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Dr. Kerbal

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Everything posted by Dr. Kerbal

  1. I a, the judge. And according to the evidence provided by both sides of the argument. I hereby declare that @Spaceman.Spiff is guilty.
  2. If anyone is wondering here is Intercept Games on Twitter. Here’s the link. https://twitter.com/InterceptGames/with_replies And here is their website. https://www.interceptgames.com Oo. Also found anew dev diary with mention of Intercept Games.
  3. Would it be strange is the devs let players (certain players) to play KSP2 in pre-alpha? I bet it would.
  4. I would go for clouds. I personally think Kerbin would look better with them.
  5. Using Solid Fuel Boosters to get to obit in KSP since 1.12 KSP (Console Edition). Yup. I wasn’t smart back then. I really took “More Boosters” quite literally. I once used 32 solid fuel boosters to get into orbit.
  6. You case ain’t done. Where the evidence that you are not guilty. Please prove your evidence stating that you did not summon @Misgiuded Kerbal
  7. No one on this forums can have the same username. Unless you were hacked it is you who posted this post. However even if you were been hacked that would of been the first thing you said. Right after your post: And saying it now will mean you admit you sent the post. The other options which is to stop talking about also mean you posted it. So i have evidence, and logic.
  8. Yes! This was the point of the challenge to think and go around seem to be high obstacles but really it isn't all that hard.
  9. Than what about this? I quote from @Spaceman.Spiff "guys lets prank MisgiudedKerbal and dont ping him on Feb. 12 or whatever he wanted to be pinged. shhhh. be very sneeki" I even have the quote above. Clearly this is evidence that @Spaceman.Spiff did prank MisgiudedKerbal.
  10. I clearly have evidence. Look. He even tried to hide with with everyone knowing!
  11. No to does not, I should probably clarify that more. Or. Sorry. I’m going through for clarification.
  12. Ever since the first release of Kerbal Space Program their had always been a space center (KSC). However we hav never seen the indie of them only though animations, pictures, and mods. But what if we could go inside in stock (gameplay). What I am suggestions is that when on EVA you should be able to open doors and enter buildings in the KSC. (I’m not sure if this waited be widely accepted though and people might just tell me to download mods, but I’m a a PS4). I am going to list some examples on what the biulding should look like inside if this update ever gets into the real game. VAB: The VAB indies like when building a ship but on EVA mode. Some rocket parts in the corners and construction workers messing around waiting for their next task. SPH: Same as VAB just SPH. Control Tower: Stairs and on the top clear in down glass with some desks and computers. The computers will show some of the payers crafts and names and some information about them. Like DV, description, and etc. Tracking Center Building: large TV screens along the circled walls with maps of each planter system and showing your crafts in live time orbiting or whatever path your crafts are following. And lots of decks and computers with probe and crafts names on them. And some other stuff. Research and Development: Labs, vacuum room, rocket testing labs, a conference room where scientist can talk about new technologies (in science mode it will show some parts you could unlock in the next nodes). and a whole room a surface samples with some failed and broken expereiments
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