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Everything posted by Aladran

  1. Do we have any clues of any other universe? Because how I understand it, even if we find some parallel dimension, they would just be inside the same Universe but with some different point of references.
  2. I'm a Pilot Builder that enjoy his cruise control option Pilot on the rough rides, autopilot for boring highways
  3. When I don't feel like driving my ship, I turn the cruise control on. Then turn it off for the fun rides. (And MJ can fail at flying things a human would, been there done that)
  4. Hummm a Type III Civ, could be condidered as gods compared to us, and even more. Harnessing the whole power of a Galaxy! What would you do with that much power. And us, with our only planet, not even at Type 1, no match, completely.
  5. If you want to improve large ships handeling, the easiest way is with RCS thrusters. You don't need a lot of them, just 4 at the tip and 4 at the tail of your ship and voilà, you can easily maneuver. Just don't forget to turn RCS off once you're done with it, else the ASAS will end up draining all your mono propellent.
  6. KSP is the price of, 2 pack of smokes, 1 bottle of vodka, 24beer pack, 2 grams of weeds. All the above will only last for few days at best, KSP will last forever!
  7. They will come back, like flies and bright light. The light is back, the flies will follow
  8. He's been doing this for over a year... I can understand that he wanted to move on. The community is quite big and his task was demanding for sure. I was here when he got nominated for the job, thanks for all and good luck in your next challenges!
  9. I understand, what you can do to avoid having to many debris, is to jettison your your last big stage before your orbital insertion, so it will fall back on kerbin. And you use your orbital stage to circularise. That's what I aim to do to avoid debris.
  10. Why would you want a SSTO for cargo lifting??? Heavy payload require an efficient vehicle, so having a large fuel tank required in SSTO result in a large dead weight once the fuel reserve drains out. Ideally you want to jettison this dead weight to keep your TWR optimal. SSTO is good for reusable vehicle, used for personal delivery, not heavy lifting.
  11. Falcon Heavy 9, will surely be able to do the job better, and it's almost ready for service!
  12. From Wikipedia, TOKAMAK might not be the way to go... Polywell The ITER project confronts numerous technically challenging issues. French Nobel laureate in physics, Pierre-Gilles de Gennes said of nuclear fusion, "We say that we will put the sun into a box. The idea is pretty. The problem is, we don't know how to make the box."[37] A technical concern is that the 14 MeV neutrons produced by the fusion reactions will damage the materials from which the reactor is built.[38] Research is in progress to determine how and/or if reactor walls can be designed to last long enough to make a commercial power plant economically viable in the presence of the intense neutron bombardment. The damage is primarily caused by high energy neutrons knocking atoms out of their normal position in the crystal lattice. A related problem for a future commercial fusion power plant is that the neutron bombardment will induce radioactivity in the reactor material itself.[39] Maintaining and decommissioning a commercial reactor may thus be difficult and expensive. Another problem is that superconducting magnets are damaged by neutron fluxes. A new special research facility, IFMIF, is planned to investigate this problem. A number of fusion researchers working on non-tokamak systems, such as Robert Bussard and Eric Lerner, have been critical of ITER for diverting funding from what they believe could be a potentially more viable and/or cost-effective path to fusion power, such as the polywell reactor.[40][41] Many critics accuse ITER researchers of being unwilling to face up to the technical and economic potential problems posed by Tokamak fusion schemes.[40] In 2005, Greenpeace International issued a press statement criticizing government funding of the ITER, believing the money should have been diverted to renewable energy sources and claiming that fusion energy would result in nuclear waste and nuclear weapons proliferation issues.[42] A French association including about 700 anti-nuclear groups, Sortir du nucléaire (Get Out of Nuclear Energy), claimed that ITER was a hazard because scientists did not yet know how to manipulate the high-energy deuterium and tritium hydrogen isotopes used in the fusion process.[43] Rebecca Harms, Green/EFA member of the European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, said: "In the next 50 years, nuclear fusion will neither tackle climate change nor guarantee the security of our energy supply." Arguing that the EU's energy research should be focused elsewhere, she said: "The Green/EFA group demands that these funds be spent instead on energy research that is relevant to the future. A major focus should now be put on renewable sources of energy." French Green party lawmaker Noël Mamère claims that more concrete efforts to fight present-day global warming will be neglected as a result of ITER: "This is not good news for the fight against the greenhouse effect because we're going to put ten billion euros towards a project that has a term of 30-50 years when we're not even sure it will be effective."[44]
  13. For an space plane to work with payload, you'd need a cargo bay, aligned on the center of mass, so adding payload won't modify your center of mass. (But there is a reason we use rockets to deliver payload, payload management is far easier and it require much simple design, so it's cheaper
  14. It the fluid thermodynamic. Less dense matter "float" on the denser one. So it's a physic Law.
  15. This describe best what I am : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnosticism Can't prove, if there is a god or not, so next question.
  16. Wise call!! Adding this tonight! And i\'ll uplaod the new version, I\'ve already improved the landing gears, by adding 1 more set at the front. It\'s lot more stable for the take off! But we still have to wait until the end of the runway to be able to lift off, that baby is heavy you know.
  17. 21 download, any of you managed to land it?? I\'ve tried, but keep failing. But I\'m no good at horizontal landing... any advices? Is it possible to land just by gliding, or we need some power?
  18. Inspired by the NASA space shuttle and the Spaceball Winnebago Here is what I created: Very very very stable, in atmosphere and in open space. Enough fuel for a little trip to the Mun and back. Try it, enjoy it, feel free to comment. And, it\'s all made from stock parts Enjoy.
  19. 8/10 for the plane, but Boing 747 look a like? I\'m sure you can come up with something closer
  20. Stock parts record, else it doesn\'t count... It\'s easy to get omfg big numbers with 'cheat' parts.
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