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Posts posted by DaveyJ576

  1. So I had a strange thing happen today. I decided to build and fly the Lunar Orbiter probe. I built the standard probe using all of the BDB parts, the Codac SAF fairing, and an Atlas Agena D borrowed from my GATV (I of course removed the Gemini docking collar).  I moved it out to LC-14 and hit the go button (using MechJeb 2) and the rocket promptly heeled over to the left and crashed in a rather spectacular fashion! I was quite surprised because the same rocket with the GATV flew perfectly. I started to fiddle with MechJeb settings, fuel loads, even the colors of the fairing and nothing worked. Back in the VAB I removed the Lunar Orbiter and tried again. Perfect. Knowing the origin of the problem but not knowing why I sat there for a moment and decided to rotate the payload. I picked it up off the fairing base, rotated it 90 degrees to the right, and reattached it. Out at the pad it flew like a dream. Apparently the payload orientation was the key. I have never run across this before in nearly a year of using BDB. Has anyone else seen this?


  2. 2 hours ago, Pudgemountain said:

    Since most are talking about the LM and derivatives. I have found out that the Apollo LM Descent stage makes great platforms for Landing Probes on planets and Moons without atmosphere like Moho. That and a Vanguard engine fits in it too lol.



    Great stuff! It would be really nice if the RCS blast deflectors and the ladder/platform could be optioned out... (nudge nudge to the Dev Team, lol)


    The bottom vehicle is the LM Truck MK 2. I replaced the platform and robotics with a KIS container. This is still somewhat similar to a proposal I read in an official NASA document. You can carry A LOT of cargo to the Mun with the MK 2.


    I found a way to double stack the MK 2 with the Shelter. Believe it or not it flew well, boosted by a standard Saturn V with a very long shroud. The Transtage braked both vehicles into Mun orbit quite nicely. I decoupled and landed the Shelter first, then the Truck. That was a follow up launch after the MK 1B landing. 



    This is my "final" version of my LM Shelter. It is still a rough kitbash, and I hope that the dev team will consider formalizing something like this.




    This is a combination of Stock, BDB, & KIS (a wonderful mod if you don't have it). Shelter is launched separately and landed autonomously. KIS allowed the attachment of an extendable ladder to the bottom lip of the airlock. The ladder is carried uphill stowed on the back of the Shelter. I also attach two RTG's to the back of the Shelter once landed.


    LM Truck MK 1A.



    Added some Infernal Robotics and KAS equipment for the arm/crane, and KIS containers.

    MK 1B LRV variant. Rover is a modification of the Stock Skycrane/Rover. I have since dropped it in favor of the USI Exploration Pack rover. This one still works though.


  5. Hello!

    I love your mod. Great work! I downloaded and installed a few days ago and have been tinkering with it. I am running 1.10 with BDB and have run into a semi-weird issue. 


    Does anyone have an idea for the reason that the arms separated from the hinges? They were attached when I landed and for the initial work of unloading a rover. After a save, I came back and it was like this. It was still full functional. Did I goon something up?


  6. 17 hours ago, Grimmas said:

    I'm a bit confused by the terminology. Science pack? In Exploration Pack's latest version there is a 'science pack' which is a collection of 12 new experiments. They do not hold any inventory. If you mean the "A cardboard box stuffed with science" those are actually from another mod (Sounding Rockets) and they are also simply new experiments. Older versions of Exploration Pack had just one experiment IIRC (the data camera) but I don't recall a science pack there either...

    Edit: if you mean the old "science crate" that's just another experiment storage container like the stock Experiment Storage Unit.

    I apologize if I was not clear. I meant the experiment storage lockers. The tan colored ones. How are they used?

  7. I wanted to pass on my compliments for a brilliant mod. The rover is fantastic and fun to drive. I disable the steering for the rear wheels and that prevents potentially problematic super-tight turns. It is still pretty nimble without the rear steering. I ran it around KSC and took it over to LC-34. There is an earthen ramp there meant to protect some fuel tanks. I used to to catch some air with the rover! There thing is practically indestructable. I have only one minor quibble: I am on 1.10 and using KAS to assemble the two frame pieces and it proved quite frustrating to get them to line up properly at the right node. It required a great deal of manipulation, but I eventually got it once I figured out how to shift the nodes around. The rest of the rover assembled like a dream. 

    One more minor observation: do the science packs actually hold anything? If so I couldn’t figure out how to open their inventory. 

    Thanks again for the great work! 

  8. I kitbashed together this LM Shelter using BDB and stock parts. It is still in the refinement phase, but I am running into a problem.



    I need to attach a ladder to the lower lip of the airlock. I can do so, but when I inflate/deflate the airlock the ladder does not move with it. I don't have KAS yet and I was wondering would it solve the problem? Or, could my Kerbals attach one on an EVA?



  9. On 4/12/2021 at 5:21 AM, derega16 said:

    Another thing I forgot to ask for Saturn revamp, is revamped S1-C engine mount's mesh possible to be modified for this thing? I don't know if engine fairing meshs are the same piece with cylindrical part or it is separated with full cylindrical part unearthed



    PS. I found a document with nice-clear illustration on how each LM delivered vehicles supposed to look like. Also this is the clearest image of LM truck I've ever seen that is not a mystery box on top of descent stage



    The LM Shelter was what I had in mind for my design a few pages back. If I could just get a ladder to attach to the airlock I would be in business. 

  10. Since the team has indicated that it may be a while until  the revamp hits the streets, I decided to jump back into some Apollo kitbashing. Below is my version of a LM Hab, inspired by a design I saw once for the real-life Apollo Extension System (AES).





    Ascent engine has been removed and replaced by a Z-1K battery. All ascent prop has been offloaded with the exception of monoprop for the RCS. I attached the inflatable airlock from the MOL/MOS parts, and placed a RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit (tweakscaled down) in place of the docking drogue. Also added in some solar panels. The intention is for this Hab to be landed remotely without a crew, and a manned LM Taxi lands close by. Not finished with this yet and I have not flight tested it.

    Big question... is there a way of attaching a ladder to the lip of the extended airlock? I can attach one, but when the airlock is inflated/deflated it doesn't move with it.


    I have always wanted to fly an Apollo "Direct Ascent" type mission. So I kitbashed together something that approaches that idea. This will be my last big Apollo mission until the revamp comes out.


    The Bluedog 2 spacecraft sits atop a Saturn V Heavy. This vehicle is a mix of BDB and stock parts. First, second and third stages are standard BDB, but with the 1st and 2nd having reduced fuel loads. The boosters are UA 1205 with full thrust and fuel. I had to remove the hammerhead crane from @AlphaMensae's Modular Launch Pads LUT, because it was jammed into the top of the VAB and it also wouldn't clear the LES. Liftoff and the ride uphill was smooth, but slower than usual due to the heavy load. The boosters helped a lot.


    The S-II pushing the stack into orbit. I did not fly an actual direct ascent profile, mostly because I use MechJeb and couldn't quite figure out how to do it! I will play with that later.


    The stack just after the S-IVB performed the Trans Munar Injection. Conformal Decals add a lot to the look.


    Bluedog 2 outbound to the Mun. There is no need for a docking probe, so that was replaced with the Block 1 nose cone. I added extendable ladders to the SM and the descent stage, and a fixed ladder to the interstage. I moved the High Gain antenna to the SIM bay along with some science equipment. Missions Bluedog 0 and Bluedog 1 were test flights, and I found out I was not using a powerful enough engine in the descent stage. I had to find something with enough power, but that wasn't so big that the bell was longer than the landing legs. I started off with the ETS SPS, then went to the LV-909 Terrier. Neither had enough power or control authority to land. Bluedog 2 was upgraded to the LV-T45 Swivel engine, but the length required me to add a skirt (Tweakscaled) to the bottom of the stack to allow the landing gear to clear the engine bell.


    Bluedog 2 on the Mun! The CG is a bit high so she was tippy on this sloped ground. I was holding my breath as she settled after touchdown.


    The EVA underway! It is a long climb down the ladders, but it worked well. 


    Munar liftoff went well. I flew it manually to apoapsis, then used MJ to circularize. Once again I skipped the direct ascent profile, and will hold more training on that later.


    A lonely Bluedog Base after departure of the CSM.


    CM/SM separation before reentry.


    On the mains before a successful splashdown. I landed in Meteor Bay. It was a very successful mission and was fun to fly!

  12. On 3/19/2021 at 3:02 PM, USKnight said:

    @Starhelperdude, that is a fantastic mod suggestion. I really wish I had known about it before spending... a lot of time running "simulations" and totally not crashing dozens of times trying to create a flyable "Dyna-Soar" of my own. Thank you very much for making me aware of it. I will be adding this mod to my game for Research and Development.

    I run KSP from my laptop and do not have a joystick. So I use MechJeb to handle the detail work of flying. I have the X-20 mod and found it nearly impossible to fly from the keyboard. I encountered a lot of “dutch roll” style oscillations with MechJeb engaged.  So I disengaged MJ and the oscillations went away, but it was still uncontrollable. I asked in the X-20 thread for some suggestions, but didn’t get any useful answers.  It is a fantastic looking mod, but I have shelved it for now. 

    BTW, your work here is fantastic! Very interesting historical variations. Keep it up!

  13. I am sorry to report that I encountered a situation very similar to what Friznit reported above. The "bug" actually had two different components. I am currently running

     Prior to installing BDBNIC, my BDB Saturn 1 and 1B were so overpowered on a stock Kerbin that they were nearly SSTO's. I had to power them down for realism's sake. After I installed BDBNIC, I noticed that neither of them, at full power and fuel, would achieve orbit! A full 1st stage burned through all of its fuel at only at 15-17,000 meters and at less than 500 m/s. Because of air resistance staging was disasterous. I use MechJeb so I thought for a while that I had gooned up a setting. I also noticed that the Atlas Centaur and ETS Saturn 1C also struggled a bit, but I was able to achieve orbit at least. It really seemed as if someone had turned on a massive aerobrake. I spent three hours yesterday launching test after test with different MechJeb settings and nothing worked.

    The second issue involved the return to Earth. After deorbit and reentry, the Apollo CM would slow considerably, even without the parachutes deployed! At 6,000 meters I was down to 39 m/s and still dropping. I thought about letting her go all the way to see if it would safely land without parachutes, but I punched them out anyway. Immediately the speed increased to nearly 200 m/s, then started to slow down again! Final landing speed was 7 m/s, about 2-3 m/s higher than normal. After that I realized that it wasn't MechJeb at all so I backed out and uninstalled BDBNIC. After restarting and testing, the problem went away and BDB was back to normal.

    The BDBNIC install was via CKAN and it was bundled with Tantares. I uninstalled both.

    This is really a shame because I liked what was in this mod. It was one of those that greatly enhanced the visual aspect of the whole sim. I will fully admit that the problem may be linked to another mod that I have, but since the problem went away when I uninstalled BDBNIC, I will have to leave it behind for now.

  14. If you are working on an update, would you please consider making the LC-14 pad just a tad larger? I use AlphaMensae's Modular Launch Pads, and with the size of your pad for LC-14, his tower just barely fits.


    The crew access tower has to be angled to properly align with the spacecraft hatch. This would also (in real life) give the KSC personnel the room to move the booster up the ramp and erect it on the launch stand. I can not move the tower any further outboard without it hanging over the edge of the ramp, and as it sits currently it partially blocks the ramp. You wouldn't need to add much, probably less than 5%.

    This is a very small quibble in an otherwise fantastic mod! Thank you for all the hard work you put into it!

  15. 2 hours ago, Pappystein said:


    The descent stage's RCS provides the Aft thrust (Forward thrust would come from the 2 RCS ports in the bottom of the service module.  Only the Left and right RCS modules provide this thrust.

    now as for how you would fly a capsule backwards.  That is covered in many programs.   The target docking port would have an offset photo calibration mark.   On the back of the Gemini, in the "standard" or likely Vertical position above the SM side docking port...  you would have your camera, that has the same offset as the target docking port's photo calibration mark.   Keep the Photo calibration crosshair under the camera's crosshair... viola docking made "simple?"  :P


    Now if either of you are talking about the 1.875m Ring and clamp docking port on the back of Gemini... then you have to remember, you are flying a different Gemini and you are A) a 3 Crew Gemini, and B) flying with the MOL SM which is a 1.875m cylinder in KSP and you are going to attach 4x of the 4 way Giant RCS pods that were made for MOL/Gemini.   This SM is often called the "Ferry" tank.  

    Everything else about docking in reverse is the same.   Now Big G had the aft facing pilot to do the same but BigG had the giant SM and had room to spare to "simplify" the docking process. 


    I played around with Big G a couple of months ago. I posted some pics a ways back on this thread. It works great until you come to the deorbit phase... 

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