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Everything posted by Superpluto126

  1. I do not have volumetrics nor have any intention to acquire it, so no. I will however eventually do parallax compatibility
  2. Hi! Sorry to be a bother, but I was trying to download Core.Zip for the newest version of Lazurus and it gave me the 'File wasn't available on this site error', is this a known problem with github or with Lazurus's download specifically?
  3. Meet Van Maneens Star, as apart of the 0.8 update, Van Maneen will serve as a Desolate white Dwarf system not too far from Kerbol to engage in the study of Cold, Frozen worlds that once were more like Home. The 0.8 Update will include Fomalhault, Van Maneens, and Kepler-53 along with some bug fixes, as well as enhanced Scatterer support. This Update will be titled the Birth and Death update, and you will be able to further study the birth, Life and death, of Stars. 0.9 will take us to some interstellar Familiar faces, including the Likes of Trappist 1 and Gliese 581, even if these systems don't have life, perhaps they harbor other answers to the Cosmos.
  4. In the Meantime, here is Fomalhault! Both of these Bodies have a small moon to explore
  5. Alright. I think the problem might have to do with me forgetting to input Kittopias heightmaps since Demon is the only one you provided (Not complaining) that appears to have this issue and it uses said heightmaps, and I am not encountering this issue. Shouldn't be the hardest thing to fix, it will take some time however.
  6. Did you install Niako Utils? Didn't really think of it being a dependency but VertexHeight Might be. If not I have ideas what the problem might be, and it would not be very pleasant having to correct it.
  7. to be more precise I need Distant Skies Body Logs. Sorry to be a bother.
  8. could I perhaps get the body logs too? Need those to better Diagnose the issue
  9. Can I get KSP Logs? Can't really help without them.
  10. Ignore the Discord link for now, Its not even properly set up yet.
  11. Do you have Kopernicus and its Dependencies installed?
  12. Pleased to announce the Rigel bug has been fixed, the rest of 0.8 is coming along well. Here is a teaser Guesses as to the System are welcome
  13. Only New Star Systems, nothing is done at all to the Kerbol System.
  14. Update out! VERSION 0.7 NEW SYSTEMS:TAU CETI, TEEGARDENS STAR, KEPLER 53 (Incomplete) BUGS FIXED (Kerbol SOI Issue, Atmospheric Vanishing on Duna-like planets, issues with kerbals on oceanlike planets.) Lots of Stars added Scatterer and (Basic) Eve Support Removed Hjem Oceans
  15. Already fixed this, update should hopefully be out soon.
  16. The Biggest advantage Juno to me has is its procedural parts and Planet Studio, The Latter of which is the only thing I typically use. But for a game that has built in planet modding, its very limited, even to the point in which Multi-Star Systems aren't even possible because you can only have 1-Sun Light source in the game. It just doesn't have the same level of soul ksp1, and even ksp2, have gotten. You can't even switch to custom star systems in career mode.
  17. "Could he?" If he theoretically forked up enough money to make it worth T2s time, yes. Realistically no, Elon has a real life rocket company and while I don't think he is enjoying seeing ksp2 founder why would he when he has real life rockets? A Better scenario would be NASA/JAXA/ESA and Perhaps ULA And SpaceX seeing potential to create future engineers/allow more space inspiration and them either buying it and working on it together or agreeing to fund the development instead of T2. No Idea how any of this works though IMO
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