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Dr. Kerbal

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Everything posted by Dr. Kerbal

  1. I’m also not surprised that KSP2 is delayed. Just getting a Minmus encounter is hard for me (butt hats like the only planet/moon I can’t seem to get too) but I mean, making space?! That’s way harder!
  2. Thanks @Nate Simpson! now I guess.... I wonder.... who shou,s it be...... I guess the big guys @Matt Lownehimeself!
  3. Nate Simpson told me that the UI cane be changed and place wherever you want. You could even arrange it to the original KSP.
  4. Some criticize that the developers of KSP2 shared the news too early. But I mean, how were they supposed to know that like the pandemic would happen. Or like Take Two taking over development of KSP2? Who would know that would happen?! Who knew all these challenges should delay KSP2 to 2022? No one. If the unexpected turns did not happen I think KSP2 would of released just fine in 2020 or 2021. But again, it not the devs fault that KSP2 is releasing 2022. I mean, who knew these turns would happen? So please. Don’t criticize the devs of faculty that they shared KSP2 too early.
  5. Can we have a little less glitched encounters? And yes. I think KSP2 will be playable for players form KSP1 just new features will have to be discovered and both games may have to be played differently.
  6. Oh my. I don’t want to see every update to be a DLC.
  7. I think for traditional rocket like going to the Mun or Duna will almost be the same. But interstellar travel will be different.
  8. I’m wondering. When will the next Show and Tell video come? Just curious. Or was that only a once thing?
  9. You can’t (shouldn’t) use Solid Fuel Boosters to orbit Pack a load of DV Quicksave more boosters
  10. What it says. Conditions : space above Mun. EVA. Scientist. Science Mode. PS4. Kelvis ladder.
  11. I mean. KSP2 has me worried. Was supposed to be released into 2020 Im assuming the release date got kicked back to 2021 due to commotion between developer companies Kicked back to 2022 because of the pendamic This is just all what I think and why the dates are so far back. What if it gates kicked back further.
  12. Here’s an example! Indian Space Program Japanese Space Program Korea Space Program Blue Origin
  13. The problem with science is KSP is that they science report will always be in the same weather the experiment is being blasters by rocket exhaust or heating in the atmosphere. Like why doesn’t a Kerbal EVA report is still the same weather that Kerbal is being blasted by rocket exhaust? Since KSP2 seems will have weather (I’m not sure and I could be totally wrong and incorrect) I’m hoping EVA reports and science experiments will be different. Because it does not make sense when the Mystery Goo is being blasted by Nerv Atomic Rocket exhaust and it the same as not being blasted by exhaust. So I’m hopping the report will be different depending on circumstances. Here I have listed the examples below. Kerbal on EVA (Kerbin) while NOT being blasted by exhaust: I don’t think a spacesuit was nessecary for getting here. Kerbal on EVA (Kerbin) while BEING blasted by exhaust: I is very hot and is something burning? As you may see I want to see that science, crew, and EVA reports are different depending on a circumstance. I think this would, be really fun and interesting. It would add some randomness and seeming to look l8e the game knows what the player is doing. Connection to player a bit more, maybe (I really don’t know). Depending also on the circumstance the science points would probably vary. I will list some more examples for more reference below: Thermometer in Deep Space (NOT touching anything hot): It it very cold and chilly here. Any heat is from the rocket. Thermometer in Deep Space (BEING EXPOSED TO ROCKET EXHIST): It is very hot in the rocket exhaust and it barely noticing the coldness of space. Earthquake Detecter (STILL and on Mun (Landed)): There a little Mun quake!!! Earthquake Detecter (Knocked over and bouncing on surface of Mun): All we can detect is the experiment bouncing! This isn’t an earthquake! Surface Sample (Not blasted by rocket exhaust)(Minmus): It looks edible. Just like mint ice cream. Surface Sample (Being blasted by rocket exhaust)(Minmus): It is a little black. It was burnt by the exhaust. I definitely would not eat it. These are three examples I have listed (above if you did not notice). I really hope the developers of Kerbal Space Program 2add this little feature in. I personally think it makes the game more interesting and it a sense that the player can feel like what the player is doing. A little connection (I really don’t know, I’m not a doctor who monitors behavior of people). I really hope they add this feature in KSP2 but if they don’t that’s fine. - Dr. Kerbal
  14. Could you make a meat collie by like putting a colony next to a colony? Mega colony.
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