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Ben J. Kerman

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Everything posted by Ben J. Kerman

  1. Ah, German. The language of the Kerbals. And one language I would like to learn. (One reason why Deutsch is the Language of the Kerbals is "construction" in German is Konstruction. Actually, I have almost always seen it said as "Bau", and not "Konstruction", but the point is still valid)
  2. The Kerbalized and Human flags for the Dutch heavy transport and crane company Mammoet (Pronounced Mom-oot, it's Dutch for Mammoth).
  3. Pig is schwein, and crane is kran. Loader is lader, excavator is bagger, backhoe is baggerlader, (Fun to say, and makes sense. It uses the words for excavator and loader, and a backhoe is an excavator and loader in one! They are very versatile machines), crawler crane is raupenkran, drilling rig is bohrgerät. I knew about 3/4 of these of the top of my head,. I really want to learn German and go to Germany, but so far I only know construction equipment in German, and some basic things like "yes, no, I ,thank you ". Partially because I want to travel, partially because I want to learn more about Germany, and partially because most of Liebherr's factories are in Germany. Now I have 74!!!!
  4. Mammoet (Pronounced "Mom-oot", Dutch for "Mammoth") is a Dutch heavy transport and crane company. See flags above.
  5. I wonder why some amateur forum users don't even bother to change their cover photo, or change from the default profile photo, even if it is reuploaded. (That's right, I see your invisible signature) I am only saying these things to annoy you because that's what we are supposed to do on this thread Is that color annoying enough???
  6. Somehow I could like that, so I think it is just too many reactions in a given time.
  7. Yes, I have also been using a mouse more. It is especially useful to use a mouse when doing the action groups, which I need to do all the time for the cranes (Translate L/R for slewing, U/D for luffing, and F/B for boom extension (On telescopic cranes). I have a wireless mouse so there are no cords getting in the way. @Stormpilot . I would like that comment, but apparently I cannot add any more reactions today.
  8. I use the arrow keys because I only have a mouse with me about 30% of the time (I'm on a laptop).
  9. A somewhat random thing (Although random things are not random in the Megathread.) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ1dklX9uq0hajnbNxBW7sA/videos (Maybe I can get to 5 subscribers by the end of this month!!!)
  10. I still play FSX! For some reason though, whenever I try to open it, it says that Steam couldn't start. It says there has been a 'Steam initialization error' even when I have Steam open, and click on the "Play" button IN STEAM, not just the desktop shortcut.
  11. Nice cover photo!

    1. Stormpilot


      Thank you! It is La Rasputin getting poisoned.

  12. Im Nachkriegsdeutschland müssen viele Teile des Landes wieder aufgebaut werden. Hans Liebherr leitet die Baufirma seiner Eltern in Süddeutschland. Er erkennt den Bedarf an Werkzeugen und Maschinen für die Bauindustrie und den Hausbau. Gemeinsam mit Konstrukteuren und Handwerkern entwickelt er 1949 den ersten mobilen Turmdrehkran. Der TK 10 lässt sich problemlos transportieren und ist auf der Baustelle einfach einzurichten. Es ist auch das erste Produkt der 1949 in Kirchdorf gegründeten Hans Liebherr Maschinenfabrik. Mit den folgenden Nachfolgemodellen nimmt die Kranproduktion bei Liebherr Fahrt auf und das Bauunternehmen wird zum Hersteller von Baumaschinen. Is this too long?
  13. Ok. I forgot that it's not just the UK, but also Canada (And I think Australia too? Correct me if I'm wrong, I always want to become a little smarter each day!) that spells words like favorite, color, and maneuver differently. Thanks!
  14. Favourite. Are you from the UK, @Stormpilot? Where are you from, besides in Low Kerbin Orbit? If you don't want to say for some reason, that is completely fine.
  15. Did you know that construction equipment is inexpensive? I heard it from that fact machine in the lobby.
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