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Minmus Taster

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Everything posted by Minmus Taster

  1. I wish I were you! I still need to wait till...the 29th (ugh) Anyhow I know this is actually yesterday but, I got a covid vaccine finally! only the first dose so I still have one more to go, sadly for me the vaccine is making me a little sick (normal), but Il feel better in a few days
  2. He was the first Kerbal on Duna, but on the way home the capsule bounced of the atmosphere into interplanetary space, Valentina tried nudging it back with her EVA pack but it was to heavy. So Ronzer made did the unthinkable, knowing he would be bored out of all imagination he took as much dead weight as he could in his hands opened the Mk2 cockpits doors, and jumped.... He gave himself to the void to ensure the precious data and his fellow crewmate had a chance of going home. But was it in vain? I don't know yet since Valentina is still pushing...Stay tuned for updates I guess? (Based of a true story) Update: Valentina ran out of fuel to and is now drifting among the stars to...
  3. Awwwww, I ship I ship! I hope 16 is spared, it's heatshield pattern is awsome!
  4. It would make no sense...hey at least there aren't any delays right? gosh why did I say that-
  5. *Sadness... Now I need to wait till the next show and tell...
  6. Welcome to the forums! That's dumbfounding, why would you talk about inclusion at E3? oh well.
  7. Aw so no crater from when I crash my torch ship into Ovin at 10% the speed to light?
  8. I think the way they announced it is a BIT misleading, just because it was meant to some out in late 2021 and will now come out 2022, doesn't mean it's delayed by a whole year (as in the full 365 days) but rather it could be shorter (like 181 days) but would still put it next year. And I agree with you about the DLC thing, or at least extra content beyond updates, I think it DEFINATLY needs to inprove it's image after what happened to Star Theory. #Never4get
  9. Great! Still means the game is a year away but it could be worse...why did I have to say that...
  10. It would be nice to have rain if we have decent clouds don't you think.
  11. On the day it comes out I'm going to: Wake up, then go back into bed to remember what was happening today. When I do Il spring up with full force jump out of bed, run to my PC with no regard for my still sleeping family, go to the KSP website, and force my parents to pay 60 bucks for it because I'm literally broke online. Play without pause for...a very long time.
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