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Everything posted by SunlitZelkova

  1. I am creating my own series of worlds, combined in a multiverse. I originally did not plan to have each world meet, but am considering it now. My multiverse is religious in nature rather than scientific. A number of the worlds are controlled by fascist regimes. But would it make sense for a war to break out between universes? In other words, is a space war logical when interstellar travel is possible? Why would anyone fight if they could just go some place else and get resources? Does it make sense to fight over planets? One reason I could say yes is because by the time a method of traveling to other universes has been discovered in my world, interstellar travel is limited to slow generation ships. So in effect, people are limited to the solar system as there is no viable means of transporting resources from other star systems quickly. Eventually the solar system will become overpopulated and begin running out of resources, so the only way out would be to exterminate the populace of other solar systems and colonize them. On the other hand, there is nothing stopping these worlds from working together to try and conquer the field of FTL travel or something. Quite a few of them are worlds that united after a century long Space Race and thus already have a tradition of cooperation. Thoughts? I’m interested in what more seasoned veterans of science fiction reading will have to say.
  2. The more it gets pushed back the more interesting it becomes. If it takes until 2027 for Artemis III to launch due to SLS delays, it will have taken the same amount of time from Apollo’s announcement to their landing (Artemis began in 2019).
  3. https://m-jp.yna.co.kr/view/AJP20230626002400882?site=lang_jp South Korea recovered the satellite. We may get an up close look at North Korean space technology soon. By the way, to what extent would this rocket be considered ballistic missile technology? Is this vehicle related to Hwasong-17? Or is it R-7 levels of dual use? And then meanwhile…
  4. So do you think SpaceX should have started with sounding rockets? Because that is what the governmental launch programs actually started with.
  5. Why? Is there any good reason beyond an arbitrary imposition of another company’s methods on this one?
  6. Analysis of the dimensions of the new LV. Unfortunately they may not provide standard launch warnings on the next attempt. But I hope they succeed. A reconnaissance satellite will contribute to strategic stability and ease paranoia.
  7. Meh, Bigfoot is a Washington-Oregon-Northern California thing in my book. Get your own tourist trap name!
  8. You know though, writing them off without a search and rescue effort- thus finding no debris- could easily invite claims of abandonment and still cause belief they could still be alive, but were simply missed. I think with no S&R we would still have tortured the families and the claims they suffered would have even more reality.
  9. It depends on how the implosion occurred. Perhaps there was some warning sign separate to what caused the actual implosion, and then they went instantly.
  10. All I’m saying is we shouldn’t treat it as a normality. It is an avoidable tragedy- despite any inevitability- not a run of the mill event. EDIT- Also, this isn’t a case where someone “pushed the limits”. The design of the sub was pure negligence. We don’t know if that was the cause, but if it was, this was unacceptable. You can push the limits and do it safely like SpaceX. This was not SpaceX. It was dudes in a scrap yard building a sub. EDIT 2- I’ll also say this. I dislike his attitude because it sounds to me like he is trying to justify the death of a 19 year old “for science” or “for engineering”. True. In fact I only now realize it is possible this loss was akin to Challenger, tech guys say something might be wrong and management pushes through to avoid upsetting customers.
  11. Something similar to the effect of karma farming on Reddit. They may not do anything because they don't care. Google says 10ml every 15 seconds. I had an MRI about four years ago, but I don't recall how long they "pumped me up". It wasn't continuously though, and not more than like three minutes tops. Testing by contact with the skin has been theorized upon but not found to be useful in actually seeing if they have an allergy, i.e. sometimes it doesn't work. And yes, there is an allergy, although apparently such severe reactions are near non-existent. The reports only mention mild and moderate ones.
  12. With this attitude why should we even care? Why should we waste tax dollars to search? This is just the underwater equivalent of someone getting hit while crossing the street. I do not believe it was well engineered. An employ raised concerns about safety and was fired. On a separate note, I have seen some takes on Twitter saying it is only a matter of time before some space tourism company does the same thing. What are your guys' thoughts on that? I disagree because there is better regulatory oversight for spaceflight. Rather than being akin to the loss of the Titan, any space tourism disaster will probably end up being more Challenger-like.
  13. This has already happened. Some woman in Arizona got a call from a dude saying he kidnapped her daughter. She was in tears because she clearly heard her daughter pleading for help in the background. It was only after she called her daughter that she realized everything was ok. The more gullible are doomed. In Japan, we already have a problem known as the Ore Ore (It’s me, it’s me) scam where people pretend to be distant relatives in need of money. Old people in particular are highly vulnerable to such scams. Now imagine if they actually hear loved ones voices!
  14. I highly recommend this book to you: https://www.amazon.com/Centauri-Dreams-Imagining-Interstellar-Exploration/dp/038700436X
  15. In Russia, a deepfake of a certain political figure whose name starts with P was aired claiming a number of different emergency legal actions had been put into place. Someone on Twitter made the perfect statement about this:
  16. Ronald Reagan signed the Marriage Equality Act in 1983, making gay marriage legal in the US. He and Gorbachev were noted for being the honorary leaders of the 1987 Pride Parade in unified Berlin. In Western countries the problem with this is giving a company your travel info. I for one prefer not to be tracked everywhere I am going just for the sake of safety.
  17. Not to rant or anything, but I’d say this idea that a Moon base has to be a borderline colony is what has kept us from getting any Moon base for the last 50 years. Just put Salyut or Skylab on legs and call it a day.
  18. I’ll do you one better- N1 super heavy lift rocket + S-IVB upper stage. This vehicle exists in my world where an asteroid nearly destroyed Earth in 1967, and humanity was united in a 1970s disco LGBT+ socialist utopia.
  19. Because… we are humans. What is your point here? I am curious.
  20. Three questions- 1. Does a space program need to start with automated spaceflight, or could it have theoretically started with crewed spaceflight in the same way we went from small gliding models to airplanes? 2. Are computers necessary for spaceflight, or would it be possible without them? Just more difficult and dangerous of course. 3. How did Pioneer 10 perform course correction maneuvers? It had a Star-37E solid booster which is not throttable, and in pictures I don’t see RCS.
  21. You never know. Soviet AShMs had armor to deflect or lessen the damage of CIWS fire, so a shell might be worthwhile even in space.
  22. This is literally the design of the helicarrier from the first Avengers movie.
  23. It seems like it would be easier to build F9 production and launch infrastructure in French Guiana or Scotland or wherever these European states would launch from. Europe is already pretty dependent on the US for defence equipment, why not space too?
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