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Everything posted by Dixiecapt

  1. Thanks for the clarification. That is what I suspected. I was hopeful there was a work around since The history of space flight RSS contract pack mentioned that it worked with ro/rp1 for some reason. Could have been a misunderstanding and they meant RO only.
  2. How do you assemble the LRV on the moon. I understand how to attach it to the LEM and how to deploy it but I can’t figure out how to attach the additional parts afterwards. I have kis and kas and brought an electronic screw driver. I can even pick up the parts from the lem inventory and put them in my kerbals inventory but I can’t get them to go into a place mode and attach them to the LRV. Any help would be appreciated
  3. Is it possible to install third party contract packs to Rp1. I was wanting to work through the historical progression. I installed it the normal way but it isn’t showing up
  4. Is the following correct? “Rational resources doesn’t control where they are placed, only which resources are placed on which body”. Is there not a way to modify where clean water is located on bodies like the moon and mars in RSS Reborn (aka poles versus equator)? Thanks!
  5. Greetings. I have installed twice KSRSS and Parallax Continued along with Parallax Continued-KSRSS-SDI. When I get within the Moons Sphere of Influence I get Crippling lag. I have a high end machine. Is there a known fix for this? Thanks for any assistance you can provide.
  6. It seems that there might still be an issue. When I try to install through CKAN it fails and I am told: CKAN.InvalidModuleFileKraken: FlightPlan 0.10.7: C:\Users\RWSIV\AppData\Local\CKAN\downloads\downloading\B94A2DD3-FlightPlan-0.10.7.zip has length 18000000, should be 48072556 at CKAN.NetModuleCache.Store(CkanModule module, String path, IProgress`1 progress, String description, Boolean move, CancellationToken cancelToken) at CKAN.NetAsyncModulesDownloader.ModuleDownloadComplete(Uri url, String filename, Exception error, String etag) I went to SpaceDock to manually install the mod and after downloading it Winzip told me the archive was corrupt. When I tried with WinRar I was instructed that: Flight_Plan-0.10.7.zip: The archive is corrupt Specifically: fp_ui.bundle I redownloaded it to make sure it wasn't an issue during download. Thanks again for all you do!
  7. Greetings! I love this mod! I wanted to let you know that the link above doesn't seem to work for me and when I checked CKAN it wouldn't work there either and kept telling me it was unable to make a connection. Thanks again for this mod and all you do. I just wanted to let you know in case you weren't aware that it doesn't seem to be functioning. (Edit): I think the issue might be with Spacedock. It seems to be down at the moment: spacedock.info
  8. I am also getting a black sky during the day. You can see the sun and everything. It isnt scatter. I dont have that. All I Have is qtr Rss, its textures, and dependents installed. My version is 1.8.1 is that the problem?
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