\'t he have been the example and PM\'ed me instead of threatening me more. That\'s the only point I\'m trying to make is that some mods feel the need to throw weight around and throw around threats and childishly strike out at others, and yet he failed to follow his own rule. Not all mods are bad, I\'ve met a few good one\'s...but in my experience a lot of mods/admins are people sitting at home with way too much time on their hands and too much unchecked power to be good for them. I\'m not raging, or insulting him. But I\'ll put a close to this. I can\'t preach about being an example and yet keep this going so I won\'t be replying to this again.
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