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Everything posted by coop2168

  1. Without this mod I really dont think I would be in this forum. I Like hearing the A-10's gun going BRRRRRRT, hearing the Patriotic turret firing and spamming missiles with max RPM. I really think I wont be in this game. I really enjoy it However I shouldve mentioned this, how do you use the AI, or the missile guidance. I never figured that out
  2. What do you want to happen in KSP? either from a update. or a mod causes this or what do you want to create.
  3. well anyways. I was in the dark and flew into the light , I flew half way across kerbin..
  4. Hey again, I just manage to get halfway around earth with a plane but uh jeb became a glitched thing I meant to say Kerbin oof
  5. Ah yes Dres, interesting, my favorite planet is actually Duna, I dont know why I like the planet so much.hm
  6. I never actually thought about that, also someone is making NKD updated, he made a video and I think he should need more attention for trying to bring back a good mod for KSP
  7. Battlefield 5 is better than battlefield 4, boom you've made the whole entire battlefield fan base mad
  8. I do restart the game, it doesnt work still. I think its just the mod being very outdated at this point, RIP NKD
  9. Hello! Im new to this forum despite me having the game for a few months, I got the mod a few months ago and it has worked till.. I got BDarmory a week ago. It worked for a bit but then stopped working. I dont know what happened. I think its just way to old now and that it just needs to be updated. So I think i just got my answer by my self but if anyone sees this, and there is a way to fix it. please tell me.
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