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Cant think of a username

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Everything posted by Cant think of a username

  1. But my computer doesn't allow the screenshot to be the whole thing. but anyway, thanks for the tips. I just crashed my rocket again thanks to liquid engine. But I just did a redesign that looks like a cross between my orbit rocket and this one. Also, turning on the pilot assistance is helping a lot. But thanks again for all the tips. They worked well and I finally can collect tourists fares.
  2. good, because that mission was a bummer cause I lose four tourists as well.
  3. I wasn't planing on really getting into orbit with the tourists yet, just testing to see the tilt action (which is why I came up with this problem in the first place). I have a command pod with a engine orbiting right now (I decided to leave it there). I added another hammer above the first one and it still is a little short. I could have just added some giant engine for the middle first stage, but I don't have the side decouplers yet, so I fear that the fleas on the side whould be too much weight and drag, so I decided to just stick with sub orbits until I get the side decoupler.
  4. I start with all three burning. I do not decouple the two Fleas after it burned out. I decouple the flea and Hammer after the Hammer has burned out. then I fire the liquid fuel engine. that's when the problems start Thanks for that tip. I did not seen them blew up yet. Probably because I am doing the sub orbital missions with the tourists. It did experience some heat when it came back, but it did not show any sign of overheat even when I enter at a steep angle.
  5. I recently crashed a rocket on land very far away from KSC. I looked in the astronaut complex. It said that Jeb (who I think was in that ship) was in the missing column. Are they going to come back?
  6. OK, but how do you upload? It only allows me to insert the URL. Also I didn't screenshot during the flight.
  7. I am a new player, so I have not got into orbit yet. I was doing a test launch with the liquid fuel engine and some tourists. I had solid rocket boosters to lift off. Then I decoupled and started the second stage liquid fuel engine. it was ok until I started to press d so it can go into orbit. But When i stopped pressing d to make it stop tilting, it kept going! So i tried to press a to correct for it. But it just didn't listen and started to spin in a circle. I tired to use other keys, but it just went crazy. Then I tried to decouple the stage. The stage decoupled, but then exploded. then everything froze. Like one minute later it finally started again. I still had a third stage liquid fuel engine, So I tried to fire it. But it didn't fire no matter how much times I hit z. I r-clicked on it and it said that it was on and at 100%. But it didn't have thrust or smoke/fire. So I decided to just decouple that thing as well. But the decouple didn't decouple. So tried the parachute since I was already falling. But the parachute wouldn't deploy either. One second later, the thing froze again. When it unfroze, the engine went off and the decoupler decoupled and the parachute deployed. It was weird and I just want to know if this is a bug/lag or a normally behavior of the liquid fuel engine.
  8. I was planing a trip that failed to reach bop, when I discovered this? What the hell is this? What does it do? It looks disgusting and scary. PS this pic is from the wiki. I couldn't get a screenshot in time. the wiki didn't help.
  9. Ok, but even if it is a sacrifice pot, why sacrifice to Kraken, why not sacrifice to us, the players, since we control everthing?
  10. I guess? But why is it in the Complex, I mean why? Why????? who needs to sacrifice in a apt.
  11. I recently blow up my astronaut complex with a bad rocket (that also blow up the VAB ) and I didn't have the funds to fix it (since I was building rockets in the VAB that I fixed). Then I found a while toilet in the rubble while I was doing EVA on Kerbin for no reason. I looked it up and there was suppose to be a toilet. I just wanted to know if you actually blow up your astronaut complex just to look at the strange toilet and why is it there?!? ???????????
  12. I haven't had this problem before because I have added a lot of parachutes to my craft. Now I have a bunch of crew cabins to carry space tourists (thanks to those who told me how to) and a payload bay. I have filled up the payload bay and I don't want to add another one. So I put the rest of my science experiments and batteries on the command pod. It was so crowded that I couldn't add all five parachutes that I used to have. I did add symmetry, but I was wondering if parachutes break (if I just use two for a whole bunch of weight). I use the radical parachutes. If they do break, how much tons can they hold? Thanks
  13. I am just a new player, so I don't know much. I have just launch a rocket and added too much stages. It blasted off way farther than I wanted it to. I added a heat shield below the payload bay and the command pod. But the thing started to display overheat when I started to reentry. The science things on the command pod started to overheat as well. In the end, two of the four science experiments I had exploded. As well as one of the two parachutes I have. I landed at a high speed and crashed the payload bay. the command pod survived, but I loss a lot of science. So I wonder if there is a way to protect the parachutes and science with the parts I have so far (I don't have the monster/inflatable heat shield)
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