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Posts posted by DaveyJ576

  1. TGXpvQU.jpg

    Could this mod be causing this? BDB Mercury showing two Lights On buttons and only one works. The button for deploying/retracting the periscope is gone and the periscope is permanently deployed. It can not be retracted. Game version 1.11.2. Also, I thought your mod did not have any features for the Mercury spacecraft, since it already had the deployable landing bag. Thanks.

  2. I just started a 1.11.2 game and pulled up Mercury for the first time. The periscope is open as soon as you select the spacecraft. and there doesn't seem to be a way to close it. Worked fine in 1.10. Also, the first Lights On button doesn't seem to do anything. There was only one Lights On button in 1.10. I have also installed Comfortable Landing. Could that be causing this?


  3. 7 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

    I wonder if there's an easy fix for the RCS plumes all being backwards? The thrust is applied in the proper direction, but the plumes go the opposite way. I wish I knew how to write, or even borrow, waterfall configs for stuff like this!



    Perhaps CobaltWolf would know, or one of the other BDB dev team. 

  4. So, here is what I was referring to:


    Click on one of the mission icons in the timeline and you get this summary:


    Another function kept track of achievement "firsts", i.e. when you completed a specific task that gave you prestige in the Race to Space:


    It just would be a cool historical function if KSP had some version of these functions.

    Wow, going back and looking at this game it reminds me how "primitive" it was, but at the time it came out it was considered pretty advanced. It was interesting to play, but it had a major flaw. You were guaranteed to kill several astronauts, no matter how careful you were in your research and development or mission planning. How the game calculated the probability was skewed toward disaster. It got to be very frustrating, but I digress.

  5. The 1962 LEM flies very well! It is a bit of a dog, as it weighs in nearly 6 tons heavier than the actual 1969 LM, but that is historically accurate. The ascent stage is slow getting off the Mun due to its weight, so launch a little prior to your CSM flying overhead. It has a fuel cell so electricity is not a problem. One other note: if you place the antenna where it shows in historical models, it won't fit in a BDB SLA adaptor, even when retracted. I had to move it to the position shown.


  6. @mcdouble, you are a sneaky son of a gun! You kind of slid this little gem in without saying...



    Thank you for doing this! I have wanted to run a mission with some of the other LEM designs that were not built and now I have the opportunity. I haven't flown it yet, but I will throw it in with my BDB setup and see how she flies! Thanks again!

  7. To all:

    Prior to picking up KSP last year, I played several other sims in the past. Most noteable was the antique Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space and its visually improved but still greatly lacking successor Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager.  BARIS had a historical function where it kept track of the missions you had flown in a linear timeline fashion. You could go back and review the missions you had flown. It included the mission name, type of mission, type of spacecraft, date flown, crew (if any), mission patch (cool), and prestige points earned. I have searched for a similar mod for KSP but haven't found one. Could one be created? I have zero experience in creating mods.


  8. I would like to pass on my heartiest congratulations to Felipe and the entire development team. You have all created a true masterpiece! It is not only waaaay fun, but it is immersive and educational. I have only been playing a year but am fully hooked. Quite often I am surprised when I look at the clock and realize that hours have passed running a mission!

    Thank you again for all of your hard work and dedication. I am looking forward to great things to come!

  9. 39 minutes ago, TaintedLion said:

    What is BDBNIC, where can I find it?

    BDB Now In Colors. It is a cool mod, but beware there is some programming hinkiness when it comes go the Apollo Saturn IB and Saturn I. It creates drag on the ride uphill and on the CM during reentry. I believe there is a .cfg file workaround, but I wasn’t comfortable messing with it so I uninstalled. If it works for you it provides some interesting color switching capability for the CM. Available on CKAN

  10. Okay, so ignore my last post. I continued to mess around with it and got it fixed. I still don't know what the original problem was, but apparently it wasn't installing correctly. On a hunch I pulled up CKAN and changed the compatibility to 1.7. KK showed up in the list as needing an update so I let CKAN install the update. It worked! KK now runs in the game correctly and I installed KSC Extended, OSS/NTR, Tundra Space Center, and Kerbinside Remastered. Everything loaded and worked correctly when it didn't before.

  11. I need your help. I am building a new clean install of 1.11.2 with Making History and Breaking Ground. I have tried loading KK but it is not showing up in the game. The menu icon is not present nor does ctrl-K work, even with a capsule on the pad. I have the KK folder in GameData, and it's configuration matches that of my successful install for 1.10. As the game is booting up it seems that it is recognizing KK's presence and CKAN sees it as a manually installed mod, but I am still not seeing it in the game. Please advise. I can send logs, but I am having the devil of a time finding them. Please advise.

    Thank you.

  12. I just downloaded the new update and so far everything is working great. Thanks for the hard work on it!

    Back in March someone asked a question about the Gemini spacecraft floating very high in the water, actually on the very tip of the heatshield. Has this ever been addressed with a fix or adjustment? I just ran a mission today and it is still floating like that. Also, is there a tweak to get it to float on its side, or do I just tip it over post-landing with SAS? I am currently running 1.10.

    Thank you!

    What could have been if Apollo had flown much earlier...


  13. 5 hours ago, biohazard15 said:

    Apollo 14 (CCAFS)


      Reveal hidden contents


    A tribute to the old Saturn-Apollo.

    Apollo 14 was comprised of Antares (CSM) and Kitty Hawk (LM). It is the only human spacecraft that landed at the Moon region known as Fra Mauro formation.


    Morning launch.






    Switching off the central F-1 (I do this at T-30s)


    Jettisoning the S-IC. Sorry, failed to caprure the exact moment.



    Jettisoning the famous interstage ring.


    Jettisoning LES (you can see it if you look real close)





    Jettisoning the S-II (again, failed to capture separation motors, sorry)


    Starting TLI burn.



    Releasing Antares.




    Antares retrieves Kitty Hawk.



    Enroute to the Moon.


    I've got a secondary mission (aka contract) - conduct some science experiments while at the Moon orbit. There is Mystery Goo canister, DMagic GORESat, and DMagic solar particle collector. The latter is mounted on a piston, in order to fit it into CSM's service bay.





    Kitty Hawk decouples from Antares...



    ...and starts its journey to its designated landing site at Fra Mauro formation.


    You can see Parry and Tolansky craters.




    The Kitty Hawk has landed!




    Disembarking and planting the flag.



    Deploying ALSEP package...


    ...and trying to play some golf, like Shepard did.


    Ascent stage blasts off.






    Meanwhile, Antares completes the orbital science...




    ...and intercepts Kitty Hawk.


    Short EVA to gather science results.


    Kitty Hawk is abandoned.


    Antares starts its return burn.




    Jettisoning the SM and preparing for reentry above Africa, aiming to splashdown at Indian Ocean.




    That was pretty close.





    Mission successful!



    Outstanding! Where did you get the ALSEP experiments?

  14. 40 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

    I looked at the config and nothing stuck out to me? I could swear it worked last time I used it.. :P




    Do we need one..?


    Awwh that's cute! You'd want the launch trailer in game tho :) We almost got an ocean launch platform for Scout, back in the day. 


    I'd like to see Pegasus in the mod as a Saturn 1 payload, we'll see.


    Work on the MLEM continues, will stream this weekend.


    I think you need to work on Jeb’s textures a little more. He is looking a little flat lately... :kiss: :lol:

  15. I think it is safe to say that those who use BDB do so because they like the historical aspect of the mod. That being the case, you all might be interested in the following article by none other than Wayne Hale, former Space Shuttle Program Manager and Flight Director at NASA.

    Pilot Error is Never Root Cause | Wayne Hale's Blog (wordpress.com)

    During my misadventure with the Lunar Orbiter/Atlas Agena that I described above, I was trying to use his "seven whys" of accident investigation. @biohazard15 provided the insight necessary to get to the7th why and the final root cause.

    Wayne has some other very interesting stuff on his blog and is an excellent writer.

  16. @biohazard15I finally figured it out, and you were completely correct. It literally came to me at 5:30 this morning as I woke up. Before picking up the spacecraft to rotate it, I had to re-root the whole stack through the Agena. I didn't realize that this also changed the "Control From Here" point. I do now! This is actually a very accurate historical point and a great lesson in rocket/spacecraft design. If actually done my way in real life, it would indeed result in a Proton-style accident exactly like I initially experienced.

    My thought process defaulted to a potential software fault when it was actually an old-fashioned brain fart. I hope I am not the only one who gooned this up! LOL

    Thank you for your help. I appreciate it!

  17. 12 minutes ago, biohazard15 said:

    Here's a thing about Lunar Orbiter - it flew upside down. If you built it with Orbiter being core part, your default control point is Orbiter's probe core - which is, as you may have guessed, is upside down. MJ thought that the rocket was facing in the wrong direction, tried to compensate, bam, fireball. The Russians actually did that back in 2013, when they tried to launch Proton with one of its control sensors accidentally installed upside down, and it did EXACTLY the same maneuver (with exactly the same result).

    Use Agena's probe core as control point until Orbiter separation.

    Roger. Good point and I hadn’t thought of that. But I rotated it 90 degrees along it’s axis. Why would that make a difference if your scenario is the root cause? Trying to understand. 

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