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Everything posted by Cpt72Bug

  1. Might be difficult with the scale they are promising.
  2. The Realistic suggestion sounds great. Actually getting useful data to use in future flights, such as airbreaking potential of certain atmospheres. I agree though the more gamey one will limit the nonlinear potential. Weather phenomenon and random weather events would be a really cool angle they can possibly source many science experiments from that I didn't think about. Thank you for this!
  3. Experimental modules have to be my favorite part of KSP1. As a Molecular Biologist / Entomologist I'm really curious to see what direction they will go in terms of the included projects for KSP2. Hopefully, on top of more physics and geology scanning parts they integrate more biology scientific projects akan to those we see currently on the international space station. Interested in hearing what your thoughts are in what may be included for science experiments. Also if you have any references to current released footage I'd be happy to see it posted here. Dr. Bug
  4. I figured it out it seems that one of the mods recommends JNSQ, this modifies the scale of the solar system.
  5. I have tested the same craft using the above mods, as well as without the above mods. For some odd reason enough Delta V to clear the Kerbin System only provides enough to provide an apoapsis 1/3 the way from the planet? The FPS seems to be constant between modded and unmodded. Any ideas? -CPTBUG
  6. No major changes were observed. However by decreasing the Delta Physics i was able to get a solid 9 more fps for around 17fps all connected together in space.
  7. What i feel that i may resort to doing is combining the mono-propellant into one container. Creating an artificial part with the same capacity of all my tanks. This may significantly reduce the part count by 20-40 parts. Furthermore, i may resort to doing this for ore tanks. I'll post back with my findings and let you know.
  8. Interesting, I am also suffering from 3-5 fps using a 3900xt, 64gb ddr4 (2800mhz) and a 2080. My concerns are that I play in 4k, also have massive ships. (I use around 4x 29 SS-17's to 2 stage to Jool and outerplanets in the outer-planet mod.) Haters may say that wow you really dont need that many solid boosters but i'm part of the Robert Traux school of thought when it comes to spaceflight. My fps varies from 1 fps during launch, 7fps in orbit, 17 fps using a drop ship to other planets. When redocking to main ship or in close proximity it drops back down to 7fps. Have you tried using task manager to give the KSP.exe high priority? (It didn't do anything for me, but may in your case) What has worked somewhat was increasing the ram speed. Using 2800mhz instead of a lowerspeed increased fps by 1-2. Furthermore, using Precision X-1 and overclocking my gpu gave me simular 1-2 fps gains. Now though, i feel that this is unacceptable and really would like to get to the bottom of this.
  9. Several other mod packs have stated issues with animations caused by this latest update. I suspect the Dev's may have updated how animations are handled. It may be worthwhile to see how stock parts are handling animations now. I went line by line for the other modules and found no changes, however in comparison to stock parts the animations module was different. Although, i've never developed a KSP mod nor do I know much about development within KSP. Just a guy trying to play 1.10.
  10. Hello Everyone, KSP 1.10 FIX For KSP 1.10, go to Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Kartoffelkuchen\KK_SpX_Starlink and find KK_SpX_Starlink.cfg Remove the following module from the mu file and the game should load into the main menu. MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = KK_SpX_Starlink_solar actionGUIName = Toggle startEventGUIName = Extend endEventGUIName = Retract } That being said, try not to use the part. I'm unsure if it will work as intended now that this animation has been removed. @Kartoffelkuchen Cheers, Cpt72Bug
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