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Everything posted by PlutoISaPlanet

  1. You might know this, but I want to just say it for everyone else who does not. Ingenuity carries a peice of the Right Brothers first plane. How poetice, this peice will be one of the first things to fly on Mars.
  2. Good luck. I have made stations in munar orbit and kerbin orbit. It can be stressful, but fun and worth it in the end!
  3. Docking and rendezvous was one of the hardest things I learned. Love the KSP struggle. I did a Eve flyby yesterday for the first time, and I have had this game for almost a year. Congrats again!
  4. I have seen a few in transmunar space, they are pretty cool.
  5. Well this question has been answered a few times. You got a good year and a half to save 60 dollars.
  6. If their was a open beta/demo, I doubt it would have interstellar parts.
  7. I also agree that Colonies are not completely done. I do subscribe to the notion that most of the Kerbolar system is done. Colonys and other systems are probably most of what is left to develop.
  8. I am a XFL fan. We barely get updates, barely. I will probably have to wait till 2023 for the XFL to play, longer then we will wait for KSP 2.
  9. All I am saying is that they said their would be more. I am fine with Friday updates. I am just pointing out what they said.
  10. I think they have given great updates, I am just wondering what the deal is with them. When they delayed the game they said they would have more feature videos to make 2021 go by a little quicker.
  11. I am assuming that their will be more feature videos soon. Hopefully within the next 2 months.
  12. KSP was very open to the public, I just hope KSP 2 makes the same effort when the time comes.
  13. Everything you said is what I think we know. Orbital colonies though realy interest me.
  14. I agree that obviously they have made great visual strides. Compare the first "gameplay"clip we got to the clouds clip. It looks so much better. With that being said, I hope the features are also up to these standards.
  15. Honestly, I have no idea. I never do anything with probes because I do not want to set up relays. Im lazy
  16. You know, even having a ksp youtuber play a early versuon of the game would be cool
  17. It was last year I think Btw I think the kerbol system is almost complete, and that is what is being playtested.
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