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Posts posted by DaveyJ576

  1. Loving the update! Gemini is vastly improved. One tweak needed: upon splashdown the spacecraft floats very high in the water, on the very tip of the heatshield. Can this be adjusted? Also, Mercury floats very low in the water, almost submerged.

    One suggestion: is it possible to get the Gemini to go to the two-point suspension once it is on the main chute?

    Thanks for all the hard work!

  2. I am using BDB to fly an Apollo lunar mission. The Maneuver Planner puts me into a trajectory that has my CSM/LM flying an east to west orbit (right to left) around the Mun. I landed fine, but once I tried to launch from the Mun, Ascent Guidance wanted to fly the ascent stage into a west to east trajectory, 180 degrees opposite from which the CSM was flying! I eventually launched manually and made it to orbit, but could not figure out how to launch from the Mun into a westbound trajectory using Ascent Guidance. Can this be done? Or do I need to enter Munar orbit flying in the other direction? If so, how?

    Thanks for the guidance!

  3. I had some hinkiness with the Apollo/S-V combo shown above. I wanted to do an orbit raising maneuver using the S-V. I set the S-V as "control from here", made sure the combo was in prograde, then lit it off. Both the RL-10's on the S-V AND the SPS on Apollo lit off at the same time, effectively nulling the maneuver. Is this MechJeb related or did I goon something up? I have done the same thing with a Gemini/Agena combo and this did not happen. Hmmm...

  4. 40 minutes ago, Invaderchaos said:

    I don’t believe IIIM used a transtage? However, the MOL test article (launched on Titan IIIC) did have a transtage. I believe with the latest MOL/Gemini parts, a Titan IIIM is balanced for putting MOL in a decent polar orbit in JNSQ.

    Yeah, I believe you’re right. No Transtage on the IIIM. But I like it anyway. It gives you a lot of on-orbit maneuvering margin. 

  5. Can anyone help with  apparent MechJeb 2 issues with the X-20 "Moroz" Dynasoar? The ride uphill and orbital ops are fine, but the glide back is not. I am getting a lot of "Dutch Roll", flat spins, and general uncontrollability. The Aircraft Approach & Landing function sometimes does well for a few moments, then I get the flat spins and Dutch Roll (constant left and right yaw with pitch deviations). I have never even gotten close to the runway. I have tried to adjust the glide slope to 20-30 degrees thinking I was stalling, but that doesn't work. I also upped the approach and landing speeds with the same negative result. If I kill the autopilot I can steady out the spacecraft, but as soon as I re-engage the uncontrollability begins again. I am too crappy a pilot with a keyboard to fly it in manually. Any suggestions? 



  6. 11 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

    Awesome! I'm excited for the update to release, we have a newer and better Atlas Able now! :)


    Looking forward to it! I struggled with the fairing quite a bit. Yours is much more accurate.

    I gave Ed White and Roger Chaffee their long denied moment in the sun. They flew a highly successful MOL mission in a 100 km polar orbit, spying on those nasty Krussians. I built out the Titan IIIM per the instructions, but it turned out to be massively overpowered even for the MOL. The UA1207's have a pretty good kick to them! I never even had to light the Transtage.


  7. I am using MechJeb 2 to guide me in. I am a crappy pilot! I need some suggestions for the settings to guide in the Dynasoar. I would assume I need a steep angle of attack in order to maintain speed and controllability. What is the stall speed and do you have a recommended landing speed?



  8. On 9/25/2020 at 5:18 PM, Zorg said:

    Yeah the old Ranger was mostly incomplete. All new fancy parts have been made and are in the github development branch. We are trying to push out a new release as soon as we can. Looks like Friznit might have jumped the gun a little by putting the new Rangers on the probe page here https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki/wiki/Satellites. The new upcoming stuff is meant to be confined to the "Issues" section https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki/issues/43 until the next release.

    Thanks Zorg. I will wait for your team to complete the updates. I just wanted to make sure that I was not missing something due to a gooned up install.

  9. 45 minutes ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

    There are lots of variations. What are you missing?

    Also, are you using: https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki/issues/43

    Using it for what? I have read the issues thread through, and I have been studying the Wiki extensively. I seem to be missing over half the parts for all of the Ranger series probes. They just aren't there. I have the probe core, the solar panels, the comms dish, the top part of the antenna, and the batteries and that is it.

  10. 46 minutes ago, akron said:

    Yes, it works but there are some issues. Looks like the biggest one if the IUE Telescope not loading due to some drag cube shenanigans. There's also some hinkyness with DMOS scienceDef. I am hoping to fix these this weekend. If you do get drag cube errors, delete the Telescope part cfg for now until I can smack the bugs back into submission.

    Thanks Akron. I will wait a bit before I download it. Still feeling my way through BDB so no sweat for now. Thanks for the detective work in getting it debugged!

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