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Nate Simpson

KSP2 Alumni
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Everything posted by Nate Simpson

  1. Those are just different spots. No major changes have taken place in this terrain, to my knowledge.
  2. Wait for us to put finishing touches on ring shadows. Donk should actually be casting a shadow across the ring.
  3. Yes, and it's incredibly cool-looking. It's all adjustable on the content side, so we should be seeing a lot of nice variation between different ringed planets.
  4. The fidelity of the clouds decreases with distance and we're still getting that dialed in. Distance fog is also still under development, so when both systems are polished, they'll work together to minimize that effect. That is NOT Kerbin OR Gurdamma. Hm.
  5. Yep, the first two shots are Gurdamma, not Kerbin. Donk is much closer than the Mun (though this ended up being a bit TOO close -- it's been pushed back out just a smidge since this footage was taken). Here's a shot from yesterday with the rings in place and Donk at proper distance. Things have gotten very pretty all of a sudden:
  6. Sometimes we place a reference Kerbal for scale when we're surveying environments. That's what the little red fella's about in that third shot.
  7. Great answers in this thread. All of the engines have upsides/downsides that make them more or less suitable for particular applications, and that becomes especially true when you start talking about interstellar trips (in the real world, delta-V to Mars is about 4 km/s; delta-V to Alpha Centauri is more like 20,000km/s). So obviously the interstellar-class engines are pretty specialized for that application, but are by and large not great for interplanetary travel because they can take a while to get up to speed. But one thing that I like a lot about the new progression, which @Pthigrivi put quite nicely, is that different fuels are derived from different resources, and what you discover and harvest has an effect on what you are able to build. I'm especially excited to see how people use non-optimal engines in creative ways when they have to work within unusual resource constraints.
  8. Check the dev diary channel. I highly recommend comparing the terrain footage from the last feature video and the footage that Eric posted this morning. He's been going like gangbusters on optimizing and refining the terrain system and all that popping that was happening before has just sort of gone away. And it's FAST. The dude is amazing!
  9. Hi friends. And thanks to @KSP Star for dropping in to give you all an update. Things have been BUSY! This team has really hit a fever pitch and we on the creative/design end of the pipeline are having to really hustle to keep up with the high speed of production (not to mention, as more features come online, we also have an increasing number of review/polish tasks popping up as well). And you will not be surprised to hear that this is a very, very big game, so there's a lot to keep track of. I sometimes feel like Lucille Ball tending the conveyor belt. Anyway, the game's going great. Our absence has been evidence of our cup running over, not evidence of something bad happening. We'll have something neat to show you very soon. Thanks as always for your patience.
  10. It actually got revealed in the announcement trailer. It's the place where the Kerbals land at the end.
  11. Nope! This is the coolest idea and I'm mad I didn't think of this. This is such a cool idea. Dang. I'm going to bring this up at the next design meeting.
  12. Minor bug. They will actually retract like the strings on blinds -- you won't see rods impinging on the nozzle interior like this.
  13. @Nertea is in fact now part of our team (yay!), but since we love doing things backwards, he joined JUST as Jon, Aaron, and Paul were putting the finishing touches on this system. I suspect there will be an ongoing conversation about tuning, as there always is. But we're all very happy with this system in its current form.
  14. Navball is staying at lower left corner for people who want it there, but we're making sure that a navball-center variant also looks and feels good. Your video's great! I'm looking forward to the day (not too long from now) when we get to let the footage do the talking for us.
  15. This flight HUD is entirely deprecated and an all-new one is already underway. As always, a lot of systems are being developed in parallel, and they don't all come online at the same time. I feel really good about the direction the HUD is headed, and it's influenced in many ways by community feedback around the previous version.
  16. This is a good note. Will add to our backlog. Thanks!
  17. There's a size threshold below which we don't intend to calculate collision -- that's still in flux, but we don't want your rovers to rattle themselves apart on apple-sized rocks. But yes, the big stuff is collidable.
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