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    Aircraft enthusiast
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    Paris, France

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  1. Hello, sometimes when I restart the game, all my previously open bases get closed for no reason. Is there a way to force all bases to be always open? When I created my save I put "open all bases" in the settings. Thanks for your help!
  2. Hello, I made an IVA for an Airplane Plus cockpit with MAS but some props that used to work (for IVAs I made for other cockpits before) don't anymore. For example, APU knob doesn't work even though my aircraft has an APU (the one from Kerbal Foundries), or same for the flap lever. Here is my log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ngvd6cmeqq11ogn/KSP.log?st=ruwpckyu&dl=0 I have all dependancies installed. Thanks in advance for your help! Edit: I tried with an older IVA I made and they do work. So they seem to not work only in this cockpit.
  3. Thank you very much for your help, I'm going to see what I can do. This is by far the most advanced thing I've ever tried to do with KSP mods until now!
  4. Line 804 in VesselRadarData.cs, isn't it where BDA draws the radar window?
  5. Hello, do you know if there is a simple way to send textures to RPM screens? I would like to have the BDA radar window directly on a screen in IVA. I saw that I can copy what is done with external cameras, I tried to figure out how external cameras send textures to RPM but I'm a bit lost. Thanks for your help!
  6. Hello, Is there a way to attach parts to the all moving wing, and have them moving with it ? Thanks for your help
  7. Hello, I'm using the FAR's flap function as a trim. I put flaps on my aircraft main wing, then I set the elevators as reversed flaps, so that when I increase flap deflection, the pitch-down moment of the flaps on the main wing is balanced by the elevator pitch-up moment. Quantitatively speaking, how can I know how much trim (that is to say reversed flap deflection) I should apply to my elevators to properly balance the pitch-down moment of the main wing flaps? I guess the stability derivatives window has the answer somewhere but I don't know what number exactly I should look at neither what criterium I should apply. Thanks for your help!
  8. Ok, I'll try to rotate the space then! Thank you @neistridlar.
  9. Hello, thank you for maintaining this mod! Small question: do you know why when one tries to edit one of the cockpits' IVA with Unity, props will be completely out of place in-game? I can share you some screenshots if needed.
  10. Thank you @610yesnolovely! Meanwhile, I built an IVA from the Mk3 Airliner's space with action group buttons that control Atmosphere Autopilot through kOS, so I can use this mod without the GUI. It's pretty simple if you use this:
  11. You didn't! The simple SAS script makes me think that I could interact with kOS through action group buttons, I am going to try something! I am already on the kOS Discord, they helped me finding how to interact with Atmosphere Autopilot with kOS
  12. No problem, I am going to see what I can do myself I knew the 2 first ones (I needed the kOS to AA interface to make Baker nearly work) but not the last one! Thank you
  13. Hello, I added it in an IVA with Unity and put a KAL9000 unit on my test ship but I can't reach the kOS terminal, I tried all buttons (clicked several times on each because I know kOS terminal might be hidden somewhere) but I can't find it I only get these choices: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p4mpim1vbxhvewc/Capture d'écran 2023-03-17 175816.png?dl=0 Is there something more to do than just adding the kOSTerminal in the space? Edit: I checked the \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ASET\ASET_Props\MFDs\kOSTerminal.cfg file, there different page definitions which correspond to what I've seen in-game but no kOS page. Am I missing something?
  14. Hello, I'm getting much closer to make an aircraft autopilot work in IVA. I'm using a kOS script for this: This script is able to interact with Atmosphere Autopilot mod. I end up with this window: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t00gb7zccscw080/Capture d'écran 2023-03-16 233416.png?dl=0 This is the ASET MFD called ALCORMFD40x20 and the IVA space is from DE_IVA extension. However, nothing happens when I press the MFD buttons. Are there some better/more up-to-date MFDs to interact with kOS? Here are my logs if it can help: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ngvd6cmeqq11ogn/KSP.log?dl=0 The .ks script is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xrwresspkygia8k/Baker.ks?dl=0, the function interacting with Atmosphere Autopilot is called bakeraa, it notably defines what MFD buttons do.
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